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Hunter skill' tips(part two)

Hunter skill' tips(part two)

Required Item: Bird Snare.

The main birds for your runescape accounts can capture are: Crimson Swifts, Golden Warbler, Copper Longtails, Cerulean Twitches, and Tropical Wagtails. Each one when caught gives you feathers relating to itself.

Crimson Swifts are found on the beach in the Jungle region, when you get there with your bird snare(s), lay them and wait for a Crimson Swift to land on one, if you successfully capture it then it will fall over, if it flies off, it has escaped your trap, you need to disassemble it, and then reassemble it for the snare to work.

Wearing camouflage area that matches the reason and staying a distance away also helps capture birds, recommended 5+ spaces away.

All birds also drop Bones and Raw Bird Meat.

The red, orange, brown and blue feathers can be sold to the Fancy Clothing store in East Varrock, and the Stripy feathers can be used to capture the fabled Rainbow Fish for which these are the only bait available.


Required Items: Butterfly Net, Butterfly Jar.

There are four different types of butterflies: Red Harvest Butterflies, Sapphire Glacialis Butterflies, Snowy Knight Butterflies, and Black Warlock butterflies. To capture a Butterfly, you must have a Butterfly catching net, and Butterfly jars which can be bought from the shop. Red Harvest Butterflies are located in the woodlands region, Sapphire Glacialis and Snowy Knight Butterflies, are located in the snow region. Black Warlock Butterflies are located in the Jungle region.

When in a multi-combat area you can use the butterflies to boost other users stats:

Ruby Harvest - Attack
Sapphire Glacialis - Defense
Snowy Knight - Hitpoints
Black Warlock - Strength
Butterflies can be hard to spot as they move quickly and appear as specks of color:
Written By Cxkslei
Special Thanks To Neo Avatars, Mac, Blondeguy32, Terminator, Kebkin. , Mrcsupertrain, Anywher3, ?arbeque, Simple013, Jbui8000, Seraph, Dragins0, Collinross, fry, N1k, Kuemper, Quack, Esrom, Body, Dissentor, Just Joshin, Lord Zanian, Damaged500, Reaver, MoOsElOrD, Krad, Roy
The hunter skill is a very interesting skill in RuneScape, giving you the ability to track, set traps, and catch all sorts of creatures that you would otherwise be unable to interact with. It takes patience though, and you'll need to start small and work your way up to the tougher creatures - but it's worth it! hunter's skill is not easy to get, but if you follow my tips you ll runescape power leveling of this skill easily and you can get lots of runescape gold either.


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