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Windows的adb shell中使用vi不乱码方法及AdbPutty -
我觉得这种东西自己开发太麻烦了,就别自己捣鼓了,找个第三方,方 ...
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[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
[转]android 一直在最前面的浮动窗口效果 -
When I build "call ...
Step by Step about How to Build libjingle 0.4
Basic setup
First, it's important to make sure the regular Android development system is set up.
cd /path/to/android/root
Important: You will still be using make
to build the files you will actually run (in the emulator or on a device). You will be using Eclipse to edit files and verify that they compile, but when you want to run something you will need to make sure files are saved in Eclipse and run make
in a shell. The Eclipse build is just for error checking.
Eclipse needs a list of directories to search for Java files. This is called the "Java Build Path" and can be set with the .classpath
file. We have a sample version to start you off.
cd /path/to/android/root
cp development/ide/eclipse/.classpath .
chmod u+w .classpath
Now edit that copy of .classpath
, if necessary.
Increase Eclipse's Memory Settings
The Android project is large enough that Eclipse's Java VM sometimes runs out of memory while compiling it. Avoid this problem by editing the the eclipse.ini
file. On Apple OSX the eclipse.ini file is located at
Memory-related defaults (as of Eclipse 3.4):
Recommended settings for Android development:
These settings set Eclipse's minimum Java heap size to 128MB, set the maximum Java heap size to 512MB, and keep the maximum permanent generation size at the default of 256MB.
Now start Eclipse:
Now create a project for Android development:
If Eclipse asks you for a workspace location, choose the default.
If you have a "Welcome" screen, close it to reveal the Java perspective.
File > New > Java Project
Pick a project name, "android" or anything you like.
Select "Create project from existing source", enter the path to your Android root directory, and click Finish.
Wait while it sets up the project. (You'll see a subtle progress meter in the lower right corner.)
Once the project workspace is created, Eclipse should start building. In theory, it should build with no errors and you should be set to go. If necessary, uncheck and re-check Project Build Automatically to force a rebuild.
Note: Eclipse sometimes likes to add an import android.R
statement at the top of your files that use resources, especially when you ask eclipse to sort or otherwise manage imports. This will cause your make to break. Look out for these erroneous import statements and delete them.
When You Sync
Every time you repo sync, or otherwise change files outside of Eclipse (especially the .classpath), you need to refresh Eclipse's view of things:
Window > Show View > Navigator
In the Navigator, right-click on the project name
Click Refresh in the context menu
Adding Apps to the Build Path
The default .classpath
includes the source to the core system and a sample set of apps, but might not include the particular app you may want to work on. To add an app, you must add the app's source directory. To do this inside Eclipse:
Project > Properties
Select "Java Build Path" from the left-hand menu.
Choose the "Source" tab.
Click "Add Folder..."
Add your app's
directory. -
Click OK.
When you're done, the "source folder" path in the list should look like
Depending on which app(s) you include, you may also need to include othersrc/main/java
directories under android/dalvik/libcore
. Do this if you find you cannot build with the default set.
Eclipse formatting
You can import files in development/ide/eclipse
to make Eclipse follow the Android style rules.
Select Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style.
Use Formatter > Import to import
. -
Organize Imports > Import to import
Debugging the emulator with Eclipse
You can also use eclipse to debug the emulator and step through code. First, start the emulator running:
cd /path/to/android/root
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch 1
If the emulator is running, you should see a picture of a phone.
In another shell, start DDMS (the Dalvik debug manager):
cd /path/to/android/root
You should see a splufty debugging console.
Now, in eclipse, you can attach to the emulator:
Run > Open Debug Dialog...
Right-click "Remote Java Application", select "New".
Pick a name, i.e. "android-debug" or anything you like.
Set the "Project" to your project name.
Keep the Host set to "localhost", but change Port to 8700.
Click the "Debug" button and you should be all set.
Note that port 8700 is attached to whatever process is currently selected in the DDMS console, so you need to sure that DDMS has selected the process you want to debug.
You may need to open the Debug perspective (next to the "Java" perspective icon in the upper-right, click the small "Open Perspective" icon and select "Debug"). Once you do, you should see a list of threads; if you select one and break it (by clicking the "pause" icon), it should show the stack trace, source file, and line where execution is at. Breakpoints and whatnot should all work.
Bonus material
Replace Ctrl with the Apple key on Mac.
Ctrl-Shift-o | Organize imports |
Ctrl-Shift-t | load class by name |
Ctrl-Shift-r | load non-class resource by name |
Ctrl-1 | quick fix |
Ctrl-e | Recently viewed files |
Ctrl-space | auto complete |
Shift-Alt-r | refactor:rename |
Shift-Alt-v | refactor:move |
Eclipse is not working correctly, what should I do?
Make sure:
You followed the instructions on this page precisely.
Your Problems view doesn't show any errors.
Your application respects the package/directory structure.
If you're still having problems, please contact one of the Android mailing lists or IRC channels.
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软件:Dev-Cpp 5.11 TDM-GCC 4.9.2 这个软件我相信大部分人都认识 Dev-C++是一款C++开发工具 Dev C++也是一个Windows下的C和C++程序的集成开发环境 但大家应该遇到这个问题 在访问Dev-Cpp下载的网站: ...
Dev-Cpp 5.11 是一款经典的C和C++集成开发环境,也被称为Dev-C++。这款轻量级的IDE特别适合初学者和专业开发者使用,它集成了编译器、调试器和其他必要的工具,使得C和C++程序开发更为便捷。在2020年5月发布的这个...
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Dev-Cpp 5.11 TDM-GCC 4.9.2 是一款专为Windows用户设计的强大C/C++集成开发环境(IDE),它在2024年进行了更新,以提供最新的功能和优化。这款软件是编程爱好者和专业开发者进行C++编程的理想选择,因为它集成了...
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Dev-cpp 6.0 Dev-C++是一个C&C++开发工具,它是一款自由软件,遵守GPL协议。它集合了GCC、MinGW等众多自由软件,并且可以取得最新版本的各种工具支持,而这一切工作都是来自全球的狂热者所做的工作,并且你拥有对这...
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devc 安装包 Dev-Cpp 5.9.2 TDM-GCC 4.8.1 Setup
**Dev-Cpp 5.4.0 MinGW 4.7.2 Setup** 是一个针对C和C++编程语言的集成开发环境(IDE),专为初学者和专业开发者设计。这个版本结合了Dev-Cpp IDE与MinGW编译器套件,其中MinGW是Minimalist GNU for Windows的缩写,...
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Dev-Cpp 5.6.0 MinGW 4.8.1 Setup.exe Dev-Cpp 5.6.0 MinGW 4.8.1 Setup.exe Dev-Cpp 5.6.0 MinGW 4.8.1 Setup.exe Dev-Cpp 5.6.0 MinGW 4.8.1 Setup.exe