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system badimageformatexception and its partial solution
Pb (stands for Perspective broker), a built-in rpc lib of twisted has been used widely.
Pb supports py built-in types directly like: int, list, dict ...
complex object need extra effort to be transferred on wire.
Pb serialization sucks...if arugments are complex...like following:
val = {"hello":"hello","foo":"bar","baz":100,u"these are bytes":(1,2,3)}
it takes very long time to process... in my machine (IBM T400)
only 1100 req/second...it is too slow...
how to speed up? a simple answer is : use another serialization method..
I use bson. you may freely choose cPicke, marshal or protobuf.
we send string directly and then deserialize manually.
Is it better??
it is three times faster... the machine can process 3300 req/second...
the second way is to use pypy....
static building lxml
2014-08-13 19:15 841well it is not really straig ... -
build pyrun/python from source
2014-08-01 19:39 604quite easy on ubuntu. 1: ... -
build apsw manually
2014-01-06 01:22 558download sqlite sources and co ... -
python, vs 2010 & manifest problem
2013-11-02 13:33 646It looks like python com ... -
numpy 1.7.0 fails with cx_freeze 4.3.1
2013-02-24 16:13 867It is a work around: find ... -
build psycopg2 on windows with mingw64
2013-01-03 20:36 983caution: version match problem. ... -
Determining if a point lies on the interior of a polygon
2012-09-25 02:23 692link: http://paulbourke.net/geo ... -
2012-06-09 16:15 1619pypy-1.9 昨天已经发布,据称性能又有所提高。 ... -
a naive way to use dictcursor of psycopg2 with twisted adbapi
2012-05-03 03:14 1189make a new file called fakedb.p ... -
build psycopg2 on windows with vs
2012-05-02 02:16 883prerequisites: 1: postgresq ... -
twisted iocp reactor is still buggy---it was fixed on 23/10/2012
2012-03-19 14:53 1285I reported a bug on last wee ... -
change buffer size in order to send chunks data in ampoule
2011-12-03 16:08 820ampoule use name pipe to commun ... -
which one is thread safe?
2011-09-21 12:31 933quote: It's not so much tha ... -
2011-08-04 02:30 1613都知道py虽然方便但是却有个不是问题的问题:就是发布时的二进制 ... -
instructions for installing some python's pkgs on ubuntu
2011-07-23 00:54 794make sure python-dev, gcc and o ... -
a tedious way to build the latest pytables
2011-07-17 03:33 729pyTables is a great product. It ... -
2011-06-29 17:03 1448现在我手头用的是11.0。 很好。没什么很大的问题,原来的版本 ... -
2011-06-29 00:29 822我有个用py写的 crc-ccitt的验证程序(实现效率并不高 ... -
the simplest way to use vs 2010 with python
2011-06-03 15:48 690edit py/Lib/distutils/msvc9comp ... -
speeding up python
2011-06-03 15:36 902python确实是十分慢的语 ...
在这个场景中,"Test_invoke_interface.rar_INVOKE.INVOKE_interface" 的标题暗示我们正在处理一个关于测试调用接口的项目,它可能是一个单元测试用例,用于验证Linux环境下的某个接口功能。 描述中提到 "Test ...
在本案例中,“rpc-invoke.zip”是一个包含手写实现RPC通信的压缩包,涵盖了服务注册发现和负载均衡等关键功能。以下是关于这些主题的详细解释: 1. **RPC原理**: - RPC使得客户端能够像调用本地方法一样调用远程...
invoke.hpp std :: invoke / std :: apply for C ++ 11/14 要求 > = 4.9 > = 3.8 > = 2015年 安装 是仅标头的库。 您需要做的就是将headers文件从headers目录复制到您的项目中,并包括它们: # include " ...
Invoke 是简单的 Python 系统任务执行程序。示例:from invoke import run, task @task def clean(docs=False, bytecode=False, extra=''): patterns = ['build'] if docs: patterns.append('docs/_...
1. **可配置性**:用户可以通过配置文件(如`invoke.yml`)自定义任务的默认行为,包括任务的顺序、参数等。 2. **模块化**:任务可以分布在多个模块或文件中,方便组织大型项目。 3. **可扩展性**:`invoke`允许...
将该文件放到系统path路径里,解决RuntimeError: Unable to invoke 'cpp'. Make sure its path was passed correctly问题
Ivoke-WCMDump 什么是Credential Manager ...从Credential Manager导出Windows凭据的Powershell脚本 https://github.com/peewpw/Invoke-WCMDump PS>Import-Module .\Invoke-WCMDump.ps1 ...Invoke-WCMDump
Of course, we still have some way to make it become testable. 1. If the static methods invoke only happens in few classes, we could create an adaptor to isolate them. The implementation of adaptor is...
标题中的"loniiaj_invoke.rar_C++_"表明这是一个与C++编程相关的压缩包,可能包含源代码或者项目文件。描述提到"Programs to induce a naive possibilistic classifier (a possib",意味着这个压缩包可能包含用于...
Object maxNum = invoke.invokeFunction("max_num", 4, 6); System.out.println(maxNum); maxNum = invoke.invokeFunction("max_num", 7, 6); System.out.println(maxNum); } catch (Exception e)...
在invoke方法中,Spring会根据配置的元数据决定如何织入通知,如前置通知、后置通知、异常通知等。 4. **执行目标方法**:在调用通知之后,实际的目标方法会被调用,这就是所谓的“切面”执行。 Spring AOP的配置...
at com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.protocol.AbstractInvoker.invoke(AbstractInvoker.java:144) at com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.listener.ListenerInvokerWrapper.invoke(ListenerInvokerWrapper.java:74) at ...
Java 反射机制详解及 Method.invoke 解释 Java 反射机制是 Java 语言中的一种功能,允许程序在运行时访问和修改类、对象、方法、变量等的信息。这种机制提供了许多强大的功能,例如在运行时判断对象所属的类、构造...
《Python库Invoke 1.4.1:提升命令行任务执行效率》 Invoke是一个强大的Python命令行工具,专为编写可复用的shell脚本和命令设计,它为Python开发者提供了一种优雅的方式来组织和执行复杂的任务。在本文中,我们将...
标题中的“Excel、Word转PDF时,异常com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Invoke of: SaveAs”是一个关于在编程环境中转换Microsoft Office文档(如Excel和Word)为PDF格式时遇到的错误。这个错误通常与使用Jacob库进行...
在Windows Forms或WPF等UI环境中,由于UI元素(如控件)只能在其创建的线程(即UI线程)中进行修改,因此,当需要在后台线程更新UI时,`Invoke`和`BeginInvoke`就显得尤为重要。这两个方法都是`Control`类的成员,...