
scala - a note on methods and operators


In this post, we are going to examine the some general rules/law that guide through the scala functions and operators. 

Let's check out the souce code, which should have abundant code that can help to explain the code within.. 

// operators_and_methods.scala

// in this file, we will examine the operator and method
// in essens, there is no dedicated operator (there might be, I don't know) and 
// every operator is actually a method call 

val sum = 1 + 2

val sumMore = (1).+(2)

val s = "Hello, world!"
s indexOf 'o'

// the operator is as the call of the following method call

// if you call a method that takes multiple arguments using operator notation 
// you have place those argument in parenthesis

s indexOf ('o', 5)
// which is equivalent 
s.indexOf('o', 5)

// below we will examine the  unary operator
// and teh unary operator can be a prefix or postfix operator. 

// when you have !variable or -variable, it is actually a method call 


// and only +, -, !, ~  (other identifiers) can be used for the unary prefix operator 

// while postfix oerator are just method call wihtout paremters. 

val s =  "Hello, world"

// and you can call in operator notation 
s toLowerCase

// there are some bitwise operator 
// hwere it is unique in Scala

-1 >> 31

-1 >>> 31

// == in scala is actually carefully crafted
1 == 2
1 != 2

List(1, 2, 3) == List( 1, 2, 3)

List(1, 2, 3) == null
null == List(1, 2, 3)

// if you desire refcerence  equality test, you can use the 'eq' or 'ne' operator 
List(1, 2, 3) eq List(1, 2, 3)

List(1, 2, 3) ne List(1, 2, 3)

// oeprator precedence and associativity 

// table of precedence
// (all other special characters) 
// * / %
// + - 
// : 
// = !
// < >
// & 
// ^
// | 
// (all leters) 
// ( all assignment operators) 

2 << 2  + 2 // resut is 32, think of why 

// one except to the rule above 
// if an operator ends in '=' 
// such as *= 
// and the operator is not one of the <=, >=, !=, ==
// then the operator is the same as the simple assignment (=)
var x = 10
val y = 3
x *= y + 1

x *= (y + 1)

// the associativity of the operator determines the way operators are grouped 
// the associativity of an operator in Scala is determined by the last character. 
// any operator that ends in ':' are invoked on the right operand, passing in the left operand
// but still the operand are evaluate from left to right .. though the associativity might be 
//var a = 5
//var b = 6
//a ::: b 
// is actually equal to 
//{ val x = a; b.:::(x)}

// rich wrapper
/// there is a concept that is called 
// implicit conversions, 
// and it is implicit conversion that endow the primitives 
// with additional methods 

// e.g. of some rich wrapper functions 
0 max 5

0 min 5

-2.7 abs

-2.7 isInfinity

4 to 6

"bob" capitalize

"robert " drop 2 





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