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PSP tutorial

this tutorial can now also be seen at the site of lord ( a senior member here ) http://homebrewhowto.com/ look in the forums in the psp section/tutorails 
thanks to nukewire this Tutorial can also be found on http://psp-tuts.net/ for all the Tutorial visit this site


For all the new people who bought a psp.

1.system number.                                          
2.update your system                                      
3.downgrade your system for 2.0 & 2,5 & 2,6                                 
5.homebrew for version 2.0                             
6.the best iso loader and load methods                
7.firmware loader                                           
8.how to put video's on your psp                        
9.all the known emulators                                      
10.the faq                            
11.homebrew on 2.XX
12.forums rules
13.memory stick speed test
14.datel hard disk performance test
15.2.xx eboot decryptor
16.firmware informations
17.The specifications of the PSP
18. Xflash&PSPset
20. devhook

If you recently bought a psp first check witch version it has.
You can check this by doing the following: go to settings. go to system settings than go to system information. Check your system firmware. It is important to know what firmware you have.

If it is saying 1.5 than move to number 4
If it is saying 1.51 or 1.52 than update to 2.0.You can find the update 2.0here for US systems or japans psp. It doesnt matter only the 0 and the x functions are switched

For jap systems download the 2.0 update
Place the update on your memory stick in X:PSP/GAME/UPDATE do not forget caps lock(if the folder isnt already there make it)

If it is saying 2.00 than move to number 3 or if you wish to play homebrew on 2.0 move to 5

once you have updated to 2.0 (or if it already was) you can
downgrade it to 1.5. this will let you be able to running homebrew
PSP VIRUS THAT WILL BRICK YOUR PSP.becuase of this antivirus
programs thinks that this is a virus. disable your antivirus program
and than download the downgrade and the 1.5 update wich is need
to downgrade. the best is getting it of here (MPH DOWNGRADER)          here
the update 1.5 can be found here
follow the mph instructions good. before posting here it doesn't work
- Create a UPDATE folder in PSP/GAME/ folder of your memory stick
- Copy EBOOT.PBP (update 1.50) in UPDATE folder
- Unpack MPHDowngrader.zip
- Copy overflow.tif in your PSP/PHOTO/ folder of your memory stick
- Copy h.bin in root of your memory stick
- Copy index.dat in root of your memory stick
- Plug the AC adaptor

Then, enter in PHOTO MENU, this will launch firmware Version Changer. this will display some letters and numbers on you screen, dont panic this is normal. wait about 30 seconds and than hold the power switch until the psp shuts off. Now turn your psp then go to GAME MENU and launch the 1.50 update.Follow the instructions when the update is at 99% the psp will give an error. This is normal just press ok and turn off your psp, now boot it up again its will give you a blue screen, just press o and wait until the psp is restart.Welcome to the world of homebrew!

thanks to some delevopers you can now also downgrade your 2,5 and 2,6. you can get it here http://dl.qj.net/click.php?pid=122&fid=8566 here is how

   1. Copy the folder the DOWNGRADER/2.50/DOWNDATERTEST if you have 2.50 or DOWNGRADER/2.60/DOWNDATERTEST if you have 2.60 to /PSP/GAME/ in your memstick
   2. Wait someone with 1.50 to pass you a folder called DOWNDATER and copy it to the root of your memstick.
   3. launch GTA and the eLoader
   4. Connect your psp to the AC adaptor
   5. In the eLoader menu, choose the downdater test. WARNING: the program won't output any display and any warnings, it will start the downgrader process immediately.
   6. You'll see the your memstick flashing. That means that your psp is being flashed from the memstick.
   7. You won't see any type of output in the screen (this is for safety). When the memstick finishes flashing, the psp should reinit and you'll have probably a 1.50.
   8. It will probably say you "Cannot read disc". Don't worry about that, this is because the UMD device has not been reset properly. Simply restart the psp manually or take and the battery for 5-10 minutes and the problem will be solved.
   9. That's all. If all went right, you'll have 1.50. If it went less good, you'll still have 2.50/2.60. If all went wrong, you'll have a bricked psp (except in the case you have the modchip) Remember that you have accepted that risk.
  10. If your PSP is showing up as v2.01 use Wab Version Changer and change it to v1.50.

