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What is Device Hook?
Device Hook (or DevHook for short) is a Homebrew App for PSPs running the 1.5 Firmware.
DevHook is used to play your backed-up Game ISOs from your memory stick, or your UMDs
It can run every game up to date.
DevHook also emulates the latest firmwares, including 2.71, giving you the ability to use the newest firmware perks!
Web Browser, RSS Feed, LocationFree Player, Windows Media Audio (WMA) File support, Flash Player! All are functional!
There is no risk in bricking your PSP either, as everything runs off your memory card!
Using a 2.0/2.01/2.5/2.6/2.70/2.71 PSP? Downgrade to 1.5 today using [p0Wer's Downgrading Tutorial!]
The "~~~~~" Seperated the sections.
The "---------" Seperated the parts in the sections.
Newest files added are in yellow.
Older files are in light green.
Section headings are in orange.
Points of interest are bold.
The Goods! DevHook Packs and Optional Add-ons.
These packs and installers are for exclusive use by PSP-Hacks.com.
If you would like to post it elsewhere, Ask Me First!
Flash enabled, WMA enabled by Default.
DevHook 0.46 Ultimate Installer v1.1.1 By ChaosZero
The easiest way to install DevHook 0.46!
Includes the following options:
Install Default DevHook 0.46 with 2.71 Firmware
Add Bleach Custom Pack - 0.46 version
Add Naruto Custom Pack - 0.46 version
Return DevHook to Stock
Install 2.60 Firmware for DevHook
Install Mod Pack (USB/Screnshot/No Autorun) - 0.44/0.45/0.46 version
Install JAP Reg .ZIP for Manual install (Swapped X and O)
Install CISO Tools
Install X5 Web Portal
Install DevHook 0.46 Update
Changes: Addresses the 333MHz WiFi problem.
Special Thanks to the 1.09.1 Alpha Testers: Zoddi, Gargantula, Combustolux, noi, Zephyrus
To get the DevHook Ultimate Installer: USB Edition, visit www.UltimateInstaller.co.nr
DevHook USB and Screenshot Mod- Pre-Release
Unzip to your PSP root.
NOTE: You must already have the original Mod Pack, released with v1.1.1, installed.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46.0000 (v1) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
Format your card if you have any previous ChaosZero Pack installed.
Also, copy your flash1 in ms0:\dh\271 to keep all your settings.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46 Update
For users of DevHook 0.45. Extract to your memory stick root.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46 Experimental 333MHz WiFi Fix
For users of DevHook 0.46. Extract to your memory stick root.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
2.71 JAP flash1
For swapped X and O buttons...
WMA/Flash enabled: [Mirror 1]
http://www.f-forge.com/?d=w8pDRFLINhJKk25s07vA http://rapidshare.de/files/25860394/Dev … 4.zip.html
Help Me! Tutorials for DevHook 0.4x
Chaos Zero's DevHook 0.4x ISO Tutorial!
1. Intstall DevHook 0.44, either by downloading the Ultimate Installer or ZIP packages.
2. Put your ISO or CSO file in the ISO folder on the MS Root (ms0:\)
Note: Delete the "Change This To Your .ISO" file in the ISO folder after install.
3. Load up DevHook 0.44 by clicking the icon under game.
4. Let it load until the DevHook menu appears. Press O. It will also prompt you to do so.
5. Change 'Target ISO' to your ISO.
6. PSP will 'restart' and load the target ISO. To simply load the 2.71 XMB/Firmware, choose the ISO but have no UMD in the drive!
To change ISO/CSOs 2.71, press 'Home' + 'Right Trigger' or 'Home' + 'Left Trigger'.
This will cycle through the ISOs and CSOs in the ISO folder.
You will also see what ISO you are on at the bottom of the screen.
To go back to 1.5 either hard reboot the PSP by holding Power for 3 seconds
or Start a game and press 'Home'. Highlight 'Yes', Hold 'LeftTrigger'+'RightTrigger'+Up and press X.
DevHook will boot EVERY game up to date. It will also boot 1.5 games fine.
There is also no need to change PRX files like in previous versions.
Leave all your ISO's 'untouched'
ISOs edited for MPHGL use will not work.
Some older 1.5 or 2.0 games may run better on an older loader.
GTA:LCS for example is very laggy with DevHook.
I suggest DAXZISO 0.6x or DevHook Evolved.
For a complete list of Working and Non-Working Games, visit:
Note: When you see the 2.71 xmb menu, DEVHOOK IS LOADED!!!
