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Gnome Agility Course

Gnome Agility Course

When your runescape accounts first start power level Agility, it's highly recommended that you begin at the Tree Gnome Stronghold Agility course. The stronghold is located north-west of Ardougne. It's by far the easiest way to quickly gain experience, as there is no chance of failing and getting hurt.

For a completed lap around the course, you'll receive a total of 86.5 Agility experience, but you must do all of the obstacles in order. First cross the Log, run forward and climb the Net. Climb up the Tree Branch, balance on the Rope and climb down the tree. Now run forward and climb over the net, climb through the Pipes and start over.

Gnome Agility Course
Obstacle Agility Experience
Log 7.5
Net 7.5
Tree Branch 5
Balancing Rope 7.5
Climb Down Tree 5
Net 7.5
Pipes 7.5
Total 86.5

Extended Gnome Course

After reaching runescape power leveling 85 agility you have the option to use the extended area for extra experience. To get to the extended section of the course, begin by walking across the log balance, and then climb up the obstacle net. Next, climb up the tree branch, and climb up the next tree branch. To climb up the second tree branch you need 85 agility.

The extended course offers 745 experience per run. It is possible to fail the extension, so it is recommended to bring food. To complete the course, you must first walk across the log balance, and climb up the obstacle net. Next, climb up a branch, climb the following branch, and run across a sign. Swing across two poles, jump across a wire and jump down the pipe to complete the course,you dont pay much of runescape gold when you finish the course.


Once you reach level 25 Agility, you'll be able to play Skullball! You must have also completed the Creature of Fenkenstrain Quest and be wearing a Ring of Charos. The course is found near Canifis, southeast of Mazchna the Slayer Master. You should find a Werewolf in a small hut in the swamp; speak to him and climb down the ladder to enter the Werewolf area.

Speak to the Skullball Boss to start a game of Skullball. It's a kind of progressive soccer, except for the fact that your ball is actually a Skull. The faster you shoot the Skull through each of the 10 different goals, the more experience you'll gain. There are 3 options that you can use when playing:

1. Tap - Moves the Skullball 1 square ahead.
2. Kick - Moves the Skullball 4 squares ahead.
3. Shoot - Moves the Skullball 10 squares ahead.

You can gain 750 or more xp if you complete the game in under 4 minutes. After that, for ever 3 seconds over 4 minutes, you'll lose about 7-8xp.


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