
The Chromium Projects




The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS, respectively. This site houses the documentation and code related to the Chromium projects and is intended for developers interested in learning about and contributing to the open-source projects.




    google-depot_tools安装指导英文pdf,Install depot_tools - The Chromium Projects.pdf


    关于SPDY的实际应用,我们可以参考`SPDY Proxy Examples - The Chromium Projects.htm`这个文档,它可能包含了一些关于如何设置和测试SPDY代理服务器的示例。通常,这些示例会指导用户如何配置服务器以支持SPDY,...

    C# 使用chromium内核浏览器源码

    I've been using CefSharp Chromium browser component in my projects for some time and I changed the WebBrowser in the project with CefSharp and this is how this application came to life.

    4147 of CEF. precisely, CEF 84.3.8 which includes Chromium 支持MP4

    the branch 4147 of CEF. precisely, CEF 84.3.8 which includes Chromium 84.0.4147.105,support mp4, self debuged, release edition x86,. 自己编译的,支持 Mp4,x86版本 set GN_DEFINES=is_component_build=...

    CEF4Delphi is an open source project created by Salvador

    The original license of those projects still applies to CEF4Delphi. Read the license terms in the LICENSE.md file. CEF4Delphi uses CEF 130.1.2 which includes Chromium 130.0.6723.44. The CEF ...

    Ubuntu The Complete Reference

    - **Ubuntu Ecosystem**: An overview of the ecosystem surrounding Ubuntu, including community projects, forums, and resources for learning and support. **Chapter 2 - Installing Ubuntu Linux** - **...


    3. **gyp**:GYP(Generate Your Projects)是一种跨平台的构建文件格式,可以生成不同操作系统下的Makefile、Visual Studio解决方案或Xcode项目。在Chromium项目中,源代码中的.gyp文件会被转换为特定平台的构建...


    The original license of those projects still applies to CEF4Delphi. CEF4Delphi uses CEF 92.0.25 which includes Chromium 92.0.4515. 最近项目上用来替代Webbrower和EmbeddedWb,非常好用。

    BrowserAutomationStudio可以自动化Chrome所能做到的一切。- bablosoft / BAS

    Browser Automation Studio ... Programming skills are not required. Main application types: creation of posters, ...Projects compiled with BAS are standalone executables and does not require any other

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