关键字:SqlServer2005Dev版本安装 SQL Server Management Studio简单实用 SQLCMD运用
Part one: 安装
1. SqlServer2005 preInstallation
先安装IIS组件,再安装.NET Framework;

执行 aspnet_regiis.exe -i
2. 安装

其次,配置Service Account的时候要选Use the built-in System account(如下图)

还有是配置authentication mode的时候,要选择Mixed Mode,如下图(SQL Server Management Studio登陆的用户名为sa)

点击start-All programs-Micrift SqlServer 2005将会看到如下画面

Part two: SQL Server Management Studio
点击start - All programs - Micrift SqlServer 2005 - SQL Server Management Studio,可以进入SQL Server Management Studio操作界面
关于SQL Server Management Studio个人理解他就是一个数据库客户端,所以他的功能我们可以想象到(管理维护服务器)

同样我们可以在Object Explore中创建表、视图、索引等

Note That:On the Management Studio toolbar, click Database Engine Query to open the Query Editor

Part three: SQLCMD
The first step to using sqlcmd is starting the utility.
To start the sqlcmd utility and connect to a default instance of SQL Server
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
2. At the command prompt, type sqlcmd.
3. Press ENTER.
To terminate your sqlcmd session, type EXIT at the sqlcmd prompt.
An example to use sqlcmd(the below figure)

To connect to a named instance of SQL Server by using sqlcmd
1. Open a command prompt window, and type sqlcmd -S myServer
2. Press ENTER.
An example to connect to Local Server and search all databases(the below figure)

It is obviously that there are three added databases in Local Server.
Use sqlcmd to run Transact-sql
the below figure show the process of the using of Transact-sql

Note that: in the local server, there is a database name 'test2',and in database test2 exist a table named 'test2'.
To run the script file
the Script file name is 'testScript.sql', located in Disk C root path, the content of testScript.sql as following:
-----------------------Script start-----------------------------------
use test2;
create table test_script (
id integer not null ,
name varchar(200) null
insert into test_script values(100,'Script 100');
insert into test_script values(101,'Script 101');
insert into test_script values(102,'Script 102');
select * from test_script;
--------------------------Script end---------------------------------------
run the script file as the below figure described;

- 大小: 6.9 KB

- 大小: 1.6 KB

- 大小: 12.1 KB

- 大小: 6.9 KB

- 大小: 55.7 KB

- 大小: 23.8 KB

- 大小: 28.7 KB

- 大小: 22.7 KB

- 大小: 4.7 KB

- 大小: 8.7 KB

- 大小: 15 KB

- 大小: 3.2 KB
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这个"SQL 2005 Dev 学习代码"压缩包很可能是包含了一系列针对SQL Server 2005开发的学习资源,如示例代码、教程文档等,旨在帮助用户深入理解和掌握SQL Server 2005的开发技巧。 在SQL Server 2005中,开发者可以...
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String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=myDatabase"; String username = "myUsername"; String password = "myPassword"; try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, ...