
build Ice 3.4.2 for Ubuntu 11.10 64 bits


this tutorial is not necessary due to apt-get install can install Ice 3.4.2 easily (at least for Ubuntu 11.10)


the easiest way:


sudo apt-get install zeroc-ice34....and wait...


update on 04/2012


usig apt-get to install zeroc-ice34 may cause a weird problem about recycling references..


If you experience any Ice.updateModule problem ..just remove the whole package and build a new one from source.


don't forget to delete all related files on /usr/lib/python2.7/pymodules... it seems files residing there can't be removed silently.



1: install all third-party libs first


bzip2, db-4.8.3 mcpp, expat & openssl


for bzip2 openssl & expat, make sure -fPIC is used, otherwise compiler may warn you segment faults...


for bzip2 modify Makefile directly..


for openssl: ./config -fPIC --prefix=/usr/local shared


don't forget shared otherwise you will see an error about OPENSSL_cpuid_setup can't be used to make a shared object ...


before build mcpp lib,,, don't forget to patch it with patch -p0 <patch xxx


for mcpp. ./configure --enable-mcpplib --disable-shared CFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/usr/local


2: install Ice...


the default lib path is lib64 for Ice but Ubuntu itself uses lib so we need to change lib to lib64 first and put all depedencies

in that.  an easy way is to copy all files in usr/local/lib to usr/local/lib64


during the period of comipling you may see some errors related to ptrdiff_t..


the gcc version of Ubuntu 11.10 is 4.6.1 which fails to recognize ptrdiff_t as a type. so we need to change it to:




after that..you should fullfill your job without too much difficulty.


run test script in order to make sure everyting is fine..





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    ### Ice 3.4.2 Third Party Packages Readme解析 #### 概述 Ice 3.4.2 Third Party Packages 分发包包含了用于在Windows环境下构建Ice 3.4.2所需的一系列开源软件开发工具包(SDK)及库文件。此分发包的主要目的是...



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    Ice is a modern object-oriented toolkit that enables you to build distributed applications with minimal effort. Ice allows you to focus your efforts on your application logic while it takes care of ...

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