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[Ruby新手教学] 要有中国特色
Science 7 May 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5979, pp. 689 - 690
DOI: 10.1126/science.328.5979.689
Prev | Table of Contents | Next
Climate Change and the Integrity of Science
We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of political assaults
on scientists in general and on climate scientists in particular. All
citizens should understand some basic scientific facts. There is
always some uncertainty associated with scientific conclusions;
science never absolutely proves anything. When someone says that
society should wait until scientists are absolutely certain before
taking any action, it is the same as saying society should never take
action. For a problem as potentially catastrophic as climate change,
taking no action poses a dangerous risk for our planet.
Scientific conclusions derive from an understanding of basic laws
supported by laboratory experiments, observations of nature, and
mathematical and computer modeling. Like all human beings, scientists
make mistakes, but the scientific process is designed to find and
correct them. This process is inherently adversarial—scientists build
reputations and gain recognition not only for supporting conventional
wisdom, but even more so for demonstrating that the scientific
consensus is wrong and that there is a better explanation. That's what
Galileo, Pasteur, Darwin, and Einstein did. But when some conclusions
have been thoroughly and deeply tested, questioned, and examined, they
gain the status of "well-established theories" and are often spoken of
as "facts."
For instance, there is compelling scientific evidence that our planet
is about 4.5 billion years old (the theory of the origin of Earth),
that our universe was born from a single event about 14 billion years
ago (the Big Bang theory), and that today's organisms evolved from
ones living in the past (the theory of evolution). Even as these are
overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community, fame still awaits
anyone who could show these theories to be wrong. Climate change now
falls into this category: There is compelling, comprehensive, and
consistent objective evidence that humans are changing the climate in
ways that threaten our societies and the ecosystems on which we depend.
Many recent assaults on climate science and, more disturbingly, on
climate scientists by climate change deniers are typically driven by
special interests or dogma, not by an honest effort to provide an
alternative theory that credibly satisfies the evidence. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientific
assessments of climate change, which involve thousands of scientists
producing massive and comprehensive reports, have, quite expectedly
and normally, made some mistakes. When errors are pointed out, they
are corrected. But there is nothing remotely identified in the recent
events that changes the fundamental conclusions about climate change:
(i) The planet is warming due to increased concentrations of
heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. A snowy winter in Washington
does not alter this fact.
(ii) Most of the increase in the concentration of these gases over the
last century is due to human activities, especially the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation.
(iii) Natural causes always play a role in changing Earth's climate,
but are now being overwhelmed by human-induced changes.
(iv) Warming the planet will cause many other climatic patterns to
change at speeds unprecedented in modern times, including increasing
rates of sea-level rise and alterations in the hydrologic cycle.
Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are making the oceans more
(v) The combination of these complex climate changes threatens coastal
communities and cities, our food and water supplies, marine and
freshwater ecosystems, forests, high mountain environments, and far
Much more can be, and has been, said by the world's scientific
societies, national academies, and individuals, but these conclusions
should be enough to indicate why scientists are concerned about what
future generations will face from business-as-usual practices. We urge
our policy-makers and the public to move forward immediately to
address the causes of climate change, including the un restrained
burning of fossil fuels.
We also call for an end to McCarthy-like threats of criminal
prosecution against our colleagues based on innuendo and guilt by
association, the harassment of scientists by politicians seeking
distractions to avoid taking action, and the outright lies being
spread about them. Society has two choices: We can ignore the science
and hide our heads in the sand and hope we are lucky, or we can act in
the public interest to reduce the threat of global climate change
quickly and substantively. The good news is that smart and effective
actions are possible. But delay must not be an option.
P. H. Gleick,* R. M. Adams, R. M. Amasino, E. Anders, D. J. Anderson, W.
W. Anderson, L. E. Anselin, M. K. Arroyo, B. Asfaw, F. J. Ayala, A. Bax,
A. J. Bebbington, G. Bell, M. V. L. Bennett, J. L. Bennetzen, M. R.
Berenbaum, O. B. Berlin, P. J. Bjorkman, E. Blackburn, J. E. Blamont, M.
R. Botchan, J. S. Boyer, E. A. Boyle, D. Branton, S. P. Briggs, W. R.
Briggs, W. J. Brill, R. J. Britten, W. S. Broecker, J. H. Brown, P. O.
Brown, A. T. Brunger, J. Cairns, Jr., D. E. Canfield, S. R. Carpenter,
J. C. Carrington, A. R. Cashmore, J. C. Castilla, A. Cazenave, F. S.
Chapin, III, A. J. Ciechanover, D. E. Clapham, W. C. Clark, R. N.
Clayton, M. D. Coe, E. M. Conwell, E. B. Cowling, R. M Cowling, C. S.
