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l       本版教程为毕克所著目的是在熟悉各种俚语,以后将逐渐加入法语. 借助于金山词霸矫正发音

l       学习要求是熟读,每天学习1小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习

l       VOCABULARY 22000.doc                                                   学习要求是脱口背诵

l       Talking Book.doc                                                    学习要求是脱口背诵

l       [Computer Networks] by Andrew S.Tanenbaum.  学习要求是脱口背诵

l       学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育,开始转换命运,不再自欺欺人

l       我发誓,有生之年考取MCSE MCSD CCIE 以及 Ph.D for Major in Interconnection Engineering. My Buddha almighty !

          Baker SGC Inc.[fish1]

Depend on glossary Probably
Cisco pertinently
Why Cisco?

Compensation @ Cisco consists of:

I) Stock

II)Bonus Plans

III)      Salary

IV)      Relocation

I) Stock


In order to provide a competitive compensation package to new hire employees, the Compensation Department recommends to the Board of Directors that employees be granted stock options according to their salary grades.

The program grants each employee the right to purchase a specified number of shares of the company's common stock at a specified price for a period of time. In accordance with the plan, 25% of the shares offered vest at the completion of 12 full months of employment, and the balance vests at the rate of 1/48th per month over the next 36 months. There are other vesting schedules and this schedule may not apply to all new hire stock grants for employees who are part of an acquisition.

The price of the stock is the fair market value on the date that the Board of Directors approves the number of offered shares. This is normally done at the first board meeting following an employee's date of hire.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

After 30 days as an active employee, you are eligible to participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Participants may enroll and elect to have up to 10% of their total compensation withheld for the purchase of shares at a discounted price.

Purchase periods begin at the start of each calendar quarter.

Ongoing Stock Options

Cisco's ongoing stock option program offers stock options to eligible employees on an annual basis.

Option amounts are determined based on several criteria including relative worth of the employee's position, value of existing options, past performance, and salary grade. Funding for the program is determined annually at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

The timing of the Ongoing Program is set by the Board of Directors and typically occurs around the months of July/August.

Check out today's stock price now!

II) Bonuses

Company Performance Award Plan

The purpose of the Company Performance Awards (Quarterly Bonuses) is to acknowledge employees for their contributions to Cisco's success. Awards are presented quarterly. Employees are eligible for Company Performance Awards based on the following criteria:

Typically employees in grades 51-60 and 1-7

On board the first working day of the fiscal quarter for which the bonus is paid

Not on a sales commission or incentive plan

Not on a written warning or Performance Improvement Plan at quarter-end

Performance rating not equal to "N"

Awards are granted as a percentage of an individual's base salary. The percentage is determined quarterly per the Plan based on corporate profit and revenue achievement. In fiscal year 1996 the average pay out was 11.5% of base salary.

-Cisco Achievement Program

The Cisco Achievement Program (CAP) awards are used to encourage and reward exceptional contribution to the achievement of business unit and company goals and objectives. The intent of the program is to maximize positive reinforcement through immediate recognition and promote employee and group effort by including individual and team awards.

Areas of exceptional contribution can include one or more of the following performance categories: customer service, innovation, quality and process improvement, cost reduction, and superior performance typically above and beyond the scope of the job.

Employees and teams can receive cash and non-cash awards valued from $50+; awards beyond $2,000 require executive staff approval. Non-cash awards include gift certificates for Time-Out and the Cisco store, and getaways on Cisco. The award amount should be commensurate with the level of contribution.

Each business unit or sector is given funding equal to 2% of participant payroll at the beginning of each quarter.

Taxes and Deductions:

Cash awards are "grossed up" for taxes so that employees receive the total value of the award. Taxes relating to the award are calculated by the Payroll Department and paid on the behalf of the employee by Cisco. Employee 401(k) and ESPP deductions (if applicable) are withheld from any check awards issued in the amount of $200 or more, and are not included in the "grossed up" amount. If award is distributed by cash or certificate, 401(k) and ESPP deductions will no be withheld from award.


Regular full-time, part-time, and casual employees of Cisco that are eligible for the Company Performance Award Plan with performance ratings of X or E are eligible. Consulting and Systems Engineers and their managers are also included. Managers in grades 12 or above may receive an award on an exception basis with Vice President approval. Under no circumstances can the initiator by the recipient of the award.

III) Salary

Salary is determined by your GPA, school you went to, previous work experience, current knowledge, and how you interview.

Salary increases at Cisco can happen at anytime. The targeted salary increase is 7% of your current base salary.

IV) Relocation

-30 days temporary living

-Travel to San Jose (via plane or reimbursement for mileage)

-Miscellaneous Cash Allowance (depending on where you live)

Academy overview
In 1993, Cisco embarked on an initiative to design practical, cost-effective networks for schools. It quickly became apparent that designing and installing the networks was not enough - the schools also needed some way to maintain the networks after they were up and running. Cisco Senior Consulting Engineer George Ward developed training for teachers and staff for maintenance of school networks. He soon discovered that the personnel lacked the time required to learn the material, so he moved to the next population of learners in the school - the students themselves. The success of these student seminars led to requests from participating schools across the country for Cisco to develop a curriculum that could be integrated as elective courses taught in a semester format. The formalized curriculum and support activities evolved into the Cisco Networking Academy Program.

The concept proved to be a powerful draw for students, many of whom initially volunteered for classes outside normal school hours. Today, thousands of students coast to coast are pioneering a school-to-work program engineered for a new global economy.

The Solution

Through the Cisco Networking Academy program, high school and college students can learn the information needed prepare them for the Cisco Certified Networking Associate exam. This certification positions them for immediate openings in a talent-hungry job market or for engineering- and science-focused college studies. In a nutshell, the Cisco Networking Academy is a complete, four-semester program on the principles and practice of designing, building, and maintaining networks capable of supporting national and global organizations.

Cisco provides course work for a complete range of basic through advanced networking concepts - from pulling cable, through such complex concepts as subnet masking rules and strategies.

The program uses Regional Academies as hubs, each of which supports a minimum of ten Local Academies. These Regional Academies teach the teachers who oversee programs at the Local Academies under their jurisdiction. The Regional Academies funnel input to Cisco on topics such as individual school performance, curriculum quality and effectiveness, and student progress.