Read the Troubleshooting bellow before posting for help!
Chaos Zero's DevHook 0.4x UMD Tutorial!
1. Intstall DevHook 0.4x using either the Ultimate Installer or ZIP packages.
2. Put the UMD you want to play in your drive.
3. Load up DevHook 0.44. When you see DevHook's menu, press O.
4. Change the following settings:
UMD Select: UMD Disc
5. Press 'Start'.
6. The 2.71 XMB Menu will load before launching the game.
Quiting the game will return you to the 2.71 xmb menu.
DevHook 0.46 Flashing Tutorial
First of all, what is the flashing?
The "flashing" is copying some of DevHooks files onto your PSP's memory, aka writing to Flash.
Is it safe?
Some people don't like messing with the PSP's internal memory, but it is safe.
Some percations:
1. Don't do this while you are, quote, "Under the Influence" of any substance.
2. Have your battery charged atleast to 2 bars or have to AC adapter plugged in.
So what are the advantages of storing these files on flash?
By storing the selected files on Flash, it provide much quicker load times.
You can also always have your settings, like wallpaper, RSS Channels, WiFi Connections, PSP's name.
Even if you completly unistall DevHook, or use a different memory stick, your settings will be saved!
Can I keep my old 2.71 settings when I do this?
Yes, copy the folder under dh\271\ called "flash1"
After installing the new 0.46, return that folder.
Ok, so how do I go about doing this?
First, Install DevHook 0.46 either by means of the Ultimate installer, full pack, or other source.
Now load DevHook by clicking on the icon under game.
1a. If you haven't changed the wallpaper, or PSP name yet since you installed it, do this first:
1b. Load up the 2.71 firmware like you usually would.
1c. Change all the settings to your own, eg change the PSP Name, wallpaper, add RSS Feeds, etc.
1d. Then quit DevHook and return to the 1.5 menu.
2. Load DevHook (again for some)
3. When DevHook's menu comes up, select "FLASH ROM"
4. Select "flash1: < ms0: install configfile"
5. You will see the warning and information.
6. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
7. DH will start working, then stop and ask you to press any button, returning you back to the menu.
8. Now select "flash0: install font"
9. Again, You will see the warning and information.
10. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
11. DH will start working, then stop and ask you to press any button, returning you back to the menu.
12. And again, select "flash0: install kd/resource"
13. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
14. All done! All your setting are always on your PSP.
To remove these settings at anytime, slect the flash0 or flash1 remove all devhook files.
CISO/CSO Tool Tutorial by Chaos Zero
To use an easier compressor try [Danny_Kay1710's Compressor]
Tool: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6M5ZOA6R
Move the folder called 'tool' from the 0.41b update to C:\
Move the iso you want compressed into the tool folder.
Open Windows Start Menu -> Run...
Type "Command"
When Command pops up, input "cd\tool" and press enter.
Next, type in "ciso 1 NAME.iso NAME.cso" and press enter.
A new fill called NAME.ciso will be created. You may rename this back to NAME.ISO if you wish!
Of course replacing NAME with your iso name.
eg. 'Splinter Cell.iso' must be changed to 'SplinterCell.iso'.
The number 1 stands for compression level; 1 being quick/larger, 9 being slow/Smaller.
Advanced; Format is: [ciso] [Compression Level 1-9] [Original ISO name] [New ISO Name]
To Uncompress cso file type "ciso 0 NAME.cso NAME.iso" instead. Notice the '0'?
NAME.cso is the compressed file, NAME.iso is what you want the uncompressed version to be called.
Again, The Danny_Kay tool is easier to use.
Why the f*ck won't it work?! TroubleShooting.
DevHook- Device Hook, an PSP App made by BOOSTER.
XMB- Cross Meda Browser. It is where the Settings, PHOTO, VIDEO, GAME, etc are; The first thing you see.
222MHz- CPU clock speed. Default running speed.
333MHz- CPU clock speed.
X5 Web Portal
Q: I just installed the X5 Web Portal now how do I use it?e
A: Launch the PSP using DevHook into the 2.71 firmware.
Go to the Browser and type "file:/x5/index.html" as the address.
Q. What is the 'COMMON' Directory?
A. COMMON refers to a folder inside your PSP folder.
Device Hook Help
Q: Where is the memory card root?
A: If you connect your PSP to a computer, It's the first place you see.
Contains th PSP folder.
Q: What is ms0:\?
A: Another way of saying the memory card root.
