
svn easy




    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...

    AnkhSVN 2.1.10129

    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...

    AnkhSvn 2.3.10509.1073

    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...


    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...


    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...

    svn+trac+apache (centos5.4)

    【标题】"svn+trac+apache (centos5.4)" 涉及到的是在 CentOS 5.4 操作系统上搭建一个基于Subversion(svn)版本控制系统,Trac项目管理工具以及Apache web服务器的集成环境。这个配置允许团队进行代码版本控制,...


    The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) ...

    [原创] SVN TorToiseSVN 详细配置 使用手册

    - **用户账号**:`easy.yi`、`test`、`pub` #### 四、准备工作 1. **创建SVN仓库项目** 在SVN服务器上创建名为`ProjectDemo`的仓库,具体步骤如下图所示: ![创建SVN仓库](#) 创建完成后,结果如下: !...


    用户需要将这个ISO文件复制到C盘根目录,然后利用第三方工具如EasyBCD(Easy Boot Disk Creator)来编辑启动菜单,添加一个新的条目指向Chameleon引导器。这样,在开机时就可以从Windows 7的启动菜单中选择启动MacOS...


    通过easy_install命令安装Babel、Trac、MySQL-python和svn-python。创建Trac数据库和用户,并执行初始化环境的命令`trac-admin F:\trac\ABC initenv`。配置好Trac数据库连接后,可以使用tracd服务来测试Trac环境。 ...

    开源版本控制SVN管理后台pySvnManager用户使用手册(pysvnmanager user-guide)

    ### 开源版本控制SVN管理后台pySvnManager用户使用手册关键知识点 #### 一、pySvnManager简介 pySvnManager是一款由北京群英汇信息技术有限公司开发的开源Subversion (SVN) 管理后台软件。该软件基于Python语言...

    Visual SVN Server


    Group Office SVN Tar Package

    The complete online groupware Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-... Easy to use and fully customizable, Group-Office groupware takes online collaboration to the next level.


    7. **源代码管理**:虽然描述中没有提及,但通常在开发项目中,源代码管理工具(如Git或SVN)是不可或缺的,它们有助于团队协作和代码版本控制。 **Infenion项目相关知识点:** 1. **Infenion源代码**:这个项目...

    VisualSVN Server 3.5.4 破解补丁

    Easy to install, configure and maintain VisualSVN Server is distributed as a single installation package with the latest versions of all the required components. The installation process is extremely ...


    Fully compatible: VisualSVN contains the most current available Subversion distributions plus the original command line binaries (including svn.exe). Watch the quick Getting Started demo and learn ...


    EasyUSB项目旨在使用KMDF为Windows开发通用USB驱动程序。 对于最终用户,将可以使用C ++ API轻松进行USB端点通信。 优先使用当前的SVN干线版本而不是已发布的文件,它是最新的。

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