The format for the classes reflects the content: interactive lessons stored largely on the classroom's Cisco Web server. The Academy design also accommodates diverse learning styles. For those who learn by reading, text is available. More visual learners can focus on the course material's extensive graphics and QuickTime movies. To promote development of the personal skills that underpin successful careers, projects require students not only to resolve technical issues but also to successfully address network users' needs.

Local Academies receive mentoring and technical support from the Regional Academies and are backed by SMARTnet™ services, a service and support program that provides round-the-clock access to assistance from Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and the Cisco Connection Online (CCO) Web site, plus major software and maintenance releases, product documentation updates, and next-day delivery of replacement parts.

Benefits and Results

The Cisco Networking Academy Program is in its first full year at schools. But the pilot semester at one site, Thurgood Marshall Academic High School in San Francisco, provides an indication of the potential impact: more than 25 percent of the students involved in the school's program in Spring 1996 secured summer jobs as a direct result of their single-semester experience.

And for teachers who have seen the early impact on students and their futures, the Academy stands as a model for school-to-work programs.

Dennis Frezzo, technology instructor at Thurgood Marshall says, "In one leap, Cisco has helped us have the most effective school-to-work program I've seen locally, and we're proud of that."

"The energy level of these students is so high, it's hard to find the words to describe it," says Barry Williams, who oversees Regional activities for the Round Valley School District in Springerville, Arizona. "Once, about half of my students had permission to leave school about 20 minutes early. But not a single one left. I talked topologies and media for 90 minutes without a break."

FAQ about academy
What are some of the benefits that the Cisco Networking Academy program can provide to schools and institutions of higher education?

The Cisco Networking Academy Program Market Report [PDF 95K] highlights the application of the Cisco Networking Academy program to high schools, technical schools, community colleges, and universities. The Cisco Networking Academy program provides the opportunity to obtain two levels of certification, Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) and Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP). Both certifications are designed to meet employment standards for the networking industry.

What are the requirements to be a Regional Academy?

Please download the Regional Academy Requirements Factsheet [PDF 19K].

What are the requirements to be a Local Academy?

Please download the Local Academy Requirements Factsheet [PDF 20K]

What is the difference between a Regional Academy and a Local Academy?

Regional Academies have administrative responsibilities for managing ten Local Academies; they designate a full-time employee to manage the Networking Academy Program; and they attend Cisco training and in turn train their Local Academy instructors. Regional Academies track the equipment inventory of their Local Academies and answer curriculum questions or refer them back to the Cisco Networking Academy team. They also deal directly with the Cisco Networking Academy team.

Local Academies are responsible for having trained instructors who teach the curriculum to students; these instructors supervise students as they design, build, and maintain their school's network.

Can a Local Academy exist without a Regional Academy to support it?

No. Regional Academies provide many services to Local Academies such that Locals cannot exist without a supporting Regional.

Why do Local Academies have to commit to four semesters of classes?

If they don't teach all four semesters, students won't learn all the skills needed to properly support a TCP/IP Ethernet routed and switched network. They also won't learn everything they need to be prepared to take the Cisco Certified Networking Associate exam. Cisco wants to avoid offering incomplete programs.

How are the Regional Academy instructors trained?

Regional Academy instructors are trained by Cisco. The first semester training is eight days, the second semester training session lasts five days, and the third and fourth semesters combined is six days.

Where is the training for the Regional Academy instructors held?

Current training sessions are held in Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina, California, Florida, and Wisconsin.

How are the Local Academy instructors/teachers trained?

Local Academy instructors/teachers are trained by their Regional Academy trainers.

Who pays travel costs and expenses for the Regional Academy instruction?

The Regional Academy pays any travel costs and expenses for up to two instructors from their Regional Academy to attend training. These costs are passed on to the Local Academies.

May I see a sample of the curriculum?

A sample module of semester one as well as an outline of the four semesters of curriculum are available on the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu).

Do Cisco people install new hardware/software for the Academy, free of charge?

In the training that Cisco gives, Regional Academies are shown how to set up the equipment that is part of the next semester curriculum. The instructors are shown everything they need to install for that upcoming semester. Cisco also provides phone assistance in setting up the lab to Regional Academies who have attended training. Regionals in turn provide assistance to their Local Academies.

May we receive a list of the other pilot schools so we can contact them and see how they have made use of the materials and with what success?

Yes. Contact your local Cisco education account manager.

Are there any prerequisites for the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum, either for the students or for the Regional or Local Academy instructors?

The curriculum assumes no prior knowledge of computers or networks. An eighth grade reading and math proficiency is expected, as well as a desire to learn the curriculum.

What is the status of getting the Networking Academy curriculum approved by State Education Organizations?

Each state has different requirements for curriculum approval. Cisco is not currently engaged in any efforts on its own to gain statewide certification of the curriculum, but we are interested in working with a champion or champions in each state to help us achieve appropriate approval(s).

Are the four courses aimed at being three credits each, and are they sequential in nature; in other words, is the first course the prerequisite for the second, which in turn is the prerequisite for the third, and so on?

They are prerequisite based and are sequential. The courses are designed to be taught one hour a day, five days a week, but the setup can be changed to accommodate block class scheduling.

Are the courses designed to contain any particular number of students per section?

Cisco's only requirement is that there be no more than three students per computer. The optimum is 20 students, but it's possible to have 30, and some even have 35.

Are the students expected to print manuals from the Web, or do they purchase manuals separately?

You wouldn't want to print this curriculum from the Web, since so much of it is interactive with quicktime movies and animation. The materials that are on line are presently meeting teachers' and students' needs.

What kind of controls are there on course materials?

The Regional Academy has no way of controlling what a student does with the materials after they leave school property.

Are the materials copyrighted?

The curriculum is copyrighted. Course materials and handouts are treated like any other type of curriculum would be treated.

Is there any maximum on the number of sections of a Cisco course we can offer?

No. You can offer it as many times as you want, And if you decide that you need a second lab, you may purchase or lease one.

Can we use part of a Cisco course in some existing course that we already offer, such as a concepts course of some kind?

If it's to give an overview to solicit student interest, it's possible. Cisco doesn't want schools to say "We're going to take your curriculum and put it into already existing curriculum and call that the class." From an interest standpoint, it's fine to give some basic overview material, but it can't replace the need to teach the entire curriculum.

Can the Regional Academy use the materials for training its administrative or IS staff, or are the Cisco courses for academic use only?