Q: I'm using DevHook 0.44 in 333MHz mode, but it just freezes! Why?!
A: DevHook 0.44 does not currently support 333MHz. Use 222MHz instead.
Q: Does WiFi work? (Adhoc and Infrastructure)
A: Yep.
Q: Is there a way to run games in 333Mhz?
A: Yes. Press Home+Select while in the XMB.
Q: Where do I but my ISOs?
A: Create an folder called "ISO" in your memory card's root and put them there.
Q: Can I make the .ISO's smaller without removing anything?
A: Make it a .CSO using the tools provided by Danny_Kay1710/BOOSTER
Q: Can I use Homebrew while in 2.71?
A: Nope. Restart your PSP to 1.5 to use hombrew again.
Q: How do I go back to 1.5?!
A: Hold your power button up for approx. 3 seconds then turn it back on.
Q: Will this damage my PSP?
A: Not a chance
Q: I can't even launch DevHook! It says Corrupted Game Data!
A: DevHook only works on the 1.5 firmware. If you have a 2.5/2.6 PSP without the TA-082 board, you can downgrade. 2.0/2.1 users can also downgrade. 2.7x PSPs are currently out of luck.
Q: Can I change the DevHook icon?
A: Sure! Visit [here] to grab a new one.
Q: Can I change where the DevHook Icon is? I want it at the top of my list!
A: Use Sei PSP Tool. It also moves the 'corrupted data'.
Q: Can I delete the Corrupted Data under my Game Menu?
A: No. You can move it to the bottom of your list using Sei PSP Tool though!
Q: What are the DevHook Shortcuts?
Juan2320 wrote:
Try all this in devhook
In XMB Menu:
• HOME + (L or R) »» Change the iSO
• HOME + Select »» Change the CPU speed
While DevHook is Booting:
• L + R »» Go straight to XMB menu, with no $CE screen.
Right After You Select the UMD in XMB Menu:
• L + R + DPAD Up »» Loads the UMD in the drive in 1.50 mode (exits DevHook)
Note: Put an UMD that doesn't work on 1.50 and it will return to 1.50 with an error message
• Note or (L + Note) »» Takes a screenshot (Mod)
When About To Select OK In Exit Game Menu (Home button):
(when your going to exit a game)
• L + R + DPAD Up (press yes) »» Exits to 1.50 firmware
(if you have mods Home + Start in the XMB)go back to 1.5
ISO Settings Overview:
UMD Select -> select game ISO
UMD VERSION -> 2.xx ->2.00
FIRMWARE -> 2.71
ISO Settings Overview:
UMD Select -> --- UMD Disc ---
UMD MOUNT -> --- UMD Disc ---
UMD VERSION -> 2.xx ->2.00
FIRMWARE -> 2.71
Get Vintage! Old DevHook Pack Archive
---- Full Packs ----
DevHook 0.45 Ultimate Installer Version 1.09.1:
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.45.0000 (v1) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2] [Mirror 3]
DevHook 0.44.0000 (v1) Standard Version By ChaosZero
Unpack to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
Custom Gameboot, Background, CSO Tools, More.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=OnMhHoVWr7ji5yd0Fl8p
RapidShare: http://rapidshare.de/files/25795687/Dev … o.exe.html
RAR Version: http://www.f-forge.com?d=syzLg340uo8WjFBU5ZlH
DevHook 0.44.0000 (v2) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
PSP-Hacks: http://www.psp-hacks.com/file/637
http://rapidshare.de/files/25779783/Dev … o.zip.html
---- Firmware Installs: ----
1.50 Firmware
2.60 Firmware Installer for 0.43/0.44
Add the 2.60 Firmware to 0.44 for 333MHz play or just to have it.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=Caw7XtdQ3kB0vZO8A25f
2.50 Firmware Installer for 0.42/0.43/0.44
Add the 2.50 Firmware to 0.44 for 333MHz play or just to have it.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=fnKODtcjs4oGFz7IZ1aW
---- Tools ----
Applications for DevHook
Compressed ISO (CSO) Program
"You're Nothing But a Fake!" Fake and Counterfit Memory Card Tutorial
Written By: zabbyh
Devhook didn't work for me before because of my fake 2GB stick but now it is. I don't know if any of you guys can get this to make devhook work for you. But I will tell you exactly what I did.
*Important* - Backup your whole memory stick to your PC to a folder on the root of your hard disk.
[1] Tried Devhook 0.41d, didn't work again.
