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June 2008 Web Server Survey


In the June 2008 survey we received responses from 172,338,726 sites.

The total number of sites has increased by 3.9 million this month, with the largest gain being seen at ThePlanet.com , where 632,000 new sites maintain its position as the 6th largest hosting company in the world.

A large switch to the Bahamas was seen at Secure Hosting Limited , where 1.2 million sites were gained from Nameview Inc. The offshore hosting company offers web hosting and dedicated servers from its data centres located in the Bahamas and Jamaica, and even provides dual-homed hosting for a 100% uptime guarantee.

Most of the new sites at Secure Hosting Limited were using the Lighttpd web server both before and after the switch, so Lighttpd's market share remains fairly static this month. Microsoft's IIS web server grows by 2 million sites, boosting market share by 0.36%, but Apache remains in the lead with a total of 49.1%.

LiteSpeed loses more than 600 thousand sites during this survey, while nginx gains more than a million sites; more than doubling in numbers. The WordPress blogging system recently converted all of its load balancers to nginx, using the upstream hash module to serve 8-9 thousand requests per second. Netcraft's site report shows the main WordPress site switching from LiteSpeed to nginx in April. nginx is a web server and mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.


Total Sites Across All Domains August 1995 - June 2008

Total Sites Across All Domains, August 1995 - June 2008


Graph of market share for top servers across all domains, August 1995 - June 2008


Top Developers
Developer May 2008 Percent June 2008 Percent Change
Apache 83,746,837 49.73% 84,647,780 49.12% -0.61
Microsoft 58,991,106 35.03% 60,995,528 35.39% 0.36
Google 10,127,956 6.01% 10,468,720 6.07% 0.06
lighttpd 1,523,148 0.90% 1,532,952 0.89% -0.01
Sun 545,651 0.32% 550,723 0.32% -0.00
Developer May 2008 Percent June 2008 Percent Change
Apache 32,839,213 48.04% 33,419,978 46.97% -1.07
Microsoft 24,040,260 35.17% 25,292,798 35.54% 0.38
Google 6,592,598 9.64% 7,256,264 10.20% 0.55
Sun 173,679 0.25% 176,726 0.25% -0.01
lighttpd 92,041 0.13% 100,536 0.14% 0.01
Totals for Active Servers Across All Domains
June 2000 - June 2008

A more detailed list of servers is given here .




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