Cox, R. B. Croteau, D. M. Crothers, P. J. Crutzen, G. C. Daily, G. B.
Dalrymple, J. L. Dangl, S. A. Darst, D. R. Davies, M. B. Davis, P. V.
de Camilli, C. Dean, R. S. Defries, J. Deisenhofer, D. P. Delmer, E. F.
Delong, D. J. Derosier, T. O. Diener, R. Dirzo, J. E. Dixon, M. J.
Donoghue, R. F. Doolittle, T. Dunne, P. R. Ehrlich, S. N. Eisenstadt, T.
Eisner, K. A. Emanuel, S. W. Englander, W. G. Ernst, P. G. Falkowski, G.
Feher, J. A. Ferejohn, A. Fersht, E. H. Fischer, R. Fischer, K. V.
Flannery, J. Frank, P. A. Frey, I. Fridovich, C. Frieden, D. J. Futuyma,
W. R. Gardner, C. J. R. Garrett, W. Gilbert, R. B. Goldberg, W. H.
Goodenough, C. S. Goodman, M. Goodman, P. Greengard, S. Hake, G. Hammel,
S. Hanson, S. C. Harrison, S. R. Hart, D. L. Hartl, R. Haselkorn, K.
Hawkes, J. M. Hayes, B. Hille, T. H?kfelt, J. S. House, M. Hout, D. M.
Hunten, I. A. Izquierdo, A. T. Jagendorf, D. H. Janzen, R. Jeanloz, C.
S. Jencks, W. A. Jury, H. R. Kaback, T. Kailath, P. Kay, S. A. Kay, D.
Kennedy, A. Kerr, R. C. Kessler, G. S. Khush, S. W. Kieffer, P. V.
Kirch, K. Kirk, M. G. Kivelson, J. P. Klinman, A. Klug, L. Knopoff, H.
Kornberg, J. E. Kutzbach, J. C. Lagarias, K. Lambeck, A. Landy, C. H.
Langmuir, B. A. Larkins, X. T. Le Pichon, R. E. Lenski, E. B. Leopold,
S. A. Levin, M. Levitt, G. E. Likens, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, L. Lorand,
C. O. Lovejoy, M. Lynch, A. L. Mabogunje, T. F. Malone, S. Manabe, J.
Marcus, D. S. Massey, J. C. McWilliams, E. Medina, H. J. Melosh, D. J.
Meltzer, C. D. Michener, E. L. Miles, H. A. Mooney, P. B. Moore, F. M.
M. Morel, E. S. Mosley-Thompson, B. Moss, W. H. Munk, N. Myers, G. B.
Nair, J. Nathans, E. W. Nester, R. A. Nicoll, R. P. Novick, J. F.
O'Connell, P. E. Olsen, N. D. Opdyke, G. F. Oster, E. Ostrom, N. R.
Pace, R. T. Paine, R. D. Palmiter, J. Pedlosky, G. A. Petsko, G. H.
Pettengill, S. G. Philander, D. R. Piperno, T. D. Pollard, P. B. Price,
Jr., P. A. Reichard, B. F. Reskin, R. E. Ricklefs, R. L. Rivest, J. D.
Roberts, A. K. Romney, M. G. Rossmann, D. W. Russell, W. J. Rutter, J.
A. Sabloff, R. Z. Sagdeev, M. D. Sahlins, A. Salmond, J. R. Sanes, R.
Schekman, J. Schellnhuber, D. W. Schindler, J. Schmitt, S. H. Schneider,
V. L. Schramm, R. R. Sederoff, C. J. Shatz, F. Sherman, R. L. Sidman, K.
Sieh, E. L. Simons, B. H. Singer, M. F. Singer, B. Skyrms, N. H. Sleep,
B. D. Smith, S. H. Snyder, R. R. Sokal, C. S. Spencer, T. A. Steitz, K.
B. Strier, T. C. Südhof, S. S. Taylor, J. Terborgh, D. H. Thomas, L. G.
Thompson, R. T. TJian, M. G. Turner, S. Uyeda, J. W. Valentine, J. S.
Valentine, J. L. van Etten, K. E. van Holde, M. Vaughan, S. Verba, P. H.
von Hippel, D. B. Wake, A. Walker, J. E. Walker, E. B. Watson, P. J.
Watson, D. Weigel, S. R. Wessler, M. J. West-Eberhard, T. D. White, W.
J. Wilson, R. V. Wolfenden, J. A. Wood, G. M. Woodwell, H. E. Wright,
Jr., C. Wu, C. Wunsch, M. L. Zoback
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
1. The signatories are all members of the U.S. National Academy of
Sciences but are not speaking on its behalf.