[2] Connected PSP to PC to delete ISO , and there was a corrupt folder on there, I couldn't delete. Windows said run chkdsk
[3] Went to "My Computer", "G:\" (my psp) Right-click and scanned stick through properties, with both options checked ("Auto fix file system errors", "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"). This deleted a lot of files off my memory stick. So I copied them across again from my backup.
[4] Went into PSP and it said I only had 300mb left on memory stick, so I was like oh it got the values wrong again, so I formatted the memory stick through the PSP twice.
[5] Now I had to copy the files from my backup on to the PSP again. But I had done it so many times I decided to make things easy for my self and copy through MSDOS.
I wrote this code into a text file and saved it as copy.bat
@echo off
xcopy C:\PSPBAK\* G:\ /E /Y
i guess I'll explain xcopy for the noobs. Xcopy works like this -
xcopy [source] [destination]
The switch /E - means it copies all subdirectories from the source including empty ones to the destination
The switch /Y - means it will not ask you to confirm overwriting a file.
I'm pretty sure you can tell where you need to put your files etc. Change the code according to where/what you folders are.
Oh yeh I had everything from my PSP on there, including the ISO that I wanted to test which was Gradius Collection. So after it copied like 2239 files (included music ). I put PSP on and tested Devhook. OMG its working.
I'm pretty sure step 5 is what made it work, but I thought I'd write exactly what I did to make sure
Cool I just tried a again after rebooting and it still worked.
DevHook Version: 0.44
Ultimate Installer Version: 1.08
Credit goes out to BOOSTER for Device Hook 0.4x!
Tutorial by: ChaosZero of www.psp-hacks.com
I hope this helps you guys!
2.5/2.6 Downgraders, Welcome to the awsome world of 1.5!
Next stop: Amazing Homebrew Games and Apps!
Need more help? Post in the thread!
See ya! Have fun! ^^
Device Hook (or DevHook for short) is a Homebrew App for PSPs running the 1.5 Firmware.
DevHook is used to play your backed-up Game ISOs from your memory stick, or your UMDs
It can run every game up to date.
DevHook also emulates the latest firmwares, including 2.71, giving you the ability to use the newest firmware perks!
Web Browser, RSS Feed, LocationFree Player, Windows Media Audio (WMA) File support, Flash Player! All are functional!
There is no risk in bricking your PSP either, as everything runs off your memory card!
Using a 2.0/2.01/2.5/2.6/2.70/2.71 PSP? Downgrade to 1.5 today using [p0Wer's Downgrading Tutorial!]
The "~~~~~" Seperated the sections.
The "---------" Seperated the parts in the sections.
Newest files added are in yellow.
Older files are in light green.
Section headings are in orange.
Points of interest are bold.
The Goods! DevHook Packs and Optional Add-ons.
These packs and installers are for exclusive use by PSP-Hacks.com.
If you would like to post it elsewhere, Ask Me First!
Flash enabled, WMA enabled by Default.
DevHook 0.46 Ultimate Installer v1.1.1 By ChaosZero
The easiest way to install DevHook 0.46!
Includes the following options:
Install Default DevHook 0.46 with 2.71 Firmware
Add Bleach Custom Pack - 0.46 version
Add Naruto Custom Pack - 0.46 version
Return DevHook to Stock
Install 2.60 Firmware for DevHook
Install Mod Pack (USB/Screnshot/No Autorun) - 0.44/0.45/0.46 version
Install JAP Reg .ZIP for Manual install (Swapped X and O)
Install CISO Tools
Install X5 Web Portal
Install DevHook 0.46 Update
Changes: Addresses the 333MHz WiFi problem.
Special Thanks to the 1.09.1 Alpha Testers: Zoddi, Gargantula, Combustolux, noi, Zephyrus
To get the DevHook Ultimate Installer: USB Edition, visit www.UltimateInstaller.co.nr
DevHook USB and Screenshot Mod- Pre-Release
Unzip to your PSP root.
NOTE: You must already have the original Mod Pack, released with v1.1.1, installed.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46.0000 (v1) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
Format your card if you have any previous ChaosZero Pack installed.
Also, copy your flash1 in ms0:\dh\271 to keep all your settings.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46 Update
For users of DevHook 0.45. Extract to your memory stick root.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.46 Experimental 333MHz WiFi Fix
For users of DevHook 0.46. Extract to your memory stick root.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
2.71 JAP flash1
For swapped X and O buttons...