look at this guide over here its made by POWER and its a very nice guide for the downgrader! http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=17935

Now that you have downgraded you can use homebrew.
there are alot homebrews and you can find them all here http://www.psp-hacks.com/category/7
to use homebrew you first must make it 1.5 ready (most homebrew are already 1.5 ready) .
i use sei tool(but there are some others to). I use this one because it can hide the corrupted icons from the screen. you can get it here http://www.psp-hacks.com/download.php?id=110

once you have "patched'' your homebrew you can put it on your psp.
put both folders on X:PSP/GAME/

Since 2.0 is hacked you are able to play some homebrew.not all homebrews will work because the psp is not using his kernal mode (this is because the loader works trough the photo menu).this is need for iso loaders so on 2.0 you cant run iso's.you can get the loader here http://www.psp-hacks.com/download.php?id=93
read the instructions carefully before posting something on the forums.

the best iso loader at the moment is DAX ZISO Loader v0.62 wich you can get here. This loader can run compressed iso wich means you can put more iso's on you memory stick..
this loader has got many emulation modes, these modes are needed for running the newest psp games on a 1.5 psp. here is a list of the emulation modes with some information
Off: this method is only good if you want to emulate the flash files ( this is the same as a firmware loader )
System menu. if you use this method it will exit the emulator letting you to load the game through the system
menu or another loader like mphgameloader.This is one of the most compatible modes
Direct load. It will directly load your iso. this is a method wich is not as good as the others and you will see that many new games wont load with this method
Copy load. It will copy the game boot.bin file to ms0:/DAXZISO/DBOOT.BIN  and it will
load-exec it.
MPHGL Direct.
It seems to be the less compatible mode of all. It's more compatible to use the system menu one and execute mphgameloader, or the modes "MPHGL System", "MPHGL VSHExec" and "MPHGL LoadExec".
This mode requires the file ms0:/DAXZISO/UMDEMU.PBP, which is already included.
This mode will load the original umdemulator letting it to load isos in dax format.
The compatibility of different load modes inside UMDEMULATOR should be more or less the
same that those from DAXZISO, although it may have some differences.
MPHGL System.
This mode returns to the system menu: in that moment you can run
your emulated umd from the system menu. Instead of executing the disc, the firmware will
execute the file "ms0:/DAXZISO/MPHGL.PBP" which will load your 2.XX game. 
The required file "ms0:/DAXZISO/MPHGL.PBP" is already included.
The compatibility of this mode is greater than "MPHGL Direct" and exactly the same than
exiting to the system menu and then running mphgl.
With this mode your psp will reboot and after that it will auomatically
run MPHGameLoader ("ms0:/DAXZISO/MPHGL.PBP").The compatibility of this mode is greater than "MPHGL Direct" and exactly the same than exiting to the system menu and then running mphgl.
Direct LoadExec.
This mode looks like "Direct Load", but instead of using the
sceKernelLoad/StartModule functions, it uses sceKernelLoadExec; because of that, the system
will have more free memory, and this makes it more compatible than "Direct Load" and almost
as compatible as "System Menu". The only problem is that it always will run the BOOT.BIN
file (even if that option is in off), because sceKernelLoadExec fails with EBOOT.BIN.
If you have one of those game that in umdemulator only worked with copy load, try this one,
it loads faster and there are chances that it work.
MPHGL LoadExec.
This mode is as compatible as "MPHGL System" and
MPHGL VSH Exec, but it loads faster. However it has a problem: it doesn't work depending
on the wlan switch position. In my psp, it works with the wlan position in on, but it may be
different on your psp, or even different from a game to another.
This is NOT a DAXZISO bug. I've tried to execute the mphgl eboot.pbp with other homebrews
programs that also use the sceKernelLoadExec function, and without iso emulation (original
umd), and the results where the same: depending on the wlan switch position it worked or not.
RUNUMD LoadExec.
This mode will run RUNUMD, and it will let you load isos with it.
Because of a special patch that is applied in this mode to the UMDEMULATOR core to fix a
compatibility issue with RUNUMD, the flash0 and flash1 emulation are broken in this mode.
This mode requires the runumd pbp (folder without %) to be in ms0:/DAXZISO/RUNUMD.PBP
This file is NOT included, you'll have to provide it.
RUNUMD System. This mode returns to the system menu. After that, you can run RUNUMD
with the disc icon of the firmware. You can also start runumd from the your memory stick if
you want.This mode also requires the file ms0:/DAXZISO/RUNUMD.PBP and it also has the flash
emulation broken.
Note: if you use one of the other "System Menu" modes and you start runumd, it will gives
you the famous error of "patcher failed", because daxziso doesn't apply the special patch
to those modes in order to keep compatibility with flash emulation.
RUNUMD Direct. This mode is like "RUNUMD LoadExec", but it doesn't reboot the firmware, so
it loads faster and it doesn't delete a background program from memory. The compatibility
should be less than "RUNUMD LoadExec", although it seems still to be very good.