It can't be the only use of the curriculum, but having IS staff that are trained using the same curriculum is ideal. Staff members familiar with the curriculum could act as mentors to the students.

Are there any restrictions on the use of Cisco courses as a standalone "certificate" vs. being part of the requirements for a two-year degree program (which would have additional requirements, of course)?

People who want to go into the training business are welcome to apply to be a Cisco Training Partner. Cisco's training group wants to add training partners. But Cisco doesn't want the academies to become competitors with local training partners by teaching accelerated courses. This curriculum has been specifically designed and task analyzed for delivery in an academic, semester environment; Cisco wouldn't want someone to try to re-engineer that setup into a five-day-per-week, eight-hour-per-day workshop. The courses in the training partner environment are specifically geared toward that.

What is the name of the Cisco certification that students who complete the four Cisco courses and pass the certification exam earn?

Cisco Certified Networking Associate.

How do we keep our grades and tests safe from students who are working on maintaining our network?

The Networking Academy tests are to be kept on a separate Zip cartridge and inserted in the Cisco Micro Webserver only on test day, and then removed. Also, it is assumed that any secure data within the school is kept on a computer that has security installed on it, such as user ID and password protection.

Do students do any wire pulling in this class?

Yes, students pull wire in the lab and within the school if union and insurance issues allow it. The students should get as much experience in this area as possible.

I am a high school student and I want this curriculum offered at my school; how can I get one started?

To get an academy started in your school, talk to your school's computer teacher, IS manager, principal, or vice-principal. Direct them to the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu) to get more information and to fill out the form to apply to become a Cisco Networking Academy.

I am a post-high school student and want to take these classes; how can I?

Call your local community colleges (computer science, career training, computer networking departments) to see if they are a Cisco Networking Academy. If not, tell them they should be one and direct them to the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu).

Thurgood Marshall Academic High School
Thurgood Marshall Academic High School (TMAHS) was established in 1994 in the economically underdeveloped southeast corner of San Francisco. Focusing on a math, science, and engineering curriculum, the magnet school gives students a rigorous course of academic study with an abundance of college-prep math, science, and English classes plus three semesters of computer and technology electives.

The Cisco Networking Academy curriculum has been integrated into one of three areas for concentrated study selected by all TMAHS students after they reach their junior year. Juniors take Cisco I and II, and seniors complete the program with Cisco III and IV, supplemented by projects and courses in related engineering disciplines. "This is above and beyond what we normally do, but we thought this was an incredible opportunity for the kids," says Frezzo.

According to Jai Gosine, another Academy teacher at TMAHS, "Certification is the biggest benefit" for the school's nearly 70 Cisco Networking Academy students, who are spread among three classes. "Potential employers of students who earn their Cisco Certified Networking Associate status will feel comfortable hiring them," he says, "because they'll know these students have acquired a set of practical, valuable skills."

The Academy is also project-based, with students addressing challenges drawn from the real world of networking - and finding solutions that work, not only in theory but in the model networks built and tested in the lab.

"A lot of people use these clichés, but they're really true," says Frezzo, "The old style of teaching was 'the sage on the stage.' Now we're trying to be the 'guide on the side,' helping in counseling and problem solving.

Senior Ricky Jackson notes, "The lessons aren't based on homework or tests so much. We do more hands-on work."

The project-based learning format helps truly instill skills that otherwise might be forgotten soon after the final exam, Jai Gosine explains. "A student's level of learning is determined by the form of assessment. In our case, it's not how much they can regurgitate, but how much they can do." Adds Frezzo: "Projects provide the ultimate in performance assessments. Was the job complete? Did the network work, with no excuses?"

For Jenica Lee, a TMAHS senior with tentative plans to pursue computer science in college, the interactive, project-based format of the Academy helps students develop into problem solvers. "I think you learn more, because you encounter problems and have to work through them to figure out the solution," Lee observes. "It's also more fun."

The pride is evident in Ricky Jackson's voice as he describes how during their first full semester in the Academy he and 23 fellow team members "wired the San Jose Convention Center for the California Community Colleges in Education Foundation Technology Conference. Die-hard students on the project began early on a Sunday, working eight hours with teachers and Cisco mentors to provide state-of-the-art high-speed Internet access to vendor booths and seminar rooms.

"Vendors, presenters, and the Foundation found it to be an invaluable service," remarked David Springett, the foundation's president. "Cisco's partnership with the high school students demonstrated how private industry's active involvement in education can advance students' skills and future prospects."

"In the advanced courses, the spirit of the curriculum is to make the network self sustaining and apprentice students to the school district," Gosine says. "There's no way school districts have enough money to hire the expertise they're going to need to maintain stable networks. This is a way to accomplish that goal. It's a win for everyone involved."

Academy students also will be applying their skills in local middle and elementary schools, which "makes the vision of 'Internet everywhere' more attainable," Frezzo says.

Cisco Academy Recent News
Cisco Kids: High School Networking Classes Pay off

Shanley Rhodes, InfoWorld Electric

Like many high school graduates about to embark on a four-year college education, 18-year-old Tameca Smith spent last summer earning money for the coming year's expenses. But unlike other recent graduates, Smith was not flipping burgers or watching over the pool. Instead, she was helping train high-school teachers from across southeastern North Carolina about the basic principles of networking. (1998)

Time Warner Announces First Corporate Sponsorship of Cisco Systems' Networking Academy Program

Company Press Release, Business Wire

Time Warner Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. have signed a groundbreaking agreement to establish programs at 10 New York City public high schools that will teach students to design, build and maintain computer networks, leading to high-paying jobs in the private sector. (9/28/98)

More Computer Experts Needed

Jason Blevins, Denver Post

As hundreds of rural and urban schools across the state merge onto the information superhighway, school administrators and principals are scrambling to find skilled personnel who can manage the often daunting networking systems. (6/17/98)

Cisco Plans Networking Academies In Philippines

Erwin Lemuel G. Oliva and Henry L. Pagauitan, Metropolitan Computer Times

Cisco has been working closely with the Philippine government, particularly with education agencies, as the company introduces the Cisco Networking Academy program to high schools in the Philippines. (5/19/98)

Garner High Trains Young Networkers

Chris O'Brien, The News & Observer

While most high school students are satisfied with surfing the Internet, students at Garner High School in North Carolina are learning how to build it through the guidance of the Cisco Networking Academy program. (5/7/98)

Vocational Education Goes High Tech

Yvonne Simons, WRAL Online

In addition to traditional vocational education courses in automotive mechanics, cosmetology, and carpentry, high schools are now giving students hands-on training in the computer networking industry. (5/6/98)

Everybody Learn Cisco

Randolph Court, Wired News

"What began as one man's effort to train staff for school networks has blossomed into an ambitious international program to provide professional training for an entire generation of students." (5/1/98)

New Computer Networking Youth Apprenticeship to Start in Fall

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, News Release

Gov. Tommy Thompson today announced an agreement by the State with Cisco to bring high-tech education and training across the state. The youth apprenticeship program is one part of that effort. (4/30/98)

Still in School? Check Out the New Shop Class.

