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css li 不换行 -
netbeans 中使用 maven -
servlet 以 gzip 格式返回数据 -
gdb 调试工具 -
css li 不换行
js array method
array has some build-in method, to manipulate array,
join array elements and return a string, elements are separated by a separator,
the default separator is ',' , also you can specify one,
var arr = [1,2,3,4]; console.log(arr.join()); console.log(arr.join('-'));
reverse array elements, and return the reversed array, the method effect the original array,
var arr = [1,2,3,4]; console.log(arr); arr.reverse(); console.log(arr);
sort array, and effect the original array,
default order:
default order is according to alphabetical order, (elements will be convert to string temporarily if necessary),
comparison function:
you can specify a comparison function as argument, which specify the order,
there are 2 param for the comparsion function,
return a num:
<0 means first param is appear first,
>0 means second param is appear first,
=0 means equal,
var arr = [5,1,7,2,9,3,4]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.sort()); // order from small to big console.log(arr.sort(function(a,b) { // order from big to small return b-a; }));
append element to array, and return the new array, the original array will not change,
there could be multiple params which might be single element or array, they will be add by order,
array param:
if param has array, it will be treat as a unit, and will not be separated,
var arr = [1,2,3]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.concat(4,5,[6,7],[[8,9],[[10,11],[12,13]]])); console.log(arr);
slice(x,y), return sub array by index [x,y), and not effect the original array,
if second param is missing, then return to the end,
if param is <0, then +=length once, if still <0, then nothing will be returned,
if index out of range, then nothing will be returned,
if first>=second, then nothing will be returned,
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.slice(1,3)); console.log(arr.slice(1)); console.log(arr.slice(-3,-1)); console.log(arr.slice(-3,-20)); console.log(arr.slice(3,1)); console.log(arr.slice(100,102));
splice(start,number to delete, ... ), used to add / remove element from array, and return the removed element array, the original array will be effect,
if second param is missing, then delete to end,
third and more params, it to be insert from start, (insert is perfromed after elements remove),
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.splice(1,3)); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.splice(4)); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.splice(2,0,'a','b')); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.splice(2,2,'hello',' ','how are you!')); console.log(arr);
push & pop
append 1/more elements to the end, and return the new length of array, effect the original array,
remove 1 element from the end, decrease length by 1, and return the removed element, effect the original array,
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.push(6)); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.push('a','b')); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.pop()); console.log(arr);
shift & unshift
insert 1/more elements to the beginning, and return the new length, effect the original array,
if insert more elements is inserted once, their order in the new array is the same as in the param list,
remove first elements of the array, and return it, effect the original array,
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; console.log(arr); console.log(arr.unshift('a','b')); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.unshift('a')); console.log(arr.unshift('b')); console.log(arr); console.log(arr.shift()); console.log(arr);
toString & toLocaleString
first convert its element to string if necessary, then join them with ',' into one string,
the output string is not surrounded by any thing,
this is the same as calling join(),
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; var arr2 = [1,2,[3,[4,5]]]; console.log(arr.toString()); console.log(arr2.toString());
is the localized version of toString(),
first convert its element to string by calling toLocaleString() of the element if necessary, then join them with a locale-specific (and implementation-defined) separator into one string,
link archor
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js logic operator
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js 检验 Array
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这个名为“Project5-Javascript-ArrayMethods”的项目显然关注的是JavaScript中的数组方法。数组方法是JavaScript中处理和操作数组的强大工具,对于任何JavaScript开发者来说,理解并熟练运用它们至关重要。 首先,...
day7-js arrayMethods-2 day8-js html5Canvas day9-js devtoolTricks 第10天-jsholdShift day11-js html5VideoControl day12-js keySequenceDetection day13-js slideInOnScroll day14-js 参考VsCopying ...
在这个名为"DOM-Array-Methods"的项目中,开发者结合了这两种技术来实现一系列的功能,包括从API获取数据、遍历、变换、筛选、排序以及聚合数据。 首先,项目通过调用API获取随机用户数据。这通常涉及到发送HTTP...
"arraymethods"这个主题涵盖了JavaScript中数组对象所提供的各种内置方法,这些方法极大地增强了我们处理和操作数组的能力。接下来,我们将深入探讨其中的一些关键知识点。 1. **数组创建与初始化** - `let arr = ...
第6周-JS数组方法 这是一项任务,使我们有机会使用不同的数组方法。 它基于虚构业务环境中的一些用例,这些用例会涉及排序,过滤和查找数据的常用用法。 此分配中使用的方法如下: forEach() filter() map() ...
现有数组方法的新版本该项目从头开始在JavaScript的Array.prototype中重新创建以下方法: 推送(数组,项目) 弹出(数组) 移位(数组) 不移位(数组,项目) Array.prototype中使用的唯一属性/方法是“长度”。...
JavaScript基础 范围和关闭 目标 说明功能范围 描述什么是闭包,如何在程序中创建闭包,以及理解JavaScript中的闭包为何重要 介绍 这个挑战集中在范围和闭包上。 在这项挑战中,您将努力建立一个scoreboard (在...
要使用这些方法,只需在代码顶部要求使用more-array-methods ,然后将其作为函数运行即可 const makeArraysLessTerrible = require('more-array-methods'); makeArraysLessTerrible(); //congratulations! you just...
一个实现E4X XML数组方法JavaScript库。 它旨在使XML更易于在基于(Spider | Trace | Action)Monkey和Rhino的服务器端JavaScript环境中使用。 请参阅此以了解如何将其与XML一起使用。
"Advanced-Array-Methods:数组方法第2部分"的主题深入探讨了JavaScript数组的高级用法和方法,这些都是开发人员在处理复杂数据操作时不可或缺的工具。下面将详细介绍其中的一些关键知识点。 1. **`map()`**: 这个...
Incorporate ideas with curried functions, array methods, classes, and more to create code that does more with less while yielding fewer bugs. It's time to write JavaScript code that's clean and ...
`array-methods-practicer`是一个专为提升JavaScript开发者对数组方法理解与应用能力的应用程序。这个移动友好型项目旨在帮助用户通过实践来掌握一系列常见的数组操作。 ### 一、JavaScript中的数组方法 1. **map...
JS方法第2部分JavaScript方法练习-作为30天30天香草JS编码挑战JavaScript30的一部分完成使用的方法: Array.prototype.some() Array.prototype.every() Array.prototype.find() Array.prototype.findIndex()
structs.js 用于创建和操作字节数组的Javascript数据类型用法示例 import Struct from 'structs.js'var bottle = new Struct ( ) ;var label = bottle . push ( new Struct ( ) ) ;var content = bottle . push ( "B...
使用JavaScript数组方法 该站点是有关如何在javascript中使用map()和forEach()方法的简单演示。 动机 当我第一次使用,我发现了javascript方法map()来遍历JSX中的数据。 以前有一些用JavaScript编写功能代码的经验,...
custom-array-methods-js 具有自定义构建JavaScript方法的JSON对象。 这些方法为解决常见的js问题提供了一种更方便,更优雅的方法。 安装:git clone 从'./custom-methods-js/customMethods'导入; 用法:am....