Doric's Quest
Description:Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils but first he would like you to run an errand for him.
Difficulty: Novice
Length: Short
Requirements: 15 mining is a huge advantage
Items Needed: Any Pickaxe (Quest will provide a Bronze Pickaxe).
Quest Points: 1
Reward: 1300 mining exp, 180 runescape gold, permission to use Doric's anvils.
Start Point: Doric's Anvil (north of Falador).
To Start: Talk to Doric.
First off go talk to Doric who is located northwest of Falador and he will tell you that to use his anvils you must give him 6 Clay, 4 Copper ore, and 2 Iron ore. Doric will give you a bronze pickaxe at the start of the quest.
Walk east along the path to get to the Dwarven Mines which are located on top of the cliff you will pass.
Once you get to the top go down the trap door and head south. You will run into some copper rocks and 2 iron rocks. runescape accounts Mine your 2 iron and 4 copper then go south a little more to find some clay. Mine your 6 clay here. If you do not have the mining level for iron a friend can get them for you. Use the following map to help.
Once you have the 6 Clay, 4 Copper ore, and 2 Iron ore in your inventory go back to Doric's house. He will reward you with 1 quest point, 180 runescape money, and 1,300 mining experience. You can now use runescape accounts the anvils in Doric's house.
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