Washington Post

The Post highlights the Cisco Networking Academy program in their "Guide to Going High-tech Guide." (4/22/98)

Marshall University and Cisco Systems Launch Regional Networking Academy

Cisco Systems, Inc.

The "Schools to Work" movement in West Virginia received a major boost with the announcement that Marshall University has been selected as the state's first Cisco Regional Networking Academy. (4/17/98)

Computer Giants Look to Students

Mary Ann Zehr, EdWeek

Student and teacher excitement surrounds information-technology training programs such as the Cisco Networking Academy program, which teaches students how to design and build computer networks. (4/15/98)

Internet High School

Jennifer Jones, Civic.com

San Francisco's Thurgood Marshall Academic High School is one of Cisco's first Networking Academies, a program that aims to equip inner-city and rural high school students with employable skills while stocking the information technology work force. (4/1/98)

Cisco Establishes Networking Academies in Inner City Schools

Robert Bellinger, Electronic Engineering Times

Cisco Systems establishes Cisco Networking Academies in inner-city high schools to train and certify students to design, build, and maintain computer networks. (3/16/98)

Vice President Gore Praises Networking Academies

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Vice President Gore praises Cisco Systems' commitment to place Networking Academies in all Empowerment Zones by end of 1998. (2/26/98)

Virginia Community College System Announces Partnership with Cisco Systems to Provide High-Tech Training

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Lieutenant Governor John Hager officially signs a Letter of Commitment to establish Cisco Networking Academies at community colleges and high schools throughout Virginia. (2/25/98)

The Skills Gap

Kelly Barron, Forbes Magazine

Companies in manufacturing, financial services, and high-tech industries are experiencing shortages of skilled-labor. To address the challenge, Cisco Systems has developed an educational program that teaches students information-technology skills. (2/23/98)

Action On IT Skills Gap

Karen M. Carrillo, Information Week Online

In an effort to increase the supply of IT workers, Cisco Systems and Oracle both launch initiatives to improve high school- and college-level training. (11/24/97)

Video News Release

Cisco Systems, Inc.

This two-minute video describes the Cisco Networking Academy program as the "Shop of the 21st Century." (11/4/97)

Cisco's Kids Dive into Labor Pool

Andrew Zajac, San Francisco Examiner

Cisco is training students to become Internet technicians which not only provides convenient, on-site skilled labor for maintenance of Cisco-installed school computer networks but also increases the nation's supply of network technicians. (10/19/97)

Tech Labor Pool Shallow -- Cisco Systems tries to reverse the trend by training future candidates

Casey Wian, CNNfn

Students at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles are learning theory, hardware, and applications of computer networking. Cisco now has 57 academies in high schools and junior colleges in seven states, and expects to have more than 400 nationwide by next year. (10/9/97)

Job-Training Initiative Aims to Fill High-Tech Slots

Joetta L. Sack, Education Week

Cisco Systems launches an education initiative which prepares students for the increasing number of available information-technology jobs. (10/8/97)

S.F. Students Network on Capitol Hill - Senator Boxer Leads High-Tech Forum with San Jose Firm

Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle

Students from Thurgood Marshall High School in San Francisco joined with San Jose's Cisco Systems in Washington yesterday to push technology in public schools. (10/2/97)

Press Release

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco Systems Chairman of the Board, John Morgridge, announces the nationwide launch of the Cisco Networking Academy program at a press conference in Washington, DC. (10/1/97)

Title: System Engineer 
Location: Beijing

Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales-Asia



Familiar with cable TV related technology such as HFC/SDH preferred TCP/IP or WAN or Access Server technology, with minimum 3 years engineering/installation/pre-sale experience.

You will work closely with the Cisco Account Managers, providing pre-sales technical and network design support to Cisco partners and customers alike. You will be called on to make technical presentations, answer technical questions regarding specific applications, as well as to support customer installations and configurations. As with all positions at Cisco, you will be a part of the company recently ranked (Fortune-Jan '97) as the 25th best company to work for in the U.S.

Contact: Sylvia P.S. Chong:

Posted to CCO: Dec 17

Title: North China Regional 2-tier Channel Manager
Location: Beijing

Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales-Asia

Requisition: 800131


To develop and sell through the 2nd-tier resellers in the North China area - 3 Provinces in Northeast China, Shangdong and Henan. Work with Territory AM in Enterprise to cover the above geographical area through 2-tier sales model.

2+ years sales experience in networking company, preferable in the 2-tier channel management; 2+ years experience in China IT distribution business; Sound sales record.

Contact: Sylvia P.S. Chong: schong@cisco.com

Posted to CCO: Dec 17

Assortment cool dishes
Part I

For sale or rental only by authorized sublicnsees of Warner Home Video in Hong Kong. The Philippines. Taiwan and Thailand. For private home use only. Any unauthorized reproduction. Distribution or exhibition of this VCD. Or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such actionestablishes liability for civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. Manufactursd in USA. “Dolby” is trademark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

@Stay Connected! Overview
Unlimited Internet Access? Not!
Many netizens[fish2] , including myself, subscribed to a so-called unlimited Internet Access?modem dial-up plan provided by many local or national Internet Service Providers (ISP). However, such advertisement is often misleading. Every time I left my modem connection unattended for a certain period of time (roughly 15 minutes) and walked away from my computer, the moment when I was back to my desk to get ready to surf the net, I found that the modem connection is dropped[fish3] . Bad phone-line? Maybe, but how it occurred so frequently with such a consistent timing?