2. Signatory affiliations are available as supporting material at
Science 7 May 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5979, pp. 689 - 690
DOI: 10.1126/science.328.5979.689
Prev | Table of Contents | Next
Climate Change and the Integrity of Science
We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of political assaults
on scientists in general and on climate scientists in particular. All
citizens should understand some basic scientific facts. There is
always some uncertainty associated with scientific conclusions;
science never absolutely proves anything. When someone says that
society should wait until scientists are absolutely certain before
taking any action, it is the same as saying society should never take
action. For a problem as potentially catastrophic as climate change,
taking no action poses a dangerous risk for our planet.
Scientific conclusions derive from an understanding of basic laws
supported by laboratory experiments, observations of nature, and
mathematical and computer modeling. Like all human beings, scientists
make mistakes, but the scientific process is designed to find and
correct them. This process is inherently adversarial—scientists build
reputations and gain recognition not only for supporting conventional
wisdom, but even more so for demonstrating that the scientific
consensus is wrong and that there is a better explanation. That's what
Galileo, Pasteur, Darwin, and Einstein did. But when some conclusions
have been thoroughly and deeply tested, questioned, and examined, they
gain the status of "well-established theories" and are often spoken of
as "facts."
For instance, there is compelling scientific evidence that our planet
is about 4.5 billion years old (the theory of the origin of Earth),
that our universe was born from a single event about 14 billion years
ago (the Big Bang theory), and that today's organisms evolved from
ones living in the past (the theory of evolution). Even as these are
overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community, fame still awaits
anyone who could show these theories to be wrong. Climate change now
falls into this category: There is compelling, comprehensive, and
consistent objective evidence that humans are changing the climate in
ways that threaten our societies and the ecosystems on which we depend.
Many recent assaults on climate science and, more disturbingly, on
climate scientists by climate change deniers are typically driven by
special interests or dogma, not by an honest effort to provide an
alternative theory that credibly satisfies the evidence. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientific
assessments of climate change, which involve thousands of scientists
producing massive and comprehensive reports, have, quite expectedly
and normally, made some mistakes. When errors are pointed out, they
are corrected. But there is nothing remotely identified in the recent
events that changes the fundamental conclusions about climate change:
(i) The planet is warming due to increased concentrations of
heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. A snowy winter in Washington
does not alter this fact.
(ii) Most of the increase in the concentration of these gases over the
last century is due to human activities, especially the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation.
(iii) Natural causes always play a role in changing Earth's climate,
but are now being overwhelmed by human-induced changes.
(iv) Warming the planet will cause many other climatic patterns to
change at speeds unprecedented in modern times, including increasing
rates of sea-level rise and alterations in the hydrologic cycle.
Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are making the oceans more
(v) The combination of these complex climate changes threatens coastal
communities and cities, our food and water supplies, marine and
freshwater ecosystems, forests, high mountain environments, and far
Much more can be, and has been, said by the world's scientific
societies, national academies, and individuals, but these conclusions
should be enough to indicate why scientists are concerned about what
future generations will face from business-as-usual practices. We urge
our policy-makers and the public to move forward immediately to
address the causes of climate change, including the un restrained
burning of fossil fuels.
We also call for an end to McCarthy-like threats of criminal
prosecution against our colleagues based on innuendo and guilt by
association, the harassment of scientists by politicians seeking
distractions to avoid taking action, and the outright lies being
spread about them. Society has two choices: We can ignore the science
and hide our heads in the sand and hope we are lucky, or we can act in
the public interest to reduce the threat of global climate change
quickly and substantively. The good news is that smart and effective
actions are possible. But delay must not be an option.
P. H. Gleick,* R. M. Adams, R. M. Amasino, E. Anders, D. J. Anderson, W.
W. Anderson, L. E. Anselin, M. K. Arroyo, B. Asfaw, F. J. Ayala, A. Bax,
A. J. Bebbington, G. Bell, M. V. L. Bennett, J. L. Bennetzen, M. R.
Berenbaum, O. B. Berlin, P. J. Bjorkman, E. Blackburn, J. E. Blamont, M.
R. Botchan, J. S. Boyer, E. A. Boyle, D. Branton, S. P. Briggs, W. R.
Briggs, W. J. Brill, R. J. Britten, W. S. Broecker, J. H. Brown, P. O.
Brown, A. T. Brunger, J. Cairns, Jr., D. E. Canfield, S. R. Carpenter,
J. C. Carrington, A. R. Cashmore, J. C. Castilla, A. Cazenave, F. S.
Chapin, III, A. J. Ciechanover, D. E. Clapham, W. C. Clark, R. N.
Clayton, M. D. Coe, E. M. Conwell, E. B. Cowling, R. M Cowling, C. S.
