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Transformation Routines


Transformations are made up at least one transformation rule.

1.    Transformation rules map any number of source fields to at least one field in the target. You can use different rules types for this.

2.    The different rule types available within a transformation rule are laid out below

a)    Constants – A field can be filled directly with a value that is predetermined

b)    Formula – Formula Builder and Transformation Library

c)    Reading Master Data – Derive values off of existing master data

d)    Time Update – When performing a time update, an automatic time conversion and a time distribution are available

e)    Unit of Measure Conversion / Currency Translation

f)     Initial – Leave a fields value blank

g)    Routines – Custom code which you have written that will determine based on the programmed logic what the eventual value(s) of a field will be.


Types of Routines within Transformations

1.    Start Routine

2.    Routine for updating Key Figures

3.    Routine for updating Characteristics

4.    End Routine

5.    Expert Routine

Parameters of Interfaces of Routines

REQUEST – Request ID of load in progress

DATAPACKID – data package ID (i.e. 1, 2, 3)

MONITOR – Messaging mechanism for Transformations, place informational and error messages inside the structure, it will then be displayed from within the monitor.

SOURCE_PACKAGE – (formerly DATA_PACKAGE) Contains all of the data being passed into the Transformation from the specified source

CX_RSROUT_ABORT – Class Exception when raised will cause the transformation process to halt.

SOURCE_FIELDS – Structure containing the values of the field(s) specified as source fields when creating the rule.

RESULT – Parameter that receives the desired result value for the characteristic.
CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD – Class Exception when raised will cause the transformation process to skip a record.


RESULT_PACKAGE –Contains all of the data being passed out of the Transformation after the the different Rule Groups have been processed, transforming the data.


Monitor Entries within Transformation Routine





MONITOR_REC-MSGV1 = 'Cost Center '.









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