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BI Module Relevant T-Codes(zt)


1  RSA1  Administrator Work Bench 
2  RSA11  Calling up AWB with the IC tree 
3  RSA12  Calling up AWB with the IS tree 
4  RSA13  Calling up AWB with the LG tree 
5  RSA14  Calling up AWB with the IO tree 
6  RSA15  Calling up AWB with the ODS tree 
7  RSA2  OLTP Metadata Repository    
8  RSA3  Extractor Checker     
9  RSA5  Install Business Content    
10  RSA6  Maintain DataSources     
11  RSA7  BW Delta Queue Monitor   
12  RSA8  DataSource Repository     
13  RSA9  Transfer Application Components    
14  RSD1  Characteristic maintenance     
15  RSD2  Maintenance of key figures   
16  RSD3  Maintenance of units    
17  RSD4  Maintenance of time characteristics   
18  RSDBC  DB connect     
19  RSDCUBE  Start: InfoCube editing    
20  RSDCUBED  Start: InfoCube editing    
21  RSDCUBEM  Start: InfoCube editing    
22  RSDDV  Maintaining      
23  RSDIOBC  Start: InfoObject catalog editing   
24  RSDIOBCD  Start: InfoObject catalog editing   
25  RSDIOBCM  Start: InfoObject catalog editing   
26  RSDL  DB Connect - Test Program  
27  RSDMD  Master Data Maintenance w.Prev. Sel.  
28  RSDMD_TEST  Master Data Test    
29  RSDMPRO  Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.   
30  RSDMPROD  Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.   
31  RSDMPROM  Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.   
32  RSDMWB  Customer Behavior Modeling    
33  RSDODS  Initial Screen: ODS Object Processng  
34  RSIMPCUR  Load Exchange Rates from File  
35  RSINPUT  Manual Data Entry    
36  RSIS1  Create InfoSource     
37  RSIS2  Change InfoSource     
38  RSIS3  Display InfoSource     
39  RSISET  Maintain InfoSets     
40  RSKC  Maintaining the Permittd Extra Chars  
41  RSLGMP  Maintain RSLOGSYSMAP     
42  RSMO  Data Load Monitor Start   
43  RSMON  BW Administrator Workbench    
44  RSOR  BW Metadata Repository    
45  RSORBCT  BI Business Content Transfer   
46  RSORMDR  BW Metadata Repository    
47  RSPC  Process Chain Maintenance    
48  RSPC1  Process Chain Display    
49  RSPCM  Monitor daily process chains   
50  RSRCACHE  OLAP: Cache Monitor    
51  RSRT  Start of the report monitor  
52  RSRT1  Start of the Report Monitor  
53  RSRT2  Start of the Report Monitor  
54  RSRTRACE  Set trace configuration    
55  RSRTRACETEST  Trace tool configuration    
56  RSRV  Analysis and Repair of BW Objects 
57  SE03  Transport Organizer Tools    
58  SE06  Set Up Transport Organizer   
59  SE07  CTS Status Display    
60  SE09  Transport Organizer     
61  SE10  Transport Organizer     
62  SE11  ABAP Dictionary     
63  SE18  Business Add-Ins: Definitions    
64  SE18_OLD  Business Add-Ins: Definitions (Old)   
65  SE19  Business Add-Ins: Implementations    
66  SE19_OLD  Business Add-Ins: Implementations    
67  SE21  Package Builder     
68  SE24  Class Builder     
69  SE80  Object Navigator     
70  RSCUSTA  Maintain BW Settings    
71  RSCUSTA2  ODS Settings     
72  RSCUSTV*       
73  RSSM  Authorizations for Reporting    
74  SM04  User List     
75  SM12  Display and Delete Locks   
76  SM21  Online System Log Analysis   
77  SM37  Overview of job selection   
78  SM50  Work Process Overview    
79  SM51  List of SAP Systems   
80  SM58  Asynchronous RFC Error Log   
81  SM59  RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)    
82  LISTCUBE  List viewer for InfoCubes   
83  LISTSCHEMA  Show InfoCube schema    
84  WE02  Display IDoc     
85  WE05  IDoc Lists     
86  WE06  Active IDoc monitoring    
87  WE07  IDoc statistics     
88  WE08  Status File Interface    
89  WE09  Search for IDoc in Database  
90  WE10  Search for IDoc in Archive  
91  WE11  Delete IDocs     
92  WE12  Test Modified Inbound File   
93  WE14  Test Outbound Processing    
94  WE15  Test Outbound Processing from MC  
95  WE16  Test Inbound File    
96  WE17  Test Status File    
97  WE18  Generate Status File    
98  WE19  Test tool     
99  WE20  Partner Profiles     
100  WE21  Port definition     
101  WE23  Verification of IDoc processing   
102  DB02  Tables and Indexes Monitor   
103  DB14  Display DBA Operation Logs   
104  DB16  Display DB Check Results   
105  DB20  Update DB Statistics    



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