ANother ISO loading method that is very good is DevHook. This great app will emulate firmware 2.5 PERFECTLY and allow you to run ISOs and UMDs that require 2.5. It is also possible to play ISOs that require 2.6 with theis method. Some good links with great info on DevHook and all you need to know to use it:

Using DevHook .41 by DarkPacMan77

How to use DevHook .41 by elboffer

if you have an 1.5 psp but you liked the features of the other firmwares than can use a firmware launcher.
with this launcher you can launch any firmware you like wich are 1.51 1.52 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6.  you can NOT play games with these firmware loader. but you can use there video codes and you can test things like personal game boot movie. You can get it here http://files.pspupdates.qj.net/cgi-bin/ … ,0,40,1838

as you might know you can put video's on you psp but you need to convert it to mp4 format. you can do this with a hundreds of programs. but the one wich is most use is PSP VIDEO 9 wich you can get from here http://files.pspupdates.qj.net/cgi-bin/ … ,0,18,1657
the first thing you need to do is to install the program psp video 9.
while it is installing you can make an folder on you psp.this is need to put in the video's.make the folder with the name MP_ROOT in this folder you make another folder called 100MNV01.now you that you have installed you program launch it. you see that the program ask wich drive name you psp has.now select the psp drive and press ok. now you can begin to convert. there are many options for you. all these options have different quallity making your movie bigger or smaller .choose one you like and convert it.
thats it

ok here is a list with some info with all known emulators.

# Amiga 500
# Apple II
# Atari
# Atari ST
# Chip8
# Commodore 64
# Gameboy Color
# Genesis/Megadrive
# Images
# Macintosh
# Neo Geo
# PC Engine
# PC-9801
# Playstation
# Sega Genesis/Megadrive
# Sega Master System
# Windows
# Wonderswan
# X86
# monkey64 ( still in progress )

some off the popular emulators can be found here http://www.psp-hacks.com/category/20
this is a organised list.
if you want a other wich is not in this list you can donwload them here
http://pspupdates.qj.net/category/Homeb … ors/cid/61
all the emulators contains a read me file for info. read them before posting something on the folder.

remember that some emulators are lagging in the game.you can set the clock speed on 333 mhz for better game play, the gameboy advance emulator is not a good emulator

this is an simple faq

q: can i ask for iso's on the site?
a: no you cant ask for iso's. do it and you will get banned

q: the 2.0 update gives no text only x and o.
a: try to restore your default settings first.than if it doesnt work try to    
    format your memory stick.

q:help my psp is not turning on anymore!!!!
a:try to pull out your battery and try to recharge it after that. if it dont work 
   yuor psp is dead.

q: why is the gba emulator lagging in the game?
a: this is becuase the gba emulator sucks.

q: why doesnt gta works on my psp 1.5?
a: becuase they can only be runned on a 2.0 psp

q: my psp is not connecting with the memory stick.
a: probaly your memory stick is corrupt and there is no way of fixing it.

q: if i want to ask something in wich section must i post
a: in the help section.

q: what must i need to know before posting something?

q: can i donwgrade with a 2.01 and higher?
a: NO NO NO!

q: can i destroy my psp with upgrading and downgrading alot of times?
a: well some people said it destroyed theirs. it is never good to  with the firmware. but bricking...nah i dont think so.

