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最近了解到一款StratoIO打印控件,功能如下:1、Html ...
NodeJS使用ipp协议打印 -
Mac下连接SQL Server客户端 -
我遇到这个问题了!我的原因是配置文件里写得各个包的xsd文件的 ...
Referenced file contains errors (http://www.springframework.org/schema...错误 -
我只想知道,你最后配置成功了吗?我这里怎么tomcat总是死呢 ...
关于 Nginx+Tomcat+Memcached做负载均衡加共享session -
jun23100 写道我也遇到这个问题了,环境都是正确的,怎么 ...
There we are, after giving you access to some of the latest features coming in Flash through the Incubator program, I am happy to announce the availability of Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 in public beta (for desktop). You will find below the list of features available in this release. Please test your content against these builds, report any bug you find, log bugs, and if you want, you can also send me a message on Twitter (@thibault_imbert), I will follow up.
Some nice awaited community features are shipping here like removing BitmapData restrictions, Socket progress events, native JSON, etc but also other awaited features like native 64-bit support or Stage3D (aka Molehill). Of course we are working hard on mobile builds too, at this time the AIR 3 SDK is not available in a public beta; however you can apply for the private prerelease program here : https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=prerelease_interest
For those curious about why we do not provide yet 64-bit debugger builds, answer is : Flash Player is supported on 64-bit platforms for content playback. Given the architecture changes required for 64-bit debugging, support for content development will be made available in the next generation of Flash Platform tooling which is currently under development.
Finally, as 3D and security have been a topic of interest lately, Emmy Huang's is also giving some more details on her blog post about security and Stage3D (Molehill). Our statement below :
Because two of our primary design goals were to ensure Stage 3D will run great on mobile devices without compromising security, the Stage 3D implementation exposes a specific set of GPU features, resulting in a small API surface, making it easier to secure. We also added restrictions that help mitigate many of the security concerns around accessing OpenGL. For instance, we limit the number of calls per frame, minimizing the risk of denial-of-service attacks. We also designed a simple shader language (AGAL - Adobe Graphics Assembly Language) with restrictions such as prohibiting loops or functions inside shaders. The simplicity of AGAL makes it also easy to verify and validate compared to the GLSL dialect that is used by other solutions like WebGL.
Finally, I really want to emphasize that we are so excited about this release, we hope you guys will build amazing things with it, we had so much fun creating this, so enjoy!
New Features in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3
•Stage3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering — Stage3D ("Molehill") is a new architecture for hardware accelerated graphics rendering developed by Adobe. Stage3D provides a set of lowlevel APIs that enable advanced 2D/3D rendering capabilities across screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). It gives 2D and 3D app and framework developers access to high performance GPU hardware acceleration, enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences. Note: These pre-release builds include Flash Player and AIR desktop support; AIR for Android and iOS support will be enabled in a future pre-release build.
•Flash Access Content Protection Support for Mobile — Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices.
•H.264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras (desktop) — Stream high quailty video from your computer's camera with higher compression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling both immersive real-time communications (e.g., video chat and video conferencing) and live video broadcasts.
•Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Support — Allows ActionScript developers to take advantage of high performance native parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Developers can integrate existing data seamlessly into their projects.
•G.711 Audio Compression for Telephony — Support interoperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway (FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol) without the need for transcoding.
•Garbage Collection Advice — Provides smoother, more responsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints (through System.pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent) to optimize garbage collection scheduling.
•Cubic Bezier Curves — The Graphics.cubicCurveTo drawing API allows developers can easily create complex cubic Beziers without requiring custom ActionScript code.
•Secure Random Number Generator — Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms and protocols.
•Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and Flash Access Enhancements — Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection for streaming video across screens while eliminating the deployment complexity of a license server. New Flash Access content protection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining, domain support, and enhanced output protection and device filtering.
•Socket Progress Events — Improve management of data transfer using the Socket class by providing a new property to determine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a new event for when data is being sent to the network layer. The new APIs (Socket.bytesPending, Event.OutputProgressEvent) allow applications can easily track progress and provide responsive feedback.