I decided to find out what has actually gone wrong with my phone line by experimenting with extended period of non-stop net surfing. To my amazement, never once I had a bad phone-line connection.

Another problem is even more irritating to me: trying to dial-up my ISP just to get a repeated busy modem signal. Once I got a connection, I don want to be disconnected. Ok I selfish, but I抳e already paid my subscription fee!

The truth Is ?Ok, it is time to check the Internet newsgroup for such weird behavior. After posting a mail to the newsgroup, I got a few responses. Many told me this was not the fault of my phone line though sometimes it might happen. The problem is mainly due to my Internet Service Provider (ISP). They have limited modem port, ranging from a ratio of 1:20 to 1:40, i.e. 1 modem serves 20 to 40 subscribers. During the peak hours, many subscribers have extreme difficulties trying to get connected: either the line is busy, or the TCP/IP protocol is not being established even after being connected.
Now I got the whole picture. Immediately I thought about remedies. A sudden inspiration came to me one night: why not write a "hassle-free" program, place it in the startup folder every time the computer starts, and have it automatically placed in the taskbar (or tray notification area)? Spice it up with some animation to tell me the status of the connection, I l never have to see a dropped modem connection anymore! I can now surf with impunity with the utility working in the background to ensure I never lose a connection.

I have tested the program countless times running continuously for more than 24 hours without a dropped connection. A user even reported more than 300 hours continuous online without a dropped connection! Of course this program will not help if a bad phone line occurs or if you lose power, but this is rare, according to my experience[fish4] .

I hope that you find this utility as useful as I do. Just a friendly reminder, please register this program if you do. Thank you for your registration support!

@Confession of Cover girl
Choy Ying from Quinhai
"Where I live in Quinhai province, there are not many people. In particular there are not many girls. Everyone here wants boys to run the farms. Sometimes they leave girl babies in orphanages, or worse. Luckily, my parents wanted me, and now I'm one of the few girls in town."

"I'm not really a prostitute. I call myself a playgirl, because I like to have a good time with men. If they choose to give me gifts of jewelry or clothes or money, that's fine with me. I'm happy here in my sung little bedroom, with my nice comfortable bed, with plenty of men to kiss my lips, stroke my breasts, and fuck my pussy, with its peach fuzz hairs."

"Lots of men have wanted to marry me, but I don't want to get married. All marriage means around here is hard work. Women must fetch and carry and cook and clean and wait on me. No thanks! I like the easy life-and the way for me to have it is to have many boyfriends."

"The men here all love me-but the other women hate me. That's because I have a good time. I didn't fall into the trap they did. I love being a playmate. I love sex, and I'm good at it. I can bend my body into all kinds of wild positions for fucking. I love to spread my legs wide open and kind of sit up. This makes a cock go really deep into my almost hairless cunt and I cum like crazy."

Copyright ©1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved.

Shelly Zhu from Jiangsu
"The province I was born in is famous for its pretty girls. Ever since I can remember people have been raving about by [fish5] beauty. My parents saved up to buy me the right kind of clothes, and they entered me in every type of beauty contest they could find. I won lots of prizes and wore the crown many times."

"At first being recognized for my beauty made me happy and excited. I loved hearing compliments and getting applause. But in time the thrill wore off and I began to get tired of people always talking about my looks. They would treat me like an inanimate[fish6]  object, a thing. Even one of the titles I won, "The Jewel of Jiangsu" describes me as something hard and cold-a shiny precious stone."

"I was always supposed to look and act perfect. My parents were so strict about who I dated that men didn't dare try and seduce me. They treated me like a doodad or statuette which they liked to be seen with in public. "I am a flesh and blood woman.," I wanted to cry out, "strip my clothes off and make love to me!"

"Finally I know I had to get away. In spite of[fish7]  my parents' protests I took my prize money and moved to a place of my own. I enrolled in art school, and now like every other young girl I have a boyfriend and a sex life. I even shaved all the hair off my pussy as an act of independence. I posed for these photos to prove once and for all that I am a flesh and blood woman, not an object, and I hope you experience me as such."

Copyright ©1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved.

Kate Sing from Hong Kong
"I work very hard as an investment banker in Hong Kong. Not too many women are in this field. I was able to get into it because of my father’s and grandfather's influence. My work is very exciting, but it's nerve-wracking too. As a woman I have to constantly fight prejudices and stereotypes, and I have to constantly prove myself on the job front."

"By the time the weekend comes, I'm ready to jump out of my skin, my nerves are shot. I'm exhausted, but I'm too keyed up to sleep. The best way I've found to relax is to do sports. The second best way is to have sex. Since I don't have a boyfriend now, I have to do both all by myself."

"I go to my special weekend retreat in the country.[fish8]  My grandmother left me a small cottage out in the middle of nowhere. It's perfect, because there's no one to see me or bother me. I go skateboarding for hours, and on hot days I skateboard in the nude! It's a fun way to get exercise and work up a good sweat. I love it!"

"Exercising in the nude gets me sexually aroused. At times I lie back on the grass and masturbate myself to a deep, satisfying cum. Other times I lay my wet, naturally hairless cunt down on the skateboard and literally skate my way to a wild, slippery climax! It's a good thing it's deserted here, or I'd probably get arrested!"

Copyright ©1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved.

Some Amativeness stories
Peeping Guide
Reproduced from V-Man's homepage for your enjoyment

All material within this webpage is copywritten 1996 by V-MAN !!

OK, here's the UK Peeping Guide in full - and there's a lot of it! If you want to use extracts for your web page feel free.... If anyone wishes to *contribute* to the Guide they can e.mail me via the anon server at an284654.

The following are extracts from A PEEPERS GUIDE - The Why, How, Where and When of Voyeurism. UK EDITION. 1.4 - SEPTEMBER '95


- What is voyeurism?

- "Accidental" peeping. Places Props Techniques

- "Planned Peeping" Equipment Places Techniques

- The Legal Position

1. The attraction of voyeurism.

What is the appeal of voyeurism? Why is it an undeniable fact that a woman taking her clothes off at a strip-show is entertaining but unlikely to inspire many erections? Strange but true. Yet if the same woman crossed her legs on the way home and inadvertently gave a brief view of her panties most men catching that fleeting glimpse would feel a distinct stirring of the loins?