q: why is there a corrupted data in my memory stick game list?
a: just use sei tools and click on hide corrupted data.

q: what is hello world gta? what does it do?
a: it will allow you to run unsinged games.

q: why are my topics get locked?
a: this is becuase there are moderators on this site.if these people think that the topic is against the rule they will lock it.

q: is there anyway to reset my psp completly?
a: no there isnt the only thing you can do is reset to defualt.

q: all these different boot methods.. isnt there a easier way?
a: no there isnt

q: what is the differents between 1.5 and other firmware?.
a: 1.5 will let you run iso and others don't

q: should i update to 2.7?
a: no because there is no possible way to run exploits


THanks to Fanjita you can run homebrew on 2.xx. but this doesnt work on 2.7
but the problem is you will need gta lcs. so to play homebrew will cost you money.probaly this can be done with other games.but for now its only gta.

To install:
Use WinRAR to unpack the package into the root (topmost) folder on your memory stick.  Note that if you have an existing GTA savegame that uses slot 5, then this will be overwritten by the eLoader savegame.
You can see which slots you are using by the folder names - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX  : X is the slot number.

To make sure that the eLoader is not auto-started by GTA, you can copy another GTA savegame folder off your memory
stick, and then back onto the memory stick now.

Now you can copy your homebrew files into subfolders in the /psp/game/ folder.

To use:

Start up GTA as normal.  When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the eLoader savegame and
confirm the load as normal.  After a short delay, the eLoader menu should appear.  Select the homebrew to run using
the D-Pad, and the X button.  You can select a CPU speed with the L + R shoulder buttons, or press START to restart your PSP.

To return to the menu, you can usually hold the L+R shoulder buttons, then hold START for a few seconds.  This doesn't work for every application.

The HOME button doesn't work, this is a known problem.


One common problem is that sometimes GTA has problems if it auto-loads this savegame at startup. You can
avoid this by making sure that the datestamp on the new savedata folders is older than the most recent
game that you saved with GTA.  This should happen automatically if you use WinRAR to extract the files.
If you still have problems with GTA crashing as soon as it starts, then try this:

    * Start GTA with no memory stick inserted. You should get a warning, and then start the intro movies.

    * Once the intro has finished, either play through the first mission until you can get to a
      game save point, or just load up an existing save (not the Tetris save).

    * Now save your position in a new save slot.

You should then find that GTA autoloads your normal savegame, letting you select the eLoader savegame later.

You might find that removing unused save folders helps.  There are 3 versions of the folders in this package,
to cover all known versions of the game.  You only really need the version appropriate to your copy of the game,
which is:
     ULES00182S*    for German GTA
     ULUS10041S*    for US GTA
     ULES00151S*    for all other versions.

you can get it here


this has got nothing to do with the psp, but it is important because most people dont know about this rules
as you might know this forum has rules here are the most important ones

1. DO NOT post any links directed to illegal software - this includes all the recent PSP ISO's - you post, you're banned.

2. DO NOT ask for any ISOs - you ask, you're banned.

3. To prevent your topic from being deleted/locked - use the SEARCH function.

4. To prevent your topic from being deleted/locked - DO NOT post nonsense or false claims. i.e.) threads created flaming another user

5. To prevent your topic from being deleted/locked - POST IN THE CORRECT FORUM. i.e.) if you're requesting help, POST IT IN HELP!

you obey these 5 simple rules, you should be fine.


ok here is a list of the performance of the memory stick
this is between the scandisk ms and the sony ms.

Write Speed Test - 394MB - (MB/s)
(higher numbers indicate better performance)

Transfer w/USB Card Reader (MB/s)
SanDisk MS Pro Duo 512MB
Sony MS Pro Duo 512MB

Transfer w/Sony PSP (MB/s)
SanDisk MS Pro Duo 512MB
Sony MS Pro Duo 512MB

Write Speed Test - 769MB - (MB/s)
(higher numbers indicate better performance)

Transfer w/USB Card Reader (MB/s)
SanDisk MS Pro Duo 1GB
Sony High-Speed MS Pro Duo 1GB

Transfer w/Sony PSP (MB/s)
SanDisk MS Pro Duo 1GB
Sony High-Speed MS Pro Duo 1GB

Test System: Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz CPU, 1GB (512MB x 2) Samsung PC3200 Memory, 200GB Seagate Barracuda ST3120026AS HD, Windows XP Professional.

