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[Banking] - 什么是Core Banking

什么是Core Banking,老实说我现在都不是很理解, 摘下wiki百科的一段话:

原文链接在这里: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_banking


Core banking is a general term used to describe the services provided by a group of networked bank branches. Bank customers may access their funds and other simple transactions from any of the member branch offices.

Core banking这个术语用于描述由一组由网络互联着的银行分行提供的服务。银行客户可以从任何一个分行使用他们的资金和其它简单的业务。

Core Banking

Core means "Basic".hence,the basic services provided by the internetworked branches of bank is called the "Core Banking". Core Banking is normally defined as the business conducted by a banking institution with its retail and small business customers. Many banks treat the retail customers as their core banking customers, and have a separate line of business to manage small businesses. Larger businesses are managed via the Corporate Banking division of the institution. Core banking basically is depositing and lending of money.
Core可以表示基础的意思。因些由银行各个网络连接着的分行提供的基本服务被称作“Core Banking”。通常,Core Banking被定义为由银行机构及其零售客户和小型商业客户所实施的业务。
Nowadays, most banks use core banking applications to support their operations where CORE stands for "Centralized Online Real-time Exchange". This basically means that all the bank's branches access applications from centralized datacenters. This means that the deposits made are reflected immediately on the bank's servers and the customer can withdraw the deposited money from any of the bank's branches throughout the world.These applications now have capability to address need of corporate customers also , hence comprehensive solution for bank Few decades ago it used to take atleast a day for the amount to reflect in the account because each branch had their local servers and the data from server in branch to server in the datacenter happened only at the end of the day (EoD).
Normal core banking functions will include deposit accounts, loans, mortgages and payments. Banks make these services available across multiple channels like ATMs, Internet banking, and branches.


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