•Native Text Input UI (mobile) — Mobile apps can now take advantage of the native text input controls on mobile platforms, including platform-specific user interaction behaviors such as magnification and text selection. Native text controls are available on Android, BlackBerry Tablet, and iOS operating systems.
•JPEG-XR support — Flash Player and AIR now include support for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard (International Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationally lightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression than JPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and adds support for alpha channel transparency.
•Enhanced high resolution bitmap support — BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps that utilize very large bitmaps.
•High efficiency SWF compression support — Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWF files. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40%, enabling users to benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times and reduced bandwidth consumption. Use Tinic's tool or a custom one to compress your SWF's.
•DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying — DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API allowing developers to quickly remove all of a container's children using a single API.
New Features in Flash Player 11
•Native 64-bit Support (Flash Player desktop) — Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
•Asynchronous Bitmap Decoding (new for Flash Player) — Improve app responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decoding images on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached as needed.
•TLS Secure Sockets Support (new for Flash Player) — Enables secure communications for client/server applications.
New Features in AIR 3
•Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (new for AIR) — Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliver efficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playback experiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reduced memory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile*, desktop, and TV devices (*supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS).
Now, for those wondering why do we have this picture in the middle of this blog post, then you need to have a look at this
There we are, after giving you access to some of the latest features coming in Flash through the Incubator program, I am happy to announce the availability of Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 in public beta (for desktop). You will find below the list of features available in this release. Please test your content against these builds, report any bug you find, log bugs, and if you want, you can also send me a message on Twitter (@thibault_imbert), I will follow up.
Some nice awaited community features are shipping here like removing BitmapData restrictions, Socket progress events, native JSON, etc but also other awaited features like native 64-bit support or Stage3D (aka Molehill). Of course we are working hard on mobile builds too, at this time the AIR 3 SDK is not available in a public beta; however you can apply for the private prerelease program here : https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=prerelease_interest
For those curious about why we do not provide yet 64-bit debugger builds, answer is : Flash Player is supported on 64-bit platforms for content playback. Given the architecture changes required for 64-bit debugging, support for content development will be made available in the next generation of Flash Platform tooling which is currently under development.
Finally, as 3D and security have been a topic of interest lately, Emmy Huang's is also giving some more details on her blog post about security and Stage3D (Molehill). Our statement below :
Because two of our primary design goals were to ensure Stage 3D will run great on mobile devices without compromising security, the Stage 3D implementation exposes a specific set of GPU features, resulting in a small API surface, making it easier to secure. We also added restrictions that help mitigate many of the security concerns around accessing OpenGL. For instance, we limit the number of calls per frame, minimizing the risk of denial-of-service attacks. We also designed a simple shader language (AGAL - Adobe Graphics Assembly Language) with restrictions such as prohibiting loops or functions inside shaders. The simplicity of AGAL makes it also easy to verify and validate compared to the GLSL dialect that is used by other solutions like WebGL.
Finally, I really want to emphasize that we are so excited about this release, we hope you guys will build amazing things with it, we had so much fun creating this, so enjoy!
New Features in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3
•Stage3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering — Stage3D ("Molehill") is a new architecture for hardware accelerated graphics rendering developed by Adobe. Stage3D provides a set of lowlevel APIs that enable advanced 2D/3D rendering capabilities across screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). It gives 2D and 3D app and framework developers access to high performance GPU hardware acceleration, enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences. Note: These pre-release builds include Flash Player and AIR desktop support; AIR for Android and iOS support will be enabled in a future pre-release build.
•Flash Access Content Protection Support for Mobile — Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices.
•H.264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras (desktop) — Stream high quailty video from your computer's camera with higher compression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling both immersive real-time communications (e.g., video chat and video conferencing) and live video broadcasts.
•Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Support — Allows ActionScript developers to take advantage of high performance native parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Developers can integrate existing data seamlessly into their projects.