Memory transfer devices: Sony PSP, SanDisk USB 2.0 ImageMate 12-in-1 Reader/Writer.

Memory cards: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 512MB, Sony High Speed Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB, SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 512MB, SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB.

since there are question about the datel hard disk. i decided to make an chapter about this. this chapter is almost the same as chapter 14.

Transferring Movies to the PSP

In this test a movie file with about 150 MB will be send from the PC to the PSP's Memory Stick slot.

• Transferring to Memory Stick using Media Manager: 44 Seconds.
• Transferring to 4GB Hard Drive using Media Manager: 90 Seconds.
• Transferring to Memory Stick using Windows: 35 Seconds.
• Transferring to 4GB Hard Drive using Windows: 75 Seconds.

Loading Times

here is a list how fast the loading times is from the three different solutions   The times will of course depens on the file size.

• Loading from Memory Stick: 1 Second.
• Loading from 4GB Hard Drive: 8 Seconds.
• Loading from UMD: 27 Seconds.

Battery Life on Movie Playback

To answer the question if a Microdrive consumes more power than a normal Memory Stick, no

• Playing movie with Standard Battery and SanDisk 1G Memory Stick: 4.45 Hours.
• Playing movie with Standard Battery and Datel 4GB Hard Drive: 3.35 Hours.
• Playing movie with Datel X2 Battery and Datel 4GB Hard Drive: 5.45 Hours.

There are some 2.0 games that will work on a 1.5 psp if you use this PSP 2.X PRX & EBOOT File Decryptor.
here is how to use it.
1.create a folder called Enc in X:Enc
2.in this folder you must place the eboot.bin and prx data files. wich can be found in the unpacked iso's
3. place the folders decrypt and decrypt% in X:PSP/GAME
4. launch the homebrew.
5. now it will encode the files. wait until it returns to home.
6. the new files are now in folder Dec wich the homebrew made.]
7.replace the new files over the old files from the iso.
8 now repack your iso.
9.if you dont know how its done. check this good guidehere made by MITWANG


ok to begin lets start with psp birth
in 2005 the psp was borned
1.0 was the firmware.it was hacked so fast that sony was surprised.

Good things: allows to let you run homebrew easily.
bad things: the battery was drained quick by a 1.0 p
wont let you run 2.0 games

then 1.5 came in America. and what a did they enjoy their psp. only problem no homebrew was allowed in the beggining of the 1.5 (its fully hacked now)

Good things: also allows you to run homebrew using kxploit and the battery live was increased.
bad things: wont let you run 2.0 games.

when 1.5 was hacked sony quickly hotfixed the psp by bringing 1.51 update. there was no reason to update to this psp version.it only patched the hole in the firmware wich let you run homebrew. stupid me i updated

good things: none
bad things: no homebrew.

than when all seemed right for sony it suddenly released a new update 1.52.  still i dont understand why sony did this. any way some new fixes in the firmware.this firmware is also the firmware wich is on the EU psp.the so lazy sony just putted the new update on a umd disc

good things: umd movie is now under movie.
bad things: still no homebrew

than sony came out with the white psp. and with a new firmware 2.0 wich had many new options.a reason for some people to update.
than after a couple of weeks. it happend.....the first homebrew came on 2.0. and the best part is sony could have easily avoided it. sony dug his own grave by letting tiff pictures show on the psp.
hhahaha if sony didnt do this is would have been alright with the no homebrew.

good things: homebrew after a time. personal background option. avc code. web browser. many new pictures format like the tiff.
bad things: no iso could be launched.

after the amazing downgrader was released sony had to stop people from downgrading their psp. sony made a quick hot fix wich disallowed the downgrade. 2.1 was made.

good things: homebrew
bad things: you will need gta

but sony knew no one would update unless there where some new functions.this is where 2.5 was born.

