controls are essential part of any programming language. and scala is no except, being as a functional programming language, it has something that is speical from others, let's see.
// builtin_control_structurfe.scala // this will display the list of control construct that is avaible in scala language // 1. equational reasoning // 1.1. if is an expression as an expression it returns value val filename = if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "default.txt" // using a val instead of a var is that it support equational erasonning , because it introduce a variable because it is equal // equal to the expression that compute it println( if (!args.isEmpty) args(0) else "default.txt" ) // 2. while loop (not expression) // first of all about while loop is that there is no "continue" nor "break" in scala while, and "while-looop" in scala is a loop, not an "expression", so while // is executed only for its side-effect, it does not return values (to be exact, it does have return value, and the return value is an Unit) .. def gcdLoop(x : Long, y : Long) : Long = { var a = x var b = y while ( a != 0) { val temp = a a = b % a b = temp } b } def greet() {println("Hello")} // def greet() = {println("Hello")} // and there is yet another do-while in scala // this is how you can get an empty Unit vlaue greet() == () // REMEMBER: Scala assignment always results in the unit value () var line = "" do { line = readLine() println("Read : " + line) } while (line != "") // a better way of replacing while in pure-funtional way is like this: def gcd(x :long, y : Long) : Long = { if (y == 0) x else gcd(y, x % y ) } // 3. Functional for // for is the functional power of scala let's see val filesHere = (new".")).listFiles val filesHere = (new"C:\\dev\\workspace\\scala-train\\src\\controlStructures")).listFiles // 3.1. range e.g. 1 for (i <- 1 to 4) println("Iteration " + i ) // 3.2. range e.g. 2 for (i <- 1 until 4) println("Iteration " + i ) // 3.3. filtering with if for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")) println("File: " + file) // inlucde more filters as you want for (file <- filesHere if file.isFile if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") ) println(file) def fileLines (file = // 3.4. Nested iteration def grep(pattern : String ) = for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala"); // do we need the ending ';'? line <- fileLines(file) if line.trim.matches(pattern) ) println(file + ": " + line.trim) grep(".*gcd.*") // 3.5. you can do variable binding mid-stream def grep(pattern : String ) = for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala"); // do we need the ending ';'? line <- fileLines(file); // yet another needed ';' trimmed = line.trim if trimmed.matches(pattern) ) println(file + ": " + trimmed) // 3.6 yield another collection // there is another key word 'yield' for this // for-clauses yield body for (file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")) yield file val forLineLengths = for { file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") line <- fileLines(file); trimmed = line.trim if trimmed.matches(".*for.*") } yield trimmed.length // 4. throw an exception // // 4.1. throw is an expression, and technically, the expression return type of 'Nothing' val half = if (n % 2 == 0) n / 2 else throw RuntimeException("n must be even") // 4.2. catching exception general syntax import import import try { val f = new"input.txt") } catch { case ex: FileNotFoundException => Console.err.println("File not found !") // handle missing files case ex: IOException => Console.err.println("General error reading the file !") // handle missing files } // 4.3. how you will use the finally clause in scala, and finally is also an expressoin, not surprise is expected from you var f : FileReader = null try { // do something on the file f = new"input.txt") } catch { case ex: FileNotFoundException => Console.err.println("File not found !") // handle missing files case ex: IOException => Console.err.println("General error reading the file !") // handle missing files } finally { if (f != null) f.close } // code below shows that the try-finally returns a value import import def urlFor(path: String) = try { new URL(path) } catch { case ex: MalformedURLException => new URL("Http://") } // 5. the famouse match clause in Scala // half of the power of Scala lies in its match clause, where you can match against 1) a constant, 2. a type 3. a expression, 4. wildcards, 5. list and other collections val firstArg = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else "" // match clause for its side-effect firstArg match { case "salt" => println("pepper") case "chips" => println("salsa") case "eggs" => println("bacon") case _ => println("hun?") // match a wildcards } // match clause is an expression val firstArg = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else "" val friend = firstArg match { case "salt" => println("pepper") case "chips" => println("salsa") case "eggs" => println("bacon") case _ => println("hun?") // match a wildcards } // 6. loop without break/continue // 6.1 you can do that via a flag variable var i = 0 var foundIt = false while (i < args.length && !foundIt) { if (!args.startsWith("-")) { if (args(i).endsWith(".scala")) foundIt = true } i = i + 1 } // 6.2. or you can do is via the the match and recursion def searchFrom(i : Int) : Int = if (i >= args.length) -1 else if (args(i).startsWith("-")) searchFrom(i + 1) else if (args(i).endsWith(".scala")) i else searchFrom(i + 1) val i = searchFrom(0) // 6.3. strongly discouraged import scala.util.control.Breaks._ import val in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader( breakable { while (true) { println("? ") if (in.readLine() == "") break } } // 7. variables scope // val a = 1; { val a = 2; // compie just fine, because it shadow the the outer scope variable println(a) } println(a) // 8. a live demo // def makeRowSeq(row : Int) = { for (i <- 1 to 10) yield { val prod = i * row val padding = " " * (4 - prod.toString().length) padding + prod.toString() } } def makeRow(row :Int) = { makeRowSeq(row).mkString } def multiTable() = { // a sequence of sequence string val tableSeq = for (i <- 1 to 10) yield { makeRow(i) } tableSeq.mkString("\n") } println(multiTable)
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在 Scala 中与 MongoDB 进行交互,通常我们会使用 `mongo-scala-driver`,而不是 `mongo-java-driver`,因为 Scala 驱动提供了更符合 Scala 语言特性的 API 设计。本示例将详细介绍如何使用 `mongo-scala-driver` ...
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scala eclipse插件.对应scala版本:2.10--2.11,对应eclipes版本:4.4--...update site: 下载地址:
scala-library-2.12.1 是 Scala 编程语言的标准库文件,版本为 2.12.1。它提供了在使用 Scala 进行开发时所需的基本库支持。Scala 是一种多范式编程语言,融合了面向对象编程和函数式编程的特性,主要运行在 JVM ...
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"scala-intellij-bin-2016.3.9"是针对Scala语言的一个特定版本的IntelliJ IDEA插件,该版本为2016.3.9。这个插件是专门为Scala开发者设计的,旨在提高他们在IntelliJ IDEA中的开发体验。 Scala是一种多范式编程语言...
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"" 是一个包含IntelliJ IDEA针对Scala开发的特定版本的二进制发行包。 这个压缩包很可能包含了以下内容: 1. **IntelliJ IDEA安装程序**:这是主应用程序,允许用户在本地计算机...