•G.711 Audio Compression for Telephony — Support interoperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway (FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol) without the need for transcoding.
•Garbage Collection Advice — Provides smoother, more responsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints (through System.pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent) to optimize garbage collection scheduling.
•Cubic Bezier Curves — The Graphics.cubicCurveTo drawing API allows developers can easily create complex cubic Beziers without requiring custom ActionScript code.
•Secure Random Number Generator — Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms and protocols.
•Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and Flash Access Enhancements — Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection for streaming video across screens while eliminating the deployment complexity of a license server. New Flash Access content protection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining, domain support, and enhanced output protection and device filtering.
•Socket Progress Events — Improve management of data transfer using the Socket class by providing a new property to determine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a new event for when data is being sent to the network layer. The new APIs (Socket.bytesPending, Event.OutputProgressEvent) allow applications can easily track progress and provide responsive feedback.
•Native Text Input UI (mobile) — Mobile apps can now take advantage of the native text input controls on mobile platforms, including platform-specific user interaction behaviors such as magnification and text selection. Native text controls are available on Android, BlackBerry Tablet, and iOS operating systems.
•JPEG-XR support — Flash Player and AIR now include support for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard (International Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationally lightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression than JPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and adds support for alpha channel transparency.
•Enhanced high resolution bitmap support — BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps that utilize very large bitmaps.
•High efficiency SWF compression support — Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWF files. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40%, enabling users to benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times and reduced bandwidth consumption. Use Tinic's tool or a custom one to compress your SWF's.
•DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying — DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API allowing developers to quickly remove all of a container's children using a single API.
New Features in Flash Player 11
•Native 64-bit Support (Flash Player desktop) — Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
•Asynchronous Bitmap Decoding (new for Flash Player) — Improve app responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decoding images on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached as needed.
•TLS Secure Sockets Support (new for Flash Player) — Enables secure communications for client/server applications.
New Features in AIR 3
•Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (new for AIR) — Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliver efficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playback experiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reduced memory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile*, desktop, and TV devices (*supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS).
Now, for those wondering why do we have this picture in the middle of this blog post, then you need to have a look at this
flex Post请求乱码问题
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关于Class flash.notifications::RemoteNotifierSubscribeOptions could not be found.
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2012-12-24 19:11 1392对于Starling的交互 已经不能使用MouseDown、 ... -
2012-12-19 22:09 1848在使用Flex编写AIR程序的时候 访问this.stage ... -
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2012-12-10 10:34 1637在网上找了很多关于Tweenlite的讲解和说明,但是在实际应 ... -
在IOS设备上调试AIR出现Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed.
2012-12-05 17:43 3228具体原因不明~ clean 了工程就好了 -
Flex Mobile移动开发通过BlazeDS与服务器通信遇到的链接频道失败问题
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Flex Mobile移动开发报类似错误E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers
2012-11-07 11:00 1168类似错误 看起来很莫名其妙,居然有个绝对路径的信息,但是 ... -
ActionScript 停止load进来的swf声音
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在用Firefox中Flashplayer debug flex/flash的时候超时出现crashed崩溃的解决办法
2012-09-25 18:03 1355在用Firefox中Flashplayer debug fle ... -
2012-08-10 23:20 1197今天发现,在List或者DataGrid中,重写itemEdi ...
此外,FlashPlayer10还提供了对Adobe AIR(Adobe Integrated Runtime)的支持,使得开发者可以创建桌面应用,这些应用使用相同的ActionScript和Flash技术,但可以在用户的电脑上离线运行。这扩展了Flash技术的应用...
总结而言,Flash Player Mobile是移动设备多媒体发展的一个重要阶段,它见证了技术的迭代与变迁。虽然现在已经不再主流,但它在推动行业发展、提高用户体验方面的作用不容忽视。理解并学习这段历史,对于理解和适应...
ANE全称为Adobe Native Extensions,是Flash Player和Flash Air的一个重要特性,它使得开发者能够利用原生的系统功能,比如硬件设备的访问,来增强其应用程序的功能。 要实现串口通信,开发者需要创建或使用已有的...
