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  • 来自: 广州



From: http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=59387&page=1


Sizes of iPhone UI Elements

Element Size (in points)
Window (including status bar) 320 x 480 pts
Status Bar
(How to hide the status bar)
20 pts
View inside window 
(visible status bar)
320 x 460
Navigation Bar 44 pts
Nav Bar Image /
Toolbar Image
up to 20 x 20 pts (transparent PNG)
Tab Bar 49 pts
Tab Bar Icon up to 30 x 30 pts (transparent PNGs)
Text Field 31 pts
Height of a view inside 
a navigation bar
416 pts
Height of a view inside 
a tab bar
411 pts
Height of a view inside 
a navbar and a tab bar
367 pts
Portrait Keyboard height 216 pts
Landscape Keyboard height 140 pts
Points vs. Pixels
The iPhone 4 introduced a high resolution display with twice the pixels of previous iPhones. However you don't have to modify your code to support high-res displays; the coordinate system goes by points rather than pixels, and the dimensions in points of the screen and all UI elements remain the same.
iOS 4 supports high resolution displays (like the iPhone 4 display) via the scale property on UIScreen, UIView, UIImage, and CALayer classes. If the object is displaying high-res content, its scale property is set to 2.0. Otherwise it defaults to 1.0.
All you need to do to support high-res displays is to provide @2x versions of the images in your project. See the checklist for updating to iOS4 or Apple documentation for Supporting High Resolution Screens for more info.
Adjusting Sizes
Click here to see how to adjust View Frames and Bounds.
Additional References




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