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如何启用SAP Business by design里的Correction Invoice功能


# Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 11:42 AM

Subject: [Tip] How to enable the function Correction Invoice for customer invoicing


In test of migrated report “WLP Invoice report” for the customer WLP, correction invoices should be created in advance so that the related key figures can be tested with data. However, in S1J system there is no such data. Furthermore, it is really tricky to create correction invoice because due to legal reasons the Correction Invoice is only allowed for country DE, CH and AT. That means the seller in the customer correction invoice should be in one of these countries.


If the prerequisites are not met, the menu item for Correction Invoice will not show on Invoices and Credit Memos work center view.

One of the prerequisite is the answer to the question “Correction Invoice” should be selected as Yes in business configuration UI. In S1J/007 the “Yes” has been selected when I checked in Business Configuration work center.


Another prerequisite is the seller party in the correction invoice should be in country DE, CH or AT. Seller party is decided by the logic behind of the New Correction Invoice UI after you enter Employee Responsible which is defaulted as current logon user. It seems that you cannot enter an employee in another company. That means you cannot change seller party when you create correction invoice for customer invoices. The option would be to log on with a proper user who is assigned to the seller party in country DE, CH or AT and the user has access right to the work center view. Existing user CEO01AT can be used for this purpose. (How to find the user? Search users in Application And User Management work center by assigned work center view ) Unfortunately the user password is not INIT69 and changing existing template users password is not a good idea. So to create a PUMA user which is copied from the user could be an option. After the normal customer invoice is created with the user and released, the function Correction Invoice is available for this customer invoice.

The last prerequisite is the numbering rule for correction invoice for the country should be defined via fine tuning. Otherwise the following error would occur when you save new correction invoice.

How to define the numbering rule? See below.

Edit project scope for the implementation project

Open the activity

If you are using user Agilmore_bc, the following error would occur. You should use a user having enough authorization, for example RDUNCAN.

On the opened activity maintenance screen, add a row and enter numbering rule details.

After all prerequisites are met, a new correction invoice can be created.



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