WMA/Flash enabled: [Mirror 1]
http://www.f-forge.com/?d=w8pDRFLINhJKk25s07vA http://rapidshare.de/files/25860394/Dev … 4.zip.html
Help Me! Tutorials for DevHook 0.4x
Chaos Zero's DevHook 0.4x ISO Tutorial!
1. Intstall DevHook 0.44, either by downloading the Ultimate Installer or ZIP packages.
2. Put your ISO or CSO file in the ISO folder on the MS Root (ms0:\)
Note: Delete the "Change This To Your .ISO" file in the ISO folder after install.
3. Load up DevHook 0.44 by clicking the icon under game.
4. Let it load until the DevHook menu appears. Press O. It will also prompt you to do so.
5. Change 'Target ISO' to your ISO.
6. PSP will 'restart' and load the target ISO. To simply load the 2.71 XMB/Firmware, choose the ISO but have no UMD in the drive!
To change ISO/CSOs 2.71, press 'Home' + 'Right Trigger' or 'Home' + 'Left Trigger'.
This will cycle through the ISOs and CSOs in the ISO folder.
You will also see what ISO you are on at the bottom of the screen.
To go back to 1.5 either hard reboot the PSP by holding Power for 3 seconds
or Start a game and press 'Home'. Highlight 'Yes', Hold 'LeftTrigger'+'RightTrigger'+Up and press X.
DevHook will boot EVERY game up to date. It will also boot 1.5 games fine.
There is also no need to change PRX files like in previous versions.
Leave all your ISO's 'untouched'
ISOs edited for MPHGL use will not work.
Some older 1.5 or 2.0 games may run better on an older loader.
GTA:LCS for example is very laggy with DevHook.
I suggest DAXZISO 0.6x or DevHook Evolved.
For a complete list of Working and Non-Working Games, visit:
Note: When you see the 2.71 xmb menu, DEVHOOK IS LOADED!!!
Read the Troubleshooting bellow before posting for help!
Chaos Zero's DevHook 0.4x UMD Tutorial!
1. Intstall DevHook 0.4x using either the Ultimate Installer or ZIP packages.
2. Put the UMD you want to play in your drive.
3. Load up DevHook 0.44. When you see DevHook's menu, press O.
4. Change the following settings:
UMD Select: UMD Disc
5. Press 'Start'.
6. The 2.71 XMB Menu will load before launching the game.
Quiting the game will return you to the 2.71 xmb menu.
DevHook 0.46 Flashing Tutorial
First of all, what is the flashing?
The "flashing" is copying some of DevHooks files onto your PSP's memory, aka writing to Flash.
Is it safe?
Some people don't like messing with the PSP's internal memory, but it is safe.
Some percations:
1. Don't do this while you are, quote, "Under the Influence" of any substance.
2. Have your battery charged atleast to 2 bars or have to AC adapter plugged in.
So what are the advantages of storing these files on flash?
By storing the selected files on Flash, it provide much quicker load times.
You can also always have your settings, like wallpaper, RSS Channels, WiFi Connections, PSP's name.
Even if you completly unistall DevHook, or use a different memory stick, your settings will be saved!
Can I keep my old 2.71 settings when I do this?
Yes, copy the folder under dh\271\ called "flash1"
After installing the new 0.46, return that folder.
Ok, so how do I go about doing this?
First, Install DevHook 0.46 either by means of the Ultimate installer, full pack, or other source.
Now load DevHook by clicking on the icon under game.
1a. If you haven't changed the wallpaper, or PSP name yet since you installed it, do this first:
1b. Load up the 2.71 firmware like you usually would.
1c. Change all the settings to your own, eg change the PSP Name, wallpaper, add RSS Feeds, etc.
1d. Then quit DevHook and return to the 1.5 menu.
2. Load DevHook (again for some)
3. When DevHook's menu comes up, select "FLASH ROM"
4. Select "flash1: < ms0: install configfile"
5. You will see the warning and information.
6. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
7. DH will start working, then stop and ask you to press any button, returning you back to the menu.
8. Now select "flash0: install font"
9. Again, You will see the warning and information.
10. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
11. DH will start working, then stop and ask you to press any button, returning you back to the menu.
12. And again, select "flash0: install kd/resource"
13. Press and hold your circle button for 5 seconds.
14. All done! All your setting are always on your PSP.
To remove these settings at anytime, slect the flash0 or flash1 remove all devhook files.
CISO/CSO Tool Tutorial by Chaos Zero
To use an easier compressor try [Danny_Kay1710's Compressor]
Tool: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6M5ZOA6R
Move the folder called 'tool' from the 0.41b update to C:\
Move the iso you want compressed into the tool folder.