The answer is, of course, that the glimpse of panty as a woman crosses her legs, the fleeting, unintended exposure of a nipple, is "forbidden fruit", a prize to be treasured all the more for the fact that it was given without consent. The stripper and the female nudist give consent for men to look at their bodies the woman who displays her panties by accident does not.

So a simple definition of voyeurism is "looking without consent". The following is an attempt to make those "looks" more frequent and better quality.

It may be obvious but the more you look, the more you see and the more you put yourself in good "peeping positions" the better the chances of a result. Every time I go to the bank to cash a check (and I always go INTO the bank a cash dispenser may be quick and efficient but until machines grow breasts the real live teller has the advantage every time!) I always try and pick the till which has the female cashier with the lowest neckline. Turning around to get the notes from the till, leaning forward to pass the money over they all provide the chance that the top of her blouse may gape a little and if you are in the right place at the right time.......

Some clothes stores still have those changing cubicles which have only a thin curtain to serve as a door and they never quite stretch all the way across do they? A hint hold a couple of garments in your hand and look as if you are waiting for your companion to emerge from the changing room. I've seen bare breasts, bare buttocks and endless numbers of women dressed only in their bra and panties. Shoe shops are perhaps the panty-spotters idea of heaven! The combination of a woman sitting on a chair constantly lifting her feet to put on and take off shoes and a wealth (if you're lucky!) of low-placed, angled mirrors mean that it is a poor day if you don't get a view of at least one pair of panties every five minutes or so. OBSERVATIONS: Slim women with small breasts are likely to show more and are good for "breast sightings" either "down the front" neckline views or side-on" armhole views because their breasts are higher and, when a blouse or top falls forward, their tits stay where they are and you can look into the gap created. Brassieres will spoil the view especially from the side but check for the outline of straps and if she seems to be bra-less your chances of a good view are greatly enhanced. Small busted women are also more likely to go "unsupported" than their bigger breasted sisters. Larger women find it difficult to keep their legs together when they squat down and are best for "panty sightings" look for the plump supermarket assistant squatting down to clear up a spillage or load the bottom shelf. Plump thighs are harder to keep together and I've seen plenty of panties in this situation. One voyeur sees up the skirt of an assistant in his local "Waitrose" almost every other week and she wears stockings too!! The older they get, the more careless they get. Women of 50 are much more likely to sit with their legs apart. (NB .. since writing this I got lucky with a woman of just that age who was sitting on a low wall by a bus-stop. A great view, up a knee-length red dress, of stocking tops, thighs and pale blue panties all because she was sitting with her knees higher than her bottom and her feet apart. She had her dress pulled modestly down over her knees and was quite unaware that I could see up underneath it. The bus didn't arrive for about 10 minutes!!) Light summer dresses become see-through when the light is behind them - just ask Princess Diana! Almost as good as an up skirt view. Surprisingly, long skirts can sometimes give better views than short ones. A woman in a mini-skirt sitting on the grass in the classic "knees up and together, feet apart" position will probably be aware that she could show her panties and will often hold her skirt against her. A short, tight skirt will cling to the back of her thighs anyway, blocking the view. A woman in a "below the knee", loose skirt, on the other hand, will often assume that the length of her skirt means that she is safely covered. Of course, although the front* of her legs may be covered to below her knees, the back of her skirt will be on the grass and the *back* of her legs often right up to her panties will be on view.

None of the activities in Part 1 of this guide could be construed as illegal but now we enter the murkier waters of "planned peeping" where the voyeur sets up the situation. Here we may be taking a few risks with the law but intent would have to be proved.

(see Legal Notes at end)

Equipment. Anyone can buy "peeping equipment" quite legally. The fact that you don't intend to go bird watching with your new binoculars or study astronomy with your recently purchased telescope is no-one's business but your own. So a brief description of what's available.


These range from ordinary "spotter" scopes with a magnification of up to x30 to large astronomy 'scopes with magnifications in excess of x1000. The spotter type is ample for spying on, say, the bedroom window of the house across the street and a reasonable quality one with zoom feature and tripod (vital unless you have incredibly steady hands) should cost no more than 150 pounds. The larger, astronomy 'scopes enable you not only to watch a woman over a mile away remove her brassiere but also enable you to see what size she takes by reading the label! Many of them will also enable you to capture the moment on film as they have the facility to attach a camera without interfering with your view. Unfortunately they often display the image upside-down and, in many cases, cost a lot of money. They are useless for peeping at anyone less than 400 yards away you'll get a great close-up view of her nipple but you'll never get a whole breast in view at one time because the magnification is just too great. Binoculars are available to suit all budgets the more you pay the better the quality. Go for a reasonable magnification x10 or x12 is ideal and look for ones that can be mounted on a tripod. A tripod is a must it keeps the binoculars steady (leaving your hands free for other things!!) and it means you can leave the binoculars aimed at your target for hours on end. A "zoom" facility is very useful cover the whole house with the smaller magnification and then zoom in to concentrate on the interesting window close in on the woman as she undresses close right in on her breasts as she removes her brassiere etc. A pair which will "zoom" from 7x to 25x can cost as little as 90 pounds. Binoculars also give a 3D image, unlike the flat image of a telescope. Night vision binoculars are now available. They are *very* expensive and only for the dedicated (and rich!) peeper. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get results. I once lived in a house that overlooked the back of a hotel which was some 100 yards away. It is a strange fact that women seem to think that once they are above the second floor they no longer need to draw the curtains before undressing they seem to be unaware of the existence of telescopes or binoculars. Anyway, most of the rooms at the back of the hotel were given over to staff quarters for chambermaids etc. During one summer season I saw countless women, mainly in their late teens and early twenties, stripping off without a care and, on one memorable occasion, I watched as one young lady bent naked over a chair while her boyfriend gave her an energetic screwing from behind. All this through a secondhand telescope bought for twenty pounds from a local second-hand shop.


A small hand-mirror. Can be used to look up skirts, especially on elevators. Superdrug sell a credit card sized mirror for 99p. A voyeur describes the technique he employs with it: "I put the mirror in one of the credit card pockets in my wallet. It is held snugly so that when the wallet is closed the mirror is hidden but when it is opened there is the mirror. I then slide a credit card over the mirror. I am now ready to go panty spotting. In the town where I live there are several stores that have escalators and I have now got my peeping down to a fine art. First I find an "up" escalator that is not overlooked by the corresponding "down" escalator. Three stores have these and my local branch of Boots has an escalator that is just perfect steep (so I'm at just the right distance below the woman whose skirt I want to look up), slow (so I've got plenty of "peeping time") and boxed in (so it is unlikely that anyone will see what I'm doing).

