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算法导论(2nd) 结构
* <Introduction to Algorithms 2nd> (total 984 page,8 part)
* part 1 (chp 1 - 5)
foundation of algorithms (基础入门)
* chp 1
an overview of algorithms and their place in modern computing systems
This chapter defines what an algorithm is and lists some examples.
It also makes a case that algorithms are a technology, just as are fast hardware, graphical user interfaces, objectoriented systems, and networks.
* chp 2
see our first algorithms,which solve the problem of sorting a sequence of n numbers.
We use a pseudocode to descript it,which could be implement into any existing language by a competent programmer.
We use two different algorithms to solve the problem,and with the n increase,we compare the algorithms.
* chp 3
defines a notation,which we call asymptotic notation
* chp 4
delves further into the divide-and-conquer method (分离,按步解决),
particular,contains methods for solving recurrences.
* chp 5
introduces probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms (概率分析 & 随机算法).
* Appendices A-C
contain mathematical material that you will find helpful as you read this book.
* part 2 (chp 6 - 9)
sort & order statistics (排序 & 次序统计)
* chp 6
heapsort (堆排序),sorts n numbers in place in O(n lg n) time,
use an important data structure,called a heap,which we can implement a prority queue.
* chp 7
quicksort (快速排序),
its worst-case running time is Θ(n2), its average-case running time is Θ(n lg n),
and it's generally outperforms heapsort in practice(通常比 heapsort 要更高效).
* chp 8
introducing the dicision-tree model in order to study the performance limitations of comparson sorts.
counting sort algorithm,
related algorith,radix sort,
* chp 9
order statistics
* part 3 (chp 10 - 14)
data structure (数据结构)
* chp 10
simple data structures (基本数据结构)
* chp 11
hash table (哈希表)
* chp 12
binary search trees (二分查找树)
* chp 13
red-black trees (红黑树)
* chp 14
show how to augment red-black trees to support operations other than basic ones.
* part 4 (chp 15 - 17)
advanced design and analysis techniques (高级 设计 & 分析 技术)
* chp 15
dynamic programming (动态编程)
* chp 16
greedy algorithms (贪婪算法)
* chp 17
amortized analysis (分摊分析)
* part 5 (chp 18 - 21)
advanced data structures (高级 数据结构)
* chp 18
* chp 19
Binomial Heaps
* chp 20
Fibonacci Heaps
* chp 21
Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
* part 6 (chp 22 - 26)
graph algorithms (图 算法)
* chp 22
elementary graph algorithms (图 的 基本算法)
* chp 23
minimum spanning tree (最小生成树)
* chp 24
single-source shortest path (单1起点 最短路径 问题)
* chp 25
all-pairs shortest path (全对 最短路径 问题)
* chp 26
maximum flow (最大流)
* part 7 (chp27 - 35)
selected topics (精选 专题)
* chp 27
Sorting Networks (排序网络)
* chp 28
Matrix Operations (矩阵运算)
* chp 29
Linear Programming (线性规划)
* chp 30
Polynomials and the FFT (多项式与快速傅里叶变换)
* chp 31
Number-Theoretic Algorithms (数论算法)
* chp 32
String Matching (字符串匹配)
* chp 33
Computational Geometry (计算几何学)
* chp 34
NP-Completeness (NP 完全性问题)
* chp 35
Approximation Algorithms (近似算法)
* part 8 (Appendix: A - C)
Appendix:Mathematical Background (附录:相关 数学)
* Appendix A:
Summations (求和)
* Appendix B:
Sets, Etc. (集合)
* Appendix C:
Counting and Probability (求总数 & 概率)
<An Introduction to Algirithm> 's online resource:
* http://www.verycd.com/topics/87348/ 第2版, 英文,note,视频 等
* http://www.verycd.com/topics/2825438/ 第2版, 中文,英文
* <Introduction to Algorithms 2nd> (total 984 page,8 part)
* part 1 (chp 1 - 5)
foundation of algorithms (基础入门)
* chp 1
an overview of algorithms and their place in modern computing systems
This chapter defines what an algorithm is and lists some examples.
It also makes a case that algorithms are a technology, just as are fast hardware, graphical user interfaces, objectoriented systems, and networks.
* chp 2
see our first algorithms,which solve the problem of sorting a sequence of n numbers.
We use a pseudocode to descript it,which could be implement into any existing language by a competent programmer.
We use two different algorithms to solve the problem,and with the n increase,we compare the algorithms.
* chp 3
defines a notation,which we call asymptotic notation
* chp 4
delves further into the divide-and-conquer method (分离,按步解决),
particular,contains methods for solving recurrences.
* chp 5
introduces probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms (概率分析 & 随机算法).
* Appendices A-C
contain mathematical material that you will find helpful as you read this book.
* part 2 (chp 6 - 9)
sort & order statistics (排序 & 次序统计)
* chp 6
heapsort (堆排序),sorts n numbers in place in O(n lg n) time,
use an important data structure,called a heap,which we can implement a prority queue.
* chp 7
quicksort (快速排序),
its worst-case running time is Θ(n2), its average-case running time is Θ(n lg n),
and it's generally outperforms heapsort in practice(通常比 heapsort 要更高效).
* chp 8
introducing the dicision-tree model in order to study the performance limitations of comparson sorts.
counting sort algorithm,
related algorith,radix sort,
* chp 9
order statistics
* part 3 (chp 10 - 14)
data structure (数据结构)
* chp 10
simple data structures (基本数据结构)
* chp 11
hash table (哈希表)
* chp 12
binary search trees (二分查找树)
* chp 13
red-black trees (红黑树)
* chp 14
show how to augment red-black trees to support operations other than basic ones.
* part 4 (chp 15 - 17)
advanced design and analysis techniques (高级 设计 & 分析 技术)
* chp 15
dynamic programming (动态编程)
* chp 16
greedy algorithms (贪婪算法)
* chp 17
amortized analysis (分摊分析)
* part 5 (chp 18 - 21)
advanced data structures (高级 数据结构)
* chp 18
* chp 19
Binomial Heaps
* chp 20
Fibonacci Heaps
* chp 21
Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
* part 6 (chp 22 - 26)
graph algorithms (图 算法)
* chp 22
elementary graph algorithms (图 的 基本算法)
* chp 23
minimum spanning tree (最小生成树)
* chp 24
single-source shortest path (单1起点 最短路径 问题)
* chp 25
all-pairs shortest path (全对 最短路径 问题)
* chp 26
maximum flow (最大流)
* part 7 (chp27 - 35)
selected topics (精选 专题)
* chp 27
Sorting Networks (排序网络)
* chp 28
Matrix Operations (矩阵运算)
* chp 29
Linear Programming (线性规划)
* chp 30
Polynomials and the FFT (多项式与快速傅里叶变换)
* chp 31
Number-Theoretic Algorithms (数论算法)
* chp 32
String Matching (字符串匹配)
* chp 33
Computational Geometry (计算几何学)
* chp 34
NP-Completeness (NP 完全性问题)
* chp 35
Approximation Algorithms (近似算法)
* part 8 (Appendix: A - C)
Appendix:Mathematical Background (附录:相关 数学)
* Appendix A:
Summations (求和)
* Appendix B:
Sets, Etc. (集合)
* Appendix C:
Counting and Probability (求总数 & 概率)
<An Introduction to Algirithm> 's online resource:
* http://www.verycd.com/topics/87348/ 第2版, 英文,note,视频 等
* http://www.verycd.com/topics/2825438/ 第2版, 中文,英文
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Contents Preface................................................................................................................................. xix PART 1—WHY LEARN GO—GETTING STARTED Chapter 1...