Open Windows Start Menu -> Run...
Type "Command"
When Command pops up, input "cd\tool" and press enter.
Next, type in "ciso 1 NAME.iso NAME.cso" and press enter.
A new fill called NAME.ciso will be created. You may rename this back to NAME.ISO if you wish!
Of course replacing NAME with your iso name.
eg. 'Splinter Cell.iso' must be changed to 'SplinterCell.iso'.
The number 1 stands for compression level; 1 being quick/larger, 9 being slow/Smaller.
Advanced; Format is: [ciso] [Compression Level 1-9] [Original ISO name] [New ISO Name]
To Uncompress cso file type "ciso 0 NAME.cso NAME.iso" instead. Notice the '0'?
NAME.cso is the compressed file, NAME.iso is what you want the uncompressed version to be called.
Again, The Danny_Kay tool is easier to use.
Why the f*ck won't it work?! TroubleShooting.
DevHook- Device Hook, an PSP App made by BOOSTER.
XMB- Cross Meda Browser. It is where the Settings, PHOTO, VIDEO, GAME, etc are; The first thing you see.
222MHz- CPU clock speed. Default running speed.
333MHz- CPU clock speed.
X5 Web Portal
Q: I just installed the X5 Web Portal now how do I use it?e
A: Launch the PSP using DevHook into the 2.71 firmware.
Go to the Browser and type "file:/x5/index.html" as the address.
Q. What is the 'COMMON' Directory?
A. COMMON refers to a folder inside your PSP folder.
Device Hook Help
Q: Where is the memory card root?
A: If you connect your PSP to a computer, It's the first place you see.
Contains th PSP folder.
Q: What is ms0:\?
A: Another way of saying the memory card root.
Q: I'm using DevHook 0.44 in 333MHz mode, but it just freezes! Why?!
A: DevHook 0.44 does not currently support 333MHz. Use 222MHz instead.
Q: Does WiFi work? (Adhoc and Infrastructure)
A: Yep.
Q: Is there a way to run games in 333Mhz?
A: Yes. Press Home+Select while in the XMB.
Q: Where do I but my ISOs?
A: Create an folder called "ISO" in your memory card's root and put them there.
Q: Can I make the .ISO's smaller without removing anything?
A: Make it a .CSO using the tools provided by Danny_Kay1710/BOOSTER
Q: Can I use Homebrew while in 2.71?
A: Nope. Restart your PSP to 1.5 to use hombrew again.
Q: How do I go back to 1.5?!
A: Hold your power button up for approx. 3 seconds then turn it back on.
Q: Will this damage my PSP?
A: Not a chance
Q: I can't even launch DevHook! It says Corrupted Game Data!
A: DevHook only works on the 1.5 firmware. If you have a 2.5/2.6 PSP without the TA-082 board, you can downgrade. 2.0/2.1 users can also downgrade. 2.7x PSPs are currently out of luck.
Q: Can I change the DevHook icon?
A: Sure! Visit [here] to grab a new one.
Q: Can I change where the DevHook Icon is? I want it at the top of my list!
A: Use Sei PSP Tool. It also moves the 'corrupted data'.
Q: Can I delete the Corrupted Data under my Game Menu?
A: No. You can move it to the bottom of your list using Sei PSP Tool though!
Q: What are the DevHook Shortcuts?
Juan2320 wrote:
Try all this in devhook
In XMB Menu:
• HOME + (L or R) »» Change the iSO
• HOME + Select »» Change the CPU speed
While DevHook is Booting:
• L + R »» Go straight to XMB menu, with no $CE screen.
Right After You Select the UMD in XMB Menu:
• L + R + DPAD Up »» Loads the UMD in the drive in 1.50 mode (exits DevHook)
Note: Put an UMD that doesn't work on 1.50 and it will return to 1.50 with an error message
• Note or (L + Note) »» Takes a screenshot (Mod)
When About To Select OK In Exit Game Menu (Home button):
(when your going to exit a game)
• L + R + DPAD Up (press yes) »» Exits to 1.50 firmware
(if you have mods Home + Start in the XMB)go back to 1.5
ISO Settings Overview:
UMD Select -> select game ISO
UMD VERSION -> 2.xx ->2.00
FIRMWARE -> 2.71
ISO Settings Overview:
UMD Select -> --- UMD Disc ---
UMD MOUNT -> --- UMD Disc ---
UMD VERSION -> 2.xx ->2.00
FIRMWARE -> 2.71
Get Vintage! Old DevHook Pack Archive
---- Full Packs ----
DevHook 0.45 Ultimate Installer Version 1.09.1:
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2]
DevHook 0.45.0000 (v1) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2] [Mirror 3]
DevHook 0.44.0000 (v1) Standard Version By ChaosZero
Unpack to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
Custom Gameboot, Background, CSO Tools, More.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=OnMhHoVWr7ji5yd0Fl8p
RapidShare: http://rapidshare.de/files/25795687/Dev … o.exe.html
RAR Version: http://www.f-forge.com?d=syzLg340uo8WjFBU5ZlH
DevHook 0.44.0000 (v2) Stripped Version By ChaosZero
Unzip to your memorycard root, Replacing all files.
