link archor, this is a link with a archor,
#mood, is the archor part, could be the id/name of a element on the page,(html5 support id, html4 support id & name, so use id,)
when click:
when click on such a url,
if the current base url is the same as the target, then it will not refresh the page, just scroll to the location where the archor exists, in case the archor not exists, then it will not scroll, nothing change,
if the current base url is different, then it will go to the new page,
how to get the archor:
<a> is a HTMLAnchorElement, it's hash property give the archor part with the "#" if exists,
has a archor part,
no archor part, empty string,
also, the href property include the archor part,
a trick to use archor:
click a link with archor on the same page, will not trigger page refresh, but you can get a click event,
from the event you can get the value of archor, then you can do something, like ajax request & update the page content,
gmail / qzone / .. all use this kind of archor,
包括windows上的评估程序以及程序源码 + archor tag的固件源码 + 串口开发协议和文档, 我这边也有 arm linux端 源码可以参考 ,uwb原厂方案; Pdoa; 机器人跟随功能; 开发资料; windows评估程序; 程序源码; archor tag...
包括windows上的评估程序以及程序源码 + archor tag的固件源码 + 串口开发协议和文档, 我这边也有 arm linux端 源码可以参考 ,UWB原厂方案; Pdoa; 机器人跟随功能; 开发资料; windows评估程序; 程序源码; archor tag...
react-native-anchor-carousel React Native 的一个简单的可滑动轮播,它锚定列表的两侧。 安装 安装依赖。 $ npm install react-native-anchor-carousel $ yarn add react-native-anchor-carousel ...
uwb 原厂方案,Pdoa 原来做机器人跟随功能用的,懂的人看图都懂, 带开发资料。...包括windows上的评估程序以及程序源码 + archor tag的固件源码 + 串口开发协议和文档, 我这边也有 arm linux端 源码可以参考
下面的JS代码通过document.archors数组获取第一个archor的innerHTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <a></a><br> <a>CSS Tutorial</a><br> <a>XML Tutorial <p>innerHTML of the first ...
- 包含多个状态常量,如STATUS_ARCHOR_NO_APPLY、STATUS_ARCHOR_APPLY、STATUS_ARROR_CAMERA、STATUS_ARROR_ALL,用于定义主播申请状态。 17. **申请成为活动主播**: - API:/api/v1.0/broadcast/archorApply -...