good things: local free player was added to the system and some minor funtions and homebrew
bad things: allowed to run homebrew but you will need gta

and than there is 2.6 the newest firmware version. for most people still no reason to update.( i dont know why sony made it mabye just for the fun for people)

good things: homebrew
bad things: you will need gta

now after the gta exploit sony launched 2.7 this version afcourse cant run homebrew, but it has a few good things

good things: flash player wich will allow you to play games over the internet
bad things: no homebrew


this is from sony site
New features in 2.70:

   1. Network
          * Internet Browser now supports Macromedia Flash playback.
            Flash player supports Macromedia Flash Player 6 [some functions are not supported].
          * The settings of the Internet Browser is added to Settings -> Connection Settings
          * The audio contents from the RSS Channel section may now be saved to your memory stick.
          * ‘Auto’ option added to Rate Change in the Location Free Player
   2. Music
          * Added support for AAC format.
   3. Settings
          * Added ‘Enable Flash Player’ in System Settings (required Internet access)
          * “Simplified Chinese” and “Traditional Chinese” languages added
          * Added RSS Channel Settings
          * Added UMD Video L & R buttons into Video Settings
   4. Bug fixes:
          * Fixed issues when using memory sticks with more than 2GB of free space.

[RSS Channel] has been added as a feature under [Network].
bullet [Volume Adjustment] has been added as an option in the
[LocationFree™ Player] control panel.

bullet     [Simplified Chinese (GB18030)]* and [Traditional Chinese (Big5)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar.
* The option has some limitations. For details, see "About the Internet Browser's Chinese fonts".
bullet Copyright-protected video data provided by a content provider or other services can now be downloaded directly to a Memory Stick Duo™ using the [Internet Browser].
For details, contact the video content provider.
Note that some content providers may charge fees for obtaining or using copyright-protected video.
Downloadable copyright-protected video may not be available in all countries and regions.

Music data in WMA (Windows Media® Audio) format can now be played under [Music]. (This applies to music saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media.)
WMA9 Professional, WMA9 Lossless and copyright-protected WMA files are not supported.
Note that you must activate the [Enable WMA Playback] setting to play music data in WMA      format.

[Enable WMA Playback] has been added as a setting under
[System Settings].
A connection to the Internet is required for the one-time activation of this setting. Note that no personal information is collected during the activation process. For details, refer to the user agreement that must be accepted as part of the activation process.

System Software Ver. 2.50 (October 13, 2005)
    [LocationFree™ Player]* has been added as a feature under [Network].
    [Auto-Select] and [Unicode (UTF-8)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar.
    Settings for [Text Size] and [Display Mode] in [Internet Browser] can now be saved.
    The input history of online forms accessed through [Internet Browser] can now be saved.
*Use of the LocationFree™ Player feature may not be supported in all countries and regions. Depending on where you live, the LocationFree™ Base Station may not be available for purchase or use. Certain models of the Base Station are not compatible with the PSP™ system. For details, visit http://www.sony.com/locationfree/ownerslounge/psp

    Copyright-protected video can now be played under [Video]. (This applies to video saved on Memory Stick     Duo™ media).
          For details, contact the video content provider.
          Note that fees may be charged to obtain or use copyright protected video.
          Downloadable copyright-protected video may not be available in all countries and regions.

    [Set via Internet] has been added as an option to [Date and Time] in [Date & Time Settings] under [Settings].
    [WPA-PSK (AES)] has been added as a security method under [Network Settings].

    Korean input mode has been added to the on-screen keyboard.

System Software Ver. 2.01 (October 3, 2005)
    A patch has been added to address a security vulnerability in the system software.

System Software Ver. 2.00 (August 24, 2005)
    An Internet browser has been added.

    4:3 Screen Mode has been added (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media).
    Go To feature has been added (for UMDVIDEO and UMDMUSIC).
    A-B Repeat feature has been added (for UMDVIDEO, UMDMUSIC and video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
    Audio options have been added (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
    MP4 (AVC) has been added as a playable file format (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).

    The combination of SonicStage version 3.2 (or later) and PSP system software 2.00 (or later) has made it possible for music files in ATRAC3 plus format to be transferred to a Memory Stick PRO Duo
    MP4 (the audio codec for MP4 format audio files is MPEG-4 AAC) and WAV (Linear PCM) have been added as playable file formats (for music saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media).