I wait near the bottom of the escalator (but not *too* near)until a suitable subject appears. I have found that the best results are either with very short skirts (rare midweek when I do most of my peeping) or any skirt that is wide at the bottom. A tight skirt is useless but, as long as the skirt is hanging clear of the back of her legs by a few inches or if her feet are at least 12" apart I am likely to get a good view."

"As soon as a promising subject appears I get on the elevator behind her after making sure that there is not going to be anyone getting on too soon behind me. I find that it is best to stand *not* on the step immediately below her but the one two down. After making sure that she is not looking back or down (most women are gazing upwards towards the top of the escalator) I check that the elevator is empty behind me. Then I open my wallet and slip the credit card out, uncovering the mirror. Then I put the card on the step between us (the one immediately below the one she is standing on). Now, if she looks round, I can pretend to be picking up my dropped card. With a short skirt it is usually only necessary to hold the wallet slightly forward to see right up to her panties because of the difference in levels between us."

"I divide the journey up into quarters. The first quarter is spent checking that no-one is too close behind me (my body masks what I'm doing to anyone more than a few yards away) and that my subject is not looking back at me. The next two quarters (usually about 15 seconds) are spent looking up the woman's skirt and the last few seconds as we approach the top are when I retrieve the card and put it back in the wallet."

"The first woman I tried this on was about 50 and wearing a skirt which came down to about 6" above her ankles. I pretended to be picking up my credit card. Her feet were about 18" apart and I managed to get the wallet (and the mirror) right between her feet and by angling the mirror I had a view up between her open legs almost at once. I was amazed that it was so easy! I could see her panties (they were cream) and see that they had ridden up slightly between her cheeks. She was bare-legged. Since then I've seen scores of panties but I live in hope of finding a woman without any on it hasn't happened yet! I've seen quite a lot of pubes though. A long black skirt is usually a waste of time because it is too dark up there to get a good view. Luckily the current fashion is for lighter materials so there is usually more than enough illumination especially as the mirror often reflects light from the store's overhead lighting up between the woman's legs."

"BTW, middle aged women sometimes wear *very* interesting undies I've seen tiny g-strings on a couple of *very* respectable looking ladies in their 40's and most of my sightings of stocking-tops have been with older ladies although I saw a nice pair of hold-ups on a teenage girl"

"I never spend too long in one store. I pretend to be waiting for someone and then, when a likely woman appears, I follow her up one floor and then repeat the "waiting for my wife" routine near the next elevator until another woman presents herself. In this way I can get up to 5 pantie shows each time (there are 6 floors in the store) although I sometimes follow a particularly attractive woman up 2 or 3 floors, getting long looks up her skirt between each one. I have got pretty good at spotting the women who will give me the best chance of a good view and I reckon on about a 50% success rate. I then descend using the lift before repeating the exercise. Then I go to another store and do it all over again. Using this method once a week for an hour I see up about 15-20 skirts every week"

Just a few ideas for the enthusiastic peeper. I have not even mentioned the hundreds of other opportunities for "up skirt" views I have a shopping center near my home which is built on 3 levels and I never have to stand near the open-plan staircase for more than 5 minutes before I am treated to a view of some woman's panties (Good to see hold-up stockings getting more common!), and, of course, escalators are another classic place to peep up skirts - even without the aid of a mirror!. The return of the mini-skirt has made staircases and escalators exciting places to visit for the keen "up skirt enthusiast."

LEGAL NOTES It is mainly a matter of proof and intent if you are caught. For example, someone catching sight of a peephole in a changing room and looking through it would be very unlikely to be prosecuted. If, however, he was found to be in possession of a drill at the time then prosecution under the Public Order Act (UK) would be likely.

Likewise, if a woman's skirt blows up around her neck it may be impolite (and extremely arousing) to have a good look at her panties but it isn't illegal - she might be annoyed but she can't prosecute. Walk up to her and lift her skirt up and you'll be meeting the boys in blue in very short order!

Cameras, both video and 35mm, have one major disadvantage - the photo or tape you have gone to so much trouble to get will also provide exhibit A if you get caught. I don't need a camera - I can still see in perfect detail the pattern of blue and pink flowers on the panties of the woman in the Volvo, the way her stomach swelled over the elastic at the top. It's all locked away in my memory and it's a memory which never fails to turn me on.

Pointing a camera up a woman's skirt would be an offence under the Public Order Act (UK) and would probably result in a fine and/or conditional discharge. It would have to be proved to be a deliberate act - simply panning across a crowd and "accidentally" getting a shot of a woman with her legs apart would not be an offence but being observed standing under a stairwell and pointing the camera up women's skirts would almost certainly result in a prosecution.

As soon as you make contact (lifting a woman's skirt for example) it could be seen as indecent assault for which the punishment is much more severe. But, as a voyeur, your pleasure comes from the sighting - you don't need to even let her know that you've seen her panties - and with practice you can see something exciting every day without anyone else being aware of your "hobby" so this section will, hopefully, be irrelevant.

It is intended that the Peepers Guide will be constantly improved and expanded to cover all aspects of peeping in the UK - although many of the sections are relevant to most countries.

Author: Anonymous

Open fly story in Massachusetts:  (Added 9/08/98)
Hello!I must confess to being a voyeur for about 20 years or so (I'm 34 now), with my particular fetish being visible panties down the back of the pants and VPL, though I also indulge in upskirt as well. It started back in middle school with a particularly attractive brunette haired classmate who frequently and obliviously showed the waistband of her nylon panties above her corduroy pants or jeans. Over the years my quest for good looks has evolved to where now my preferred subjects are Asian, and it is the vivid memory of one particular Asian that I wish to share as my inaugural submission.

One late winter afternoon, a mild day around 40F/4C, I made my way into the Harvard Square subway station in Cambridge heading towards Boston. My attention was drawn towards a young woman, either Vietnamese or Cambodian I'm not sure, who wasn't a knockout but looked OK enough. She was wearing a long, brown overcoat over a white sweater and short white button-down shirt and slightly loose fitting dark blue denim jeans. She wore her overcoat open since again it wasn't too cold out, but she was pacing the platform until the train arrived with her hands jammed into her front pants pockets and not the pockets on her overcoat, which seemed a bit odd to me.

