Part 1
It is a weired book that it has no the part one but part two.
Part 2. Basics
Yes, very basic, if you can't master all of them, please don't get forward. Read it again and again until you can do every example without the book.
Part 3. Beyong the Basics
No, it is not beyong the basics, it is still basic knowledge. Read it again and agian.
This is my tricky to learn programming.
Part 4. Commands
haha, wolderful thing begins here.
Need more practice over these commands.
Part 5. Advanced Topics
There are a lot of interesting topics in this part. I read all of them and understand them. But I think I can't remeber them clearlly in the future.
IO Redirection - File Descriptor
exec 6>&1 #Make file descriptor 6 point to standard output.
exec > $LOGFILE # Make the standard output point to $LOGFILE, this command is default to exec 1> $LOGFILE
#Output any things, for example, echo "hello", the output goes $LOGFILE
exec 1>&6 6>&- # Recover the standard output and close the file descriptor 6
/dev and /proc
The /dev directory contains entries for the physical devices that may or may not be present in the hardware.
The /proc directory is actually a pseudo-filesystem. The files in /proc mirror currently running system and
kernel processes and contain information and statistics about them. It is a snapshot of the OS.
Think of /dev/null as a black hole. It is essentially the equivalent of a write-only file. Everything written to it disappears. Attempts to read or output from it result in nothing. All the same,/dev/null can be quite useful from both the command line and in scripts.
Like /dev/null, /dev/zero is a pseudo-device file, but it actually produces a stream of nulls(binary zeros, not the ASCII kind). Output written to /dev/zero disappears, and it is fairly difficult to actually read the nulls emitted there, though it can be done with od or a hex editor. The chief use of /dev/zero is creating an initialized dummy file of predetermined length intended as a temporary swap file.
《Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide》是一本专注于深入学习Bash脚本艺术的书籍,由Mendel Cooper撰写。这本书不仅适合初学者,也适合有一定经验的脚本编写者,提供了丰富的实例来帮助读者理解并掌握Bash脚本的高级概念...
《Linux高级Bash Shell脚本编程指南》是一本专为Linux用户深入理解并掌握Bash Shell脚本编程的宝贵资源。Bash(Bourne-Again SHell)是Unix及类Unix系统中最常用的命令行解释器,它为用户提供了一种强大而灵活的方式...
高级Bash脚本编程指南 原作者 Mendel Cooper 原书名 Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide 译者 黄毅 杨春敏 译者发布的是html和pdf版。pdf版只有3.7版,我花了点功夫基于最新的3.9做成了chm版。
《高级Bash编程指南》是一本深入探讨Shell脚本编程艺术的专业书籍,由Mendel Cooper撰写,旨在帮助读者从初学者进阶为Bash编程的高手。这本书以丰富的实例和详尽的解释,覆盖了Bash编程的各个方面,不仅适合初学者,...
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide 3.9.1 (包括中译本) 作者:thegrendel 主页: 中译本:杨春敏(chunmin.yang at 黄毅 (linuxprogram at
Bash脚本高级指南(Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide)是学习shell的经典指南,其中内容详细,实例丰富,且根据Bash的发展不断更新,此资源是Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide的最新版本6.6,更新于2012.11.27,是本人...
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
高级shell 编程,针对bash <br>Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide .pdf
《Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide》是一本深入探讨Bash Shell编程技术的权威指南,提供了中英文双语版本以及源码。Bash Shell是Linux和Unix系统中广泛使用的命令行解释器,它允许用户通过命令行与操作系统交互,同时...
《Footnoted 高级 Bash 脚本指南》是一本深入探讨壳脚本艺术的指南,由 Mendel Cooper 编写。这本书旨在为没有编程或脚本经验的读者提供一个快速进阶到中级/高级水平的教程,同时在讲解过程中穿插着 UNIX 操作系统的...
《Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide》是一本深入探讨Bash脚本艺术的高级开发指南。这本书详细介绍Bash shell脚本的语法、常用命令和开发技巧。书中包含大量实例,经过众多高手修正,是学习Bash脚本的必读书籍。 首先...
**高级Bash脚本编程指南(Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide)是学习Bash shell脚本编写的一本权威性教程,适合各个层次的用户,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益。Bash shell是Linux和Unix系统中最常用的...
《Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide》是Bash脚本编程领域的一部经典著作,它深入浅出地讲解了Bash shell的高级特性和用法,对初学者和经验丰富的开发者都具有极高的参考价值。 该教程全面覆盖了Bash脚本编写的基础和...
在阅读《Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide》这本书的过程中,我们能学到许多有关Bash脚本的高级用法和技巧。这本书对于那些想要提升其Bash脚本编写能力的用户来说是一份宝贵的资料。接下来,我将根据给定文件的部分...
This document is both a tutorial and a reference on shell scripting with Bash. It assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced ...