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Apache3.0 时代的到来!

spooning model,waka,Canned Error Responses

It’s time for Apache 3.0
One process model per common platform
no more guessing who is running how on what
no more support for platforms that suck (use 1.3.x)
if you want to run on/with something else,
you’ve got the source code
All compile-time choices are GONE
httpd and httpsd are DIFFERENT executables
APR is replaced by Moccasin
All APIs are based on Waka
get those sticky hands off my data structures!
“Kiss my ass” compatibility

Simplify Process Model
Modular Process Models
Apache 0.3
fork model
Apache 1.0
prefork model
Apache 1.3 introduced non-Unix models
prefork, win32
Apache 2.x introduced MPMs
prefork, beos, mpmt, os2, netware, threaded, winnt, worker, event
Apache 3.0 will just use the right MPM
based on whatever our own developers have tested to be
the best choice for a given platform
We call this the “spooning model

Spooning Model

Less Configuration

Default to SAFE and SIMPLE configuration
no (default) configuration files
no compile-time settings
All settings designed for PROGRAMMER TESTING
start up using current owner and group
listen to localhost:8080
default to content/manual
all other settings must be on command-line
httpd -c configuration.txt
httpsd -C directory
A new protocol designed to match the efficiency of
well-designed Web Applications

Why “waka”?
Mäori word (pronounced “wah-kah”) for the outrigger
canoes used to travel safely on the Pacific Ocean,
across hundreds of islands, to Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Also, one of the few four-letter words suitable for a
protocol name
Deployable within an HTTP connection
via the HTTP/1.1 Upgrade header field
defined mapping to HTTP/1.1 for proxies

Unified Protocol and API
Protocols are the heart of a server
Apache 1.0: HTTP/1.0
Apache 1.2: HTTP/1.1
Apache 2.0: HTTP/1.1, POP3, ECHO
Apache 2.2: HTTP/1.1, POP2, ECHO, SMTP, FTP
Apache 3.0: waka, HTTP/1.1
The request_rec is replaced with waka_rec
waka messages are a tokenized data structure
memcopy, validate, pass by reference
coordinate using blackboard style, semaphores
no more DIY request/response construction



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