By default, Jenkins archives artifacts generated by the build. These artifacts are stored in the JENKINS_HOME directory with all other elements such as job configuration files.
There is no separation between infrastructure elements, project elements and outputs.
It is often considered to be a bad practice and it doesn't help to manage JENKINS_HOME directory from an administrator point of view (backup issues, etc).
And for now, we can't change the 'Archived artifacts' location.
ArtifactDeployer plugin enables you to archive build artifacts to any remote locations such as to a separate file server (outside of JENKINS_HOME directory).
There are many other Jenkins plugins close to ArtifactDeployer such as CopyArtifact plugin or CopyArchiver plugin for publishing artifacts from Jenkins resources (from the current workspace, from the old builds of the same job or other jobs, ...) to remote locations with the protocol file://
There are also others plugins for managing other protocols such as ftp://, ssh:///.
But none of these plugins provides a common way to manage the deployment.
ArtifactDeployer is a complete alternative to the built-in Jenkins feature "Archiving artefacts' and it is aimed at providing an uniform deployment mechanism.
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aws-codebuild-jenkins-plugin, 一个插件,允许Jenkins用户使用 AWS CodeBuild运行一个构建 AWS CodeBuild插件Jenkins CodeBuild插件为Jenkins项目提供了一个构建步骤。 设置 Jenkins我们已经写了一个博客帖子,以...
Jenkins Email Extension Plugin是Jenkins自动化构建工具中的一个重要插件,它扩展了Jenkins的核心邮件通知功能,提供了更丰富的自定义选项和灵活性,使得开发者和持续集成团队能够更有效地进行沟通和协作。...
"jenkins-plugin"指的是 Jenkins 的插件系统,这些插件扩展了 Jenkins 的核心功能,使其能够更好地适应各种开发环境和项目需求。下面将详细讨论这些插件的功能及其在IT开发中的重要性。 1. **maven-plugin**: Maven...
这通常意味着先安装基础组件(如Jenkins Core更新或SVNKit),然后安装特定的插件(如Jenkins Subversion Plugin)。 在配置Jenkins与Subversion的集成时,以下是一些关键步骤: 1. **配置Subversion仓库URL**:在...
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copy the resulting ./target/credentials.hpi file to the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory. Don't forget to restart Jenkins afterwards. 2. or use the plugin management console ...