PSP-Hacks: http://www.psp-hacks.com/file/637
http://rapidshare.de/files/25779783/Dev … o.zip.html
---- Firmware Installs: ----
1.50 Firmware
2.60 Firmware Installer for 0.43/0.44
Add the 2.60 Firmware to 0.44 for 333MHz play or just to have it.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=Caw7XtdQ3kB0vZO8A25f
2.50 Firmware Installer for 0.42/0.43/0.44
Add the 2.50 Firmware to 0.44 for 333MHz play or just to have it.
F-Forge: http://www.f-forge.com?d=fnKODtcjs4oGFz7IZ1aW
---- Tools ----
Applications for DevHook
Compressed ISO (CSO) Program
"You're Nothing But a Fake!" Fake and Counterfit Memory Card Tutorial
Written By: zabbyh
Devhook didn't work for me before because of my fake 2GB stick but now it is. I don't know if any of you guys can get this to make devhook work for you. But I will tell you exactly what I did.
*Important* - Backup your whole memory stick to your PC to a folder on the root of your hard disk.
[1] Tried Devhook 0.41d, didn't work again.
[2] Connected PSP to PC to delete ISO , and there was a corrupt folder on there, I couldn't delete. Windows said run chkdsk
[3] Went to "My Computer", "G:\" (my psp) Right-click and scanned stick through properties, with both options checked ("Auto fix file system errors", "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"). This deleted a lot of files off my memory stick. So I copied them across again from my backup.
[4] Went into PSP and it said I only had 300mb left on memory stick, so I was like oh it got the values wrong again, so I formatted the memory stick through the PSP twice.
[5] Now I had to copy the files from my backup on to the PSP again. But I had done it so many times I decided to make things easy for my self and copy through MSDOS.
I wrote this code into a text file and saved it as copy.bat
@echo off
xcopy C:\PSPBAK\* G:\ /E /Y
i guess I'll explain xcopy for the noobs. Xcopy works like this -
xcopy [source] [destination]
The switch /E - means it copies all subdirectories from the source including empty ones to the destination
The switch /Y - means it will not ask you to confirm overwriting a file.
I'm pretty sure you can tell where you need to put your files etc. Change the code according to where/what you folders are.
Oh yeh I had everything from my PSP on there, including the ISO that I wanted to test which was Gradius Collection. So after it copied like 2239 files (included music ). I put PSP on and tested Devhook. OMG its working.
I'm pretty sure step 5 is what made it work, but I thought I'd write exactly what I did to make sure
Cool I just tried a again after rebooting and it still worked.
DevHook Version: 0.44
Ultimate Installer Version: 1.08
Credit goes out to BOOSTER for Device Hook 0.4x!
Tutorial by: ChaosZero of www.psp-hacks.com
I hope this helps you guys!
2.5/2.6 Downgraders, Welcome to the awsome world of 1.5!
Next stop: Amazing Homebrew Games and Apps!
Need more help? Post in the thread!
See ya! Have fun! ^^
此函数接受一个RAWINPUTDEVICE结构体数组,该数组定义了要监听的设备类型和设备标识。对于键盘,设备类型应设置为RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD,并指定设备ID为NULL以捕获所有键盘设备。 注册设备后,当有新的原始输入事件时,...
2. ID3D11DeviceContext的操作:hook DeviceContext的Draw或Dispatch等渲染命令,可以在执行前或执行后进行额外操作。 3. x86/x64支持:考虑到不同的处理器架构,hook实现需要处理x86和x64两种模式,可能涉及不同...
在Windows操作系统中,`startDoc`是GDI(Graphics Device Interface)的一部分,用于启动一个打印文档的描述。这个函数通常在打印文档之前被调用,传递关于文档的信息,如标题、页数等。`startDoc`的调用标志着一个...
