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April 2009 Web Server Survey


In the April 2009 survey we received responses from 231,510,169 sites. This represents an increase of over 6 million sites when compared with last month, with Google and nginx accounting for almost all of the changes. Apache remains in the lead, as it has since 1996, with a total of over 106 million sites, followed by Microsoft-IIS with over 67 million and QQ with almost 29 million.

Some interesting language specific servers which can be seen in this month's survey include the Ruby application server Mongrel , with just over 41 thousand sites, and the python based Zope with almost 46 thousand. The Pike and C based Caudium has almost 14 thousand sites, the Erlang based Yaws has about 70, and a newcomer, Salvia , which is a lightweight web server framework written in Haskell , has one.

Following on from last month's mention of fake server headers, where we saw the venerable ZX_Spectrum/1997 (Sinclair_BASIC) , this month we have hi , appearing as the server banner for twitter , which is currently the 432nd most popular site amongst our toolbar community.


Total Sites Across All Domains, August 1995 - April 2009


Graph of market share for top servers across all domains, August 1995 - April 2009


Developer March 2009 Percent April 2009 Percent Change
Apache 104,178,852 46.35% 106,368,727 45.95% -0.41
Microsoft 66,229,250 29.47% 67,767,928 29.27% -0.20
qq.com 28,905,129 12.86% 28,905,133 12.49% -0.38
Google 5,403,930 2.40% 7,229,033 3.12% 0.72
nginx 3,838,784 1.71% 6,100,424 2.64% 0.93

Developer March 2009 Percent April 2009 Percent Change
Apache 36,243,694 48.89% 37,268,162 46.52% -2.38
Microsoft 27,854,444 37.57% 30,116,432 37.59% 0.02
Google 4,050,030 5.46% 6,131,966 7.65% 2.19
nginx 2,303,451 3.11% 2,602,109 3.25% 0.14
qq.com 46,048 0.06% 0 0.00% -0.06

For more information on active servers, see Active Sites .

Developer March 2009 Percent April 2009 Percent Change
Apache 666,485 67.90% 663,649 67.56% -0.34
Microsoft 186,827 19.03% 185,763 18.91% -0.12
nginx 30,642 3.12% 31,064 3.16% 0.04
Google 15,594 1.59% 16,088 1.64% 0.05

For more information, see Million Busiest Websites.




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