When we boarded the train finally I sat down next to her. Imagine my surprise, then, to find the front zipper on her jeans gaping wide open to reveal the front of her light blue cotton bikini panties from just above her crotch to the lacy detailing on her front waistband and the part of her midriff just above it to the front tail of her button-down shirt. I sat transfixed for about five minutes or so as I beheld this incredible sight. I'm sure the other passengers around us were also aware of this but if they were they didn't let on.

Finally I felt compelled to motion wordlessly to her about her carelessness and with me holding a leather binder I'd been carrying in front of her lap she silently re-zipped her fly. I kept tabs on her discreetly as the train made its way through Boston before she finally got off in Quincy, with me close on her heels. As I followed her away from the station into a residential neighborhood where I presumed she lived I fully learned how her zipper came open in the first place. She once again jammed her hands into her front jeans pockets to try to keep them warm as we walked along the slushy sidewalks, unaware of the fact that the force created by that action had popped her fly wide open again!

I kept up, walking ahead of her now and again to catch another glimpse of her panties through her open zipper, until I was so thoroughly stimulated that it was affecting my pace and causing me to walk wobbly, to say nothing about the ejaculation I experienced. Afraid that that sensation would be noticeable I reluctantly dropped off the pursuit just shy of her street and made my way back to the train, pausing in a public restroom along the way to take care of my "spill".

To this day that remains one of my most exciting voyeuristic memory. I hope to share more with you in the future.



Mountain Trip:  (Added 9/14/98)
When I was 14 my parents, my sister and a girlfriend of my sister went for a weekend in a cabin in the Norwegian mountains. The cabin was small and really had only one bedroom. There was a sleeping ”compartment” above the kitchen which was open down to the living room.

After a long walk in the mountain during Saturday we arrived back at the cabin and after an hour or so we had a good dinner. After that we played cards and really had a relaxing good time. My sisters friend, Jenny, was a very nice girl. Not so pretty looking, but very kind and generous. She had a very nice body, and me being only 15 kept looking at her when she didn’t see it. Sometimes she would catch my eyes, and when she smiled I would blush.

It had been a long day, and we went quite early to bed. My parents occupied the sleeping room and my sister, Jenny and myself would share the little room above the kitchen. They probably considered me harmless and in reality I was. I went up the ladder first, placing myself by the wall. Then came my sister and then Jenny. We all slept in sleeping bags.

After maybe 15-20 minutes of talking, I fell asleep.

I woke very early and in the dim light coming from the living room I now saw Jenny lying next to me. My sister had probably been to the bathroom during the night, and Jenny had moved in one place when she returned.

Jenny's sleeping bag was open almost down to her hips. She was on her back and her right arm lied on the floor beside me with the palm facing up. I had an instant erection and very slowly I pulled my underpants down inside my sleeping bag. I turned around and now I lied on the side,

facing Jenny. Without too much noise I managed to open my sleeping bag and move my body so that my cock was right over her hand. Don’t ask where I got the nerve, I honestly don’t know! Thoughts of what might happen if she woke up and screamed flashed through my mind, but I decided that I was doing this in my sleep.

My heart was pounding away like crazy when I lowered my hips so that my cock touched her hand. All the time I looked at her face to see if she still was sleeping. My sister was surely sleeping. She snored! I almost came when my cock touched Jenny's hand. It was so exciting! After a while I managed to get my cock between her thumb and index finger and slowly I started to move back and forth. I couldn’t move much, but the excitement was almost unbearable. Then suddenly she closed her hand around my cock! I froze instantly.Was she awake? Would she scream? But no. She kept a firm grip of my stone-hard cock, and with only a few more movements I came. A huge load of young semen spurted out of me and hit her arm and her sleeping bag. Then she opened her eyes! She had been awake all the time! She withdrew her arm and put one finger over her lips, telling me to be silent. Then she slowly opened her sleeping bag so that I could see her panties. She pulled them down, revealing her bush and then she started rubbing herself. I was hard as a rock in seconds again. She noticed this and grabbed it with her right hand and started stroking me.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. She was very quite and made almost no movements, except stroking my cock and rubbing herself. Within less then a couple of minutes I came again, this time maybe even better. The load was not so  big, but the feeling was very intense. Then she came too. She let go of my cock and hold the hand over her mouth, in order not to make any noises I guess. After a long while she laid still, trying not to breath to heavy. I offered her my t-shirt to clean up with and after she had used it I put down in my sleeping bag. Not a word was said, but she got up, climbed over my sister and went to the bathroom. I was almost asleep when she got back and now my sister was besides me again.

Nothing more happened, really. It was kind of awkward in the morning, but she never mentioned what had happened and to me it’s one of my best memories. It might be this experience that really made me interested in  female masturbation.


Stories of a Dressing Room Peeper!:  (Added 9/18/98)
    I was already a dedicated voyeur by my early teens. I was always thinking of ways to peep into women's dressing rooms without getting caught. I finally found the perfect method! While shopping for school clothes, I was trying them on in the men's fitting rooms and, began to examine the stall. I noted that there was a space of about 1\4".

So, a couple of weeks later, I had my mother drive me to the mall. I went into the same clothing store, and went to the men's section and took a couple pairs of pants. I then went to the women's fitting rooms(which were not marked) and went into a stall that was unoccupied. I then closed the door and laid down on the ground. If anyone saw me in the wrong dressing room (the customers usually didn't care) I would pretend I didn't know which one I was supposed to be in.

Anyways, I slid this small phone card slightly under the wall. Laying on the floor, I could look into the reflection of the phone card (which I always used since it was less suspicious than a mirror), I could see entirely into the next dressing room that this lady had just entered. She took her shirt off and I was staring at black bra. She then tried on a few shirts and then took her pants off so I could see her pink panties. After she left I did too and put the clothes I was pretending to try on back. I had to leave and went to find my mother. I would go back to the mall every week or so and do the same thing. The next week I watched this hot girl about 18 try on prom dresses for about 30 minutes. Being new to this, I had trouble angling the phone card, and I only got to see her white lace bra once. However, I got to see her panties plenty of times. She didn't even know I was in the fitting rooms, and would only be able to see my phone card if she was laying on the floor like me.

    I con





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