    Wallpaper feature has been added.
    Image transfer feature has been added.
    TIFF, GIF, PNG and BMP have been added as viewable file formats.

    Korean has been added as a system language in [System Settings].
    [Character Set] has been added in [System Settings].
    [Theme Settings] has been added.
    [Internet Browser Start Control] has been added as a security mode in [Security Settings].
    WPA-PSK (TKIP) has been added as a security mode in [Network Settings].
    Web address shortcut feature has been added as an input mode for the on-screen keyboard.


System Software Ver. 1.52 (June 15, 2005)
    UMD™MUSIC can now be played under [Music] in the home menu.

    Security for the system software has been strengthened.


System Software Ver. 1.51 (May 18, 2005)
    A patch has been added to address a security vulnerability in the system software.

here are the specifications from the psp. for the guys who want to know.

Product Name:     PlayStation®Portable (PSP)
Color:                  Black/White/Misc
Dimensions:         Approx. 170 mm (L) x 74 mm (W) x 23 mm (D)
Weight: Approx.    260 g (including battery)
CPU:                    PSP CPU     (System clock frequency 1~333MHz)
Main Memory:       32MB
Embedded DRAM:  4MB
Display:                4.3 inch, 16:9  widescreen TFT LCD
                            480 x 272 pixel (16.77 million colors)
                            Max. 200 cd/m2 (with brightness control)
                            Speakers: Built-in stereo speakers
Main Input/Output: IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi)
                            USB 2.0 (Target)
                            Memory Stick™ PRO Duo
                            IR Remote (SIRCS)
Disc Drive:            UMD Drive (Playback only)
Profile:                  PSP Game
                            UMD Audio
                            UMD Video
Main Connectors:   DC OUT 5V 1800mhah standard
                            Terminals for charging built-in battery
                            Headphone/Microphone/Control connector
Keys/Switches:      Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left)
                            Analog pad
                            Enter keys (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square)
                            Left, Right keys
                            START, SELECT, HOME
                            POWER On/Hold/Off switch
                            Brightness control, Sound Mode, Volume +/-
                            Wireless LAN On/Off switch
                            UMD Eject
Power:                  Built-in lithium-ion battery, AC adaptor
Access Control:      Region Code, Parental Control
Accessories:          Stand
                            Headphone with remote commander
                            Headphone with remote commander and microphone
                            External battery pack

if you like your psp but you want to make it look even better than this homebrew is really something for you.
xflash and pspset can customice your psp. everything you want can be changed. like your gameboot intro or your bootup sound, your font backgrounds and much more. however, this homebrew is dangerous and can easily brick your psp. but if you do it right, you can get a very cool psp.

here is a guide how to use it.
first you will need to unpack the rar file, put both folders (the normal and the %) in X:PSP/GAME/
put snapshot and thumb in the root of your folder
your modified stuff must be put in ''normal'' folder of xflash (without the %) open the xflash folder, after that open the folder which is also called xflash, put the modified files in the map modified. now boot xflash mod on your psp use the option you want, and done. * its not my fault if you brick your psp i did it and it worked fine*

pspset is almost the same, but you will need the modified files in the root of your memorystick.

For a little help with Xflash and PSPset, check out RaiderX's tutorial here

A gameboot is the video that your PSP plays just before you run a UMD or homebrew app.
If you are interested in changing your PSP's gameboot with a program like Xflash or PSPSet, check out THIS GUIDE by RaiderX. It tells you everything you need to know about getting gameboot videos and changing them.

devhook is a new launcher with a full dump of 2,71 firmware, this means you can emulate a 2.71 psp on your 1.5 psp this will not work on 1.0. the best thing is you can do everything a 271 psp can do, including the webbrowser and even the newest games, some even work with wifi! however it seems that wifi doesnt work with 333 mhz yet.

you can get it here http://www.psp-hacks.com/download.php?id=563
chaoszero has made a really nice tut, so that the installing of this homebrew is even easier. http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=31107

tell me what you think off it and post things you like have to change

[b]thanks to nukewire this Tutorial can also be found on http://psp-tuts.net/ for all the Tutorial visit this site


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