Adobe Flash 11引入了一个强大的新特性,Stage3D,为游戏开发者提供了高效、低级别的图形渲染能力,极大地提升了在Web上开发复杂2D和3D游戏的性能。本指南面向初学者,旨在帮助读者掌握如何利用Stage3D进行游戏编程...
2. **具有特定于AIR功能的Flash Player类**:这些类使Flash Player应用程序能够利用AIR的特性,如离线存储和设备集成。 3. **特定于AIR的Flex组件**:Flex是Adobe的RIA框架,其AIR组件支持更复杂的应用程序界面...
综上所述,Flash Player 11和Adobe AIR 3在多个方面进行了重要的升级和完善,无论是从技术支持还是用户体验的角度来看,都带来了显著的进步。这对于开发者来说意味着更多的可能性和更强大的工具集;对于用户而言,则...
Flash、Flex和AIR是Adobe公司推出的三个重要工具和技术,它们在构建富互联网应用程序(RIA)和跨平台移动应用中扮演着关键角色。 Flash,全称Adobe Flash,是一种广泛使用的多媒体创作和播放平台,它能够创建动画、...
这个版本的Away3D可能包含了对Flash Player 11新特性的优化,如硬件加速的Stage3D API,极大地提升了3D渲染的性能。Stage3D是Flash Player 11引入的一项底层图形API,它可以实现低级别的硬件加速,显著提高3D游戏和...
Stage3D是Adobe Flash Player 11和AIR 3引入的一项重大革新,它允许开发者利用硬件GPU(图形处理器单元)加速来渲染复杂的3D场景,从而极大提升了应用程序的性能和视觉效果。本文将深入探讨Stage3D的启用方法、环境...
2. **Stage3D (Molehill)**:这是Adobe Flash Player 11和AIR 3.0中引入的新技术,用于加速3D图形渲染。它允许开发者直接访问GPU(图形处理单元),从而极大地提高了3D图形性能。 3. **Game Programming**:指使用...
在Windows 32位系统上,FlashPlayer是通过这个OCX(Object Linking and Embedding, Object Control Extension)文件来实现Flash内容的播放功能。 "Flash.ocx"是Adobe Flash Player的核心组件,它包含了运行SWF格式...
为了解决这个问题,Adobe公司在2011年推出了Flash Player 11和Adobe AIR 3,这两个新版本引入了一个名为Stage3D的硬件加速3D渲染引擎。Stage3D提供了底层API,使得3D应用能够充分利用GPU的计算能力,极大地提升了...
ActionScript 3.0是Adobe Flash Player和Adobe AIR中的主要编程语言,与之前的版本相比,AS 3.0引入了更多面向对象的特性,如类、包和接口,以及更强大的类型系统和事件驱动模型。这些改进使得代码更加结构化,提高...
通过学习和理解这个项目,我们可以深入探讨Flash AS3的关键特性以及在构建游戏时的应用策略。 【描述】:“基于Flash AS3的俄罗斯方块,基本功能实现,供大家参考.fb软件。” 这个描述表明项目已经实现了俄罗斯...
2. ActionScript编程:AIR支持使用ActionScript编写应用程序,它是Flash Player的编程语言,提供了面向对象编程能力。 3. HTML/JavaScript开发:如果你更熟悉Web开发,你可以使用HTML5、CSS3和JavaScript来构建AIR...
Flash3D,作为Adobe Flash技术在3D领域的延伸,曾是构建互动式Web内容和游戏的重要工具,尤其是在Adobe AIR的支持下,它能够实现更丰富的3D视觉效果和交互体验。 首先,我们要了解Flash3D的基本概念。Flash3D是...
ActionScript3是Adobe Flash Professional、Flash Player以及Adobe AIR等平台的核心脚本语言,它提供了强大的功能和性能,使得开发者能够创建交互式网页内容、动态图形以及丰富的互联网应用程序(RIA)。 这本书的...