function, enable program broken into pieces, so that for reuse & easy to maintain,
define function
function is the same as normal assembly instructions,
it has a label, and use ".type label_name, @function" to tell that this is a function,
.type label_name, @function
label_name is a label,
this line says that label_name is the start of a function,
and the function will be called via this label,
this line is end of function,
step to use function
* before call:
* push params of function into stack in reverse order
* call function
call do 2 things:
* push %eip into top of stack, this will be the return address,
* set %eip to start address of called function, so that program will jump to function,
* inside function:
* save %ebp to stack
* move %esp to %ebp, so that easy to read param & make use of stack as storage,
* read params from stack,
the first param is at "8(%ebp)" now, because we push %ebp which take 4byte, and "call" push %eip which take 4byte,
* do logics
* put return value into %eax
* restore %esp from %ebp
* restore %ebp from stack
* ret
ret instruction return control to where it's called from, by pop top of stack to %eip,
remember that before call, the return address is at the top of stack, so before ret, should restore stack to before call, this is done by restore %esp,
* after return:
* adjust %esp to the position before push params of function,
* get return value from %eax,
recursive function
each function call has it's own stack,
first push stack for all recursive function call, then release all function call & stack & do calculation,
use pushed %ebp to keep track of %esp of previous call,
calling convention
means the basic rule to:
* pass param
* make use of registers
use stack to pass params, push in reverse order,
use %ebp to keep track of current %esp,
use pushed %ebp to keep track of previous %esp,
# function - sum of square
.section .data
.long 1,2,3,4,-5
.long 5
.section .text
.globl _start
pushl num_count # second param, number count
pushl $nums # first param, start address of numbers
call square_sum # call function
addl $8, %esp # restore stack to status before push params of function
movl %eax, %ebx # status value for exit
jmp exit # exit
movl $1, %eax
int $0x80
# a function to caculate sum of square
# param:
# first param:
# start address of numbers
# second param:
# count of numbers
# storage:
# %edi:
# count of number remain
# %ecx:
# address of current number
# %ebx:
# value & square of current number
# %eax:
# sum of squares
.type square_sum, @function # function start
pushl %ebp # save %ebp to stack
movl %esp, %ebp # save %esp to %ebp, also use %esp as base address to get value from stack
movl 8(%ebp), %ecx # read first param, start address of numbers
movl 12(%ebp), %edi # read second param, count of numbers
movl $0, %eax
square: # one square
cmpl $0, %edi
jle square_sum_end
movl (%ecx), %ebx
imull %ebx, %ebx
addl %ebx, %eax
decl %edi
addl $4, %ecx
jmp square
square_sum_end: # end square function
movl %ebp, %esp # restore %esp, for ret
popl %ebp # restore %ebp
ret # function end
# function - factorial
.section .data
.long 5
.section .text
.globl _start
pushl num
call factorial
addl $4, %esp
movl %eax, %ebx
jmp exit
movl $1, %eax
int $0x80
.type factorial, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl 8(%ebp), %edi # read num
movl $1, %eax
jmp factorial_one
cmpl $1, %edi
jle factorial_end
imull %edi, %eax
decl %edi
jmp factorial_one
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
# function - factorial recursive
.section .data
.long 5
.section .text
.globl _start
pushl num
call factorial
addl $4, %esp
movl %eax, %ebx
jmp exit
movl $1, %eax
int $0x80
# function for factorial - recursive, numbers are all pushed to stack, then do multiplication
# param:
# first param: number
# storage:
# when push stack:
# %eax -> number
# when pop stack:
# %ebx -> number
# %eax -> tmp result
# %ebx:
# current %esp
# pushed %ebx:
# store last %esp
.type factorial, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $1, %eax
jle factorial_end
decl %eax
pushl %eax
call factorial
movl 8(%ebp), %ebx
imull %ebx, %eax
jmp factorial_end
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
how to execute:
as xxx.s -o a.o; ld a.o -o a.out;./a.out;echo $?
这个“Reflex-function-demo.zip_DEMO”是一个演示项目,旨在展示如何使用C#中的反射功能。下面将详细介绍反射及其在实际开发中的应用。 反射的核心在于System.Reflection命名空间,该命名空间提供了若干类,如...
6. **库和系统调用**:虽然汇编语言可以直接控制硬件,但Amiga也提供了一些库和系统调用,比如.library和.library:Function调用方式,可以让编程更加便捷。学习如何使用这些工具能提高代码的可读性和效率。 7. **...
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It is the first clone search engine that can efficiently identify the given query assembly function’s subgraph clones from a large assembly code repository. Kam1n0 is built upon the Apache Spark ...
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from assemblyline_core import some_function ``` 这里,"some_function"是库中提供的一个具体功能。实际使用时,需要查阅官方文档或库的源代码以了解详细用法。 总的来说,"assemblyline_core-4.0.0.dev187-py3-...
You are visitor as of October 17, 1996. The Art of Assembly Language Programming <br>Forward Why Would Anyone Learn This Stuff? 1 What's Wrong With Assembly Language 2 What's Right With ...
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This revised and updated Third Edition of the classic text guides students through assembly language using a hands-on approach, supporting future computing professionals with the basics they need to ...
In-line assembly not allowed -----------------不允许使用行间汇编 Incompatible storage class -----------------存储类别不相容 Incompatible type conversion --------------------不相容的类型转换 ...
Simple-FASM-window-with-HIGHLY-EXCEPTED-DROP-FILE-FUNCTION 你可以用这个窗口做任何你想做的事。 所有你想要的。 此外,由于某种原因,拖放选项不起作用。 现在弄好了,以后再补。 用 FASM 1.71.31 制作。 时间...
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Hardware verification engineers often run bare-metal tests to verify core-related function in a System on Chip (SoC). However, it can be challenging to write boot code for a bare-metal system, without...
| `break 'function'` | 在进入函数`function`时设置断点 | | `delete` | 删除所有断点 | | `delete n` | 删除第n个断点 | | `disassemble` | 反汇编指定内存区域,默认反汇编当前函数 | #### 使用GDB进行调试 - *...
This component is not a modification of the original DynamicWrapper, it was written from scratch in the GoAsm assembly language. So far I have tested it under Windows XP SP1 and Windows 98 SE. New ...
Source code for CommBase.dll assembly. Build in a Visual Studio C# Class Library project. Set the XML Documentation File option in configuration properties to rebuild the Intellisense comments. ...