Windows提供了若干与打印相关的API,如`DeviceCapabilities`、`StartDoc`、`StartPage`和`EndPage`等,这些都是可以被HOOK的对象。 ### C++ 实现细节 在cpp代码中,我们需要定义一个处理函数,该函数将在每次打印...
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在D3D中,钩子允许我们拦截和修改设备上下文(Device Context)的调用,例如设置渲染状态、绘制几何体、纹理映射等操作,从而实现对图形管道的控制。 在提供的压缩包文件名称列表中,我们可以看到几个与D3D钩子相关...
`msimg32`是Microsoft Windows的一个图形库,主要用于处理GDI(Graphics Device Interface)相关的图像操作,如绘制曲线、矩形等。在C++编程中,我们可能需要对`msimg32`中的某些函数进行Hook,以便在执行这些函数时...
DDI(Dynamic Device Identifier)Hook框架是Android平台上的一个Java Hook框架,尤其适用于对系统服务、组件或者特定API的监控和控制。本文将深入探讨DDI框架的实现原理、核心功能以及如何进行代码分析。 ### 1. ...
为了实现图形界面,本项目采用了完全的GDI(Graphics Device Interface)绘图,这是一种在Windows上进行图形输出的基础技术。通过GDI,我们可以创建窗口,接收用户输入,以及绘制文本和图形。 值得注意的是,由于是...
4. 驱动安装与卸载:了解如何使用INF文件和Device Manager来安装和卸载64位驱动。 5. 安全与兼容性:学习如何避免因SSDT挂钩导致的系统不稳定,以及如何确保驱动与不同版本的Windows兼容。 6. 错误处理与调试:...
"GDI"(Graphics Device Interface)是Windows操作系统中的图形设备接口,用于应用程序与硬件图形设备交互。在C#中,通过`System.Drawing`命名空间,开发者可以利用GDI+进行图形绘制、图像处理和文本渲染等操作。GDI...
在IT行业中,打印hook是一种常见的技术,用于监控或控制打印机操作。这主要涉及到Windows系统中的驱动程序编程,尤其是使用Visual C++(VC++)来编写系统级别的代码。在这个主题下,我们将深入探讨如何通过VC++实现...
用户首先需要按照`pve lxc安装openwrt 2.0版本.txt`中的指导进行操作,可能包括配置PVE主机、下载并导入根文件系统、安装内核模块,然后通过`device_hook.sh`脚本连接网络设备,最后通过`openwrt.conf`定制OpenWrt的...
用DeviceTree 可以看到PS/2键盘的端口驱动是i8042prt,USB键盘的端口驱动是Kbdhid。无论是PS/2 键盘还是USB键盘,在端口驱动处理完IRP之后都会调用上层处理的回调函数,即KbdClass 处理输入数据的函数。Hook 这个回调...
这个设计专注于在Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 操作系统环境下,利用Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) 的Device Driver Kit (DDK) 和HOOK技术来实现实现USB设备的监控与系统锁定功能。"hook_usb"和"hook_usb_...
Direct3D 12 Hook(D3D12 Hook)是一种技术,用于在DirectX 12(DX12)API调用之间插入自定义代码,以实现诸如性能监控、调试辅助、游戏修改或安全控制等功能。这个技术涉及到对操作系统级别的低级编程,特别是涉及...
C_Netdevice_Tunnel 通过 Virutal Net Device 和 Netfilter Hook 实现 UDP 隧道此隧道中只能通过以下数据包: ARP 请求/回复IPV4 ICMP 请求/回复IPV4 TCP 数据包IPV4 UDP 数据包文件说明文件说明主文件内核初始化/...
示例代码展示了如何使用`frida.get_usb_device()`获取设备,`device.attach(appPackageName)`附加到指定包名的应用程序,并加载`script.js`中的JavaScript代码。 2. **启动模式(Spawn)**:在目标应用程序未运行时...
在Object Hook技术中,通过此函数获取指定设备对象(例如“\\Device\\Harddisk0\\DR0”),并进一步检查该设备栈是否已存在其他设备的挂接。若存在,则保存原有设备,并去除这些挂接,以达到控制特定设备的目的。 - ...
本篇文章将详细讲解基于VC++ MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)的屏幕抓图实例,以及如何结合hook.dll实现更高级的功能。 首先,VC++是微软公司开发的一种集成开发环境,它提供了C++编程语言的支持,而MFC则是一...