In the
March 2008 survey, we received responses from
162,662,052 sites. Growth has continued to rise over the past few months, with this month seeing a gain of four and a half million new sites.
The largest changes this month are once again seen amongst the blogging and social network providers. Google increases its developer share by gaining 842 thousand hostnames; most of which are used for blogs. Although MySpace gained nearly 200 thousand hostnames this month, the total number of active sites fell noticeably after many more users marked their profiles as private.
Apple has recently started hosting sites created with their own iWeb program. iWeb is a template-based web page creation tool, and the latest version is included with Apple's iLife package. The majority — more than 24 thousand — of these iWeb sites are being served from a single IP address, using the new AppleDotMacServer-1B5626 web server.
While Google is the largest developer to gain share this month, the LiteSpeed web server continues to show very rapid growth on the internet — growing by more than a quarter this month — and is now serving 605 thousand websites around the world.
Total Sites Across All Domains August 1995 - March 2008
Market Share for Top Servers Across All Domains August 1995 - March 2008
Top Developers
DeveloperFebruary 2008PercentMarch 2008PercentChange
Apache | 80,580,183 | 50.93% | 82,454,415 | 50.69% | -0.24 |
Microsoft | 56,265,527 | 35.56% | 57,698,503 | 35.47% | -0.09 |
Google | 8,169,930 | 5.16% | 9,012,004 | 5.54% | 0.38 |
lighttpd | 1,565,536 | 0.99% | 1,552,650 | 0.95% | -0.04 |
Sun | 547,510 | 0.35% | 546,581 | 0.34% | -0.01 |
DeveloperFebruary 2008PercentMarch 2008PercentChange
Apache | 32,666,670 | 48.73% | 33,011,740 | 49.38% | 0.65 |
Microsoft | 24,099,347 | 35.95% | 23,533,801 | 35.20% | -0.75 |
Google | 5,686,979 | 8.48% | 5,571,311 | 8.33% | -0.15 |
Sun | 180,392 | 0.27% | 172,218 | 0.26% | -0.01 |
lighttpd | 103,404 | 0.15% | 77,483 | 0.12% | -0.04 |
Totals for Active Servers Across All Domains
June 2000 - March 2008
A more detailed list of servers is given here.
TOP 10
VendorProductWeb Sites
Apache | Apache | 82,083,768 |
Microsoft | IIS | 57,692,890 |
Google | GFE | 9,008,750 |
Unknown | Unknown | 3,281,088 |
Oversee | Oversee | 1,850,130 |
lighttpd | lighttpd | 1,552,650 |
Other | Other | 1,112,902 |
nginx | nginx | 954,122 |
LiteSpeed | LiteSpeed | 604,925 |
Zeus | Zeus | 484,562 |
### GoAhead WebServer 移植详解 #### 引言 GoAhead WebServer 是一款源码免费、功能强大的嵌入式Web服务器,适用于多种操作系统环境,包括但不限于eCos、Linux、LynxOS、QNX、VxWorks、WinCE、pSOS等。其主要特性...
Platform_SDK_for_Windows_Server_2003_R2_March_2006完整原始映img像盘,没有处理工具的,可以使用一起提供的UltraISO另存为普通的ISO文件,就可以另存出文件或直接挂载到光驱安装了。 包含完整的VC6编译64位程序所...
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying puts together all the ingredients you need to understand this declarative and set-oriented way of thinking and become a profi cient SQL programmer, ...
DirectX SDK March 2009精简版是一款专为开发者设计的软件开发工具包,主要针对游戏开发和图形编程领域。DirectX是由微软公司开发的一系列应用程序接口(API),用于处理多媒体任务,尤其是游戏开发中的图形、音频和...
March-C and March-X for ram checking.
它广泛应用于Web开发、数据分析、人工智能、自动化脚本等多个领域。因此,我们有理由假设这个压缩包可能包括以下内容: 1. Python源代码文件(.py):这些文件包含了用Python编写的程序或脚本,可以是独立的应用...
包含了 一种Mbist新型算法March_3CL的设计_陈之超.caj 一种基于LFSR与MARCH_C_算法的SRAM内建自测电路设计_焦慧芳.caj 一种基于SRAM内建自测试的改进型March算法设计与验证_王振宇.caj 内建自测试march算法的优化...
它基于Office Web Apps技术,并与SharePoint Server紧密集成,为用户提供了一个安全且高效的在线文档处理环境。与之前的版本相比,Office Online Server 2018在性能、稳定性以及用户体验方面都有显著提升。 ### 二...
Publisher: Microsoft Press (March 10, 2008) ISBN-10: 0735625042 ISBN-13: 978-0735625044 This official Microsoft RESOURCE KIT delivers the in-depth, technical information and tools you need to help ...
### Microsoft Press Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Resource Kit (March 2008) #### 知识点一:Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Resource Kit 的介绍 《Microsoft Press Windows Server 2008 ...
标题中提到的知识点是“March Test Algorithm for 3-Coupling Faults in Random Access Memories”,这指向了在随机存取存储器(RAM)中检测三种耦合故障的March测试算法。RAM存储器是计算机系统中用于数据存储和...
"mem.rar" 文件包含了关于MARCH-C算法的资料,这是一种广泛使用的SRAM错误检测技术。下面我们将深入探讨MARCH-C算法、C语言实现、Verilog描述以及在SRAM测试中的应用。 MARCH(Memory Array Redundancy ...
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:messenger_server_march-0.1-py3-none-any.whl 资源来源:官方 安装方法:
vs 2010 解决Convex Hull 其中包括了用Graham Scan和Jarvis March两种算法, GUI用得picturebox, 可以改成panel效果更好 生成点更快 如有疑问 email
这个名为“”的压缩包包含了长征三号B火箭的三维模型,适用于Simulation Tool Kit (STK)软件进行仿真分析。STK是一款强大的航天器系统工程工具,能够进行多学科的仿真,包括轨迹优化、通信链路...
本次TRS Post-Survey Conference的主题是“Onward March for a Resilience Growth”,旨在分析2023-2024中国整体薪酬趋势。报告共计21页,涵盖了 Mercer中国的整体薪酬趋势、薪酬趋势等知识点。 Mercer中国整体...
"" 文件是2018年3月发布的Eclipse Oxygen.3版本,专门为Windows 64位操作系统设计。这个版本包含了支持多种编程语言的工具和功能,尤其强调了对Java EE(Java ...
DirectX SDK(March 2009)是一个重要的软件开发工具包,专为Windows平台上的游戏和图形应用程序设计。这个版本发布于2009年3月,包含了开发者需要的各种库和头文件,用于创建利用DirectX技术的应用。DirectX是由...