Cox, R. B. Croteau, D. M. Crothers, P. J. Crutzen, G. C. Daily, G. B.
Dalrymple, J. L. Dangl, S. A. Darst, D. R. Davies, M. B. Davis, P. V.
de Camilli, C. Dean, R. S. Defries, J. Deisenhofer, D. P. Delmer, E. F.
Delong, D. J. Derosier, T. O. Diener, R. Dirzo, J. E. Dixon, M. J.
Donoghue, R. F. Doolittle, T. Dunne, P. R. Ehrlich, S. N. Eisenstadt, T.
Eisner, K. A. Emanuel, S. W. Englander, W. G. Ernst, P. G. Falkowski, G.
Feher, J. A. Ferejohn, A. Fersht, E. H. Fischer, R. Fischer, K. V.
Flannery, J. Frank, P. A. Frey, I. Fridovich, C. Frieden, D. J. Futuyma,
W. R. Gardner, C. J. R. Garrett, W. Gilbert, R. B. Goldberg, W. H.
Goodenough, C. S. Goodman, M. Goodman, P. Greengard, S. Hake, G. Hammel,
S. Hanson, S. C. Harrison, S. R. Hart, D. L. Hartl, R. Haselkorn, K.
Hawkes, J. M. Hayes, B. Hille, T. H?kfelt, J. S. House, M. Hout, D. M.
Hunten, I. A. Izquierdo, A. T. Jagendorf, D. H. Janzen, R. Jeanloz, C.
S. Jencks, W. A. Jury, H. R. Kaback, T. Kailath, P. Kay, S. A. Kay, D.
Kennedy, A. Kerr, R. C. Kessler, G. S. Khush, S. W. Kieffer, P. V.
Kirch, K. Kirk, M. G. Kivelson, J. P. Klinman, A. Klug, L. Knopoff, H.
Kornberg, J. E. Kutzbach, J. C. Lagarias, K. Lambeck, A. Landy, C. H.
Langmuir, B. A. Larkins, X. T. Le Pichon, R. E. Lenski, E. B. Leopold,
S. A. Levin, M. Levitt, G. E. Likens, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, L. Lorand,
C. O. Lovejoy, M. Lynch, A. L. Mabogunje, T. F. Malone, S. Manabe, J.
Marcus, D. S. Massey, J. C. McWilliams, E. Medina, H. J. Melosh, D. J.
Meltzer, C. D. Michener, E. L. Miles, H. A. Mooney, P. B. Moore, F. M.
M. Morel, E. S. Mosley-Thompson, B. Moss, W. H. Munk, N. Myers, G. B.
Nair, J. Nathans, E. W. Nester, R. A. Nicoll, R. P. Novick, J. F.
O'Connell, P. E. Olsen, N. D. Opdyke, G. F. Oster, E. Ostrom, N. R.
Pace, R. T. Paine, R. D. Palmiter, J. Pedlosky, G. A. Petsko, G. H.
Pettengill, S. G. Philander, D. R. Piperno, T. D. Pollard, P. B. Price,
Jr., P. A. Reichard, B. F. Reskin, R. E. Ricklefs, R. L. Rivest, J. D.
Roberts, A. K. Romney, M. G. Rossmann, D. W. Russell, W. J. Rutter, J.
A. Sabloff, R. Z. Sagdeev, M. D. Sahlins, A. Salmond, J. R. Sanes, R.
Schekman, J. Schellnhuber, D. W. Schindler, J. Schmitt, S. H. Schneider,
V. L. Schramm, R. R. Sederoff, C. J. Shatz, F. Sherman, R. L. Sidman, K.
Sieh, E. L. Simons, B. H. Singer, M. F. Singer, B. Skyrms, N. H. Sleep,
B. D. Smith, S. H. Snyder, R. R. Sokal, C. S. Spencer, T. A. Steitz, K.
B. Strier, T. C. Südhof, S. S. Taylor, J. Terborgh, D. H. Thomas, L. G.
Thompson, R. T. TJian, M. G. Turner, S. Uyeda, J. W. Valentine, J. S.
Valentine, J. L. van Etten, K. E. van Holde, M. Vaughan, S. Verba, P. H.
von Hippel, D. B. Wake, A. Walker, J. E. Walker, E. B. Watson, P. J.
Watson, D. Weigel, S. R. Wessler, M. J. West-Eberhard, T. D. White, W.
J. Wilson, R. V. Wolfenden, J. A. Wood, G. M. Woodwell, H. E. Wright,
Jr., C. Wu, C. Wunsch, M. L. Zoback
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
1. The signatories are all members of the U.S. National Academy of
Sciences but are not speaking on its behalf.
2. Signatory affiliations are available as supporting material at
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