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package org.test; /************************************************************************* * Compilation: javac IndexMaxPQ.java * Execution: java IndexMaxPQ * * Maximum-oriented indexed PQ implementation using a binary heap. * *********************************************************************/ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * The <tt>IndexMaxPQ</tt> class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys. * It supports the usual <em>insert</em> and <em>delete-the-maximum</em> * operations, along with <em>delete</em> and <em>change-the-key</em> * methods. In order to let the client refer to items on the priority queue, * an integer between 0 and NMAX-1 is associated with each key—the client * uses this integer to specify which key to delete or change. * It also supports methods for peeking at the maximum key, * testing if the priority queue is empty, and iterating through * the keys. * <p> * The <em>insert</em>, <em>delete-the-maximum</em>, <em>delete</em>, * <em>change-key</em>, <em>decrease-key</em>, and <em>increase-key</em> * operations take logarithmic time. * The <em>is-empty</em>, <em>size</em>, <em>max-index</em>, <em>max-key</em>, and <em>key-of</em> * operations take constant time. * Construction takes time proportional to the specified capacity. * <p> * This implementation uses a binary heap along with an array to associate * keys with integers in the given range. * <p> * For additional documentation, see <a href="http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/24pq">Section 2.4</a> of * <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. */ public class IndexMaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> implements Iterable<Integer> { private int N; // number of elements on PQ private int[] pq; // binary heap using 1-based indexing private int[] qp; // inverse of pq - qp[pq[i]] = pq[qp[i]] = i private Key[] keys; // keys[i] = priority of i /** * Create an empty indexed priority queue with indices between 0 and NMAX-1. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if NMAX < 0 */ public IndexMaxPQ(int NMAX) { keys = (Key[]) new Comparable[NMAX + 1]; // make this of length NMAX?? pq = new int[NMAX + 1]; qp = new int[NMAX + 1]; // make this of length NMAX?? for (int i = 0; i <= NMAX; i++) qp[i] = -1; } /** * Is the priority queue empty? */ public boolean isEmpty() { return N == 0; } /** * Is i an index on the priority queue? * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless (0 ≤ i < NMAX) */ public boolean contains(int i) { return qp[i] != -1; } /** * Return the number of keys on the priority queue. */ public int size() { return N; } /** * Associate key with index i. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.util.IllegalArgumentException if there already is an item associated with index i. */ public void insert(int i, Key key) { if (contains(i)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index is already in the priority queue"); N++; qp[i] = N; pq[N] = i; keys[i] = key; swim(N); } /** * Return the index associated with a maximal key. * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if priority queue is empty. */ public int maxIndex() { if (N == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException("Priority queue underflow"); return pq[1]; } /** * Return a minimal key. * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if priority queue is empty. */ public Key maxKey() { if (N == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException("Priority queue underflow"); return keys[pq[1]]; } /** * Delete a maximal key and return its associated index. * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if priority queue is empty. */ public int delMax() { if (N == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException("Priority queue underflow"); int min = pq[1]; exch(1, N--); sink(1); qp[min] = -1; // delete keys[pq[N+1]] = null; // to help with garbage collection pq[N+1] = -1; // not needed return min; } /** * Return the key associated with index i. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i */ public Key keyOf(int i) { if (!contains(i)) throw new NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue"); else return keys[i]; } /** * Change the key associated with index i to the specified value. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i * @deprecated Replaced by changeKey() */ @Deprecated public void change(int i, Key key) { changeKey(i, key); } /** * Change the key associated with index i to the specified value. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i */ public void changeKey(int i, Key key) { if (!contains(i)) throw new NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue"); keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); sink(qp[i]); } /** * Increase the key associated with index i to the specified value. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if key ≤ key associated with index i * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i */ public void increaseKey(int i, Key key) { if (!contains(i)) throw new NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue"); if (keys[i].compareTo(key) >= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calling increaseKey() with given argument would not strictly increase the key"); keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); } /** * Decrease the key associated with index i to the specified value. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if key ≥ key associated with index i * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i */ public void decreaseKey(int i, Key key) { if (!contains(i)) throw new NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue"); if (keys[i].compareTo(key) <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calling decreaseKey() with given argument would not strictly decrease the key"); keys[i] = key; sink(qp[i]); } /** * Delete the key associated with index i. * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException unless 0 ≤ i < NMAX * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException no key is associated with index i */ public void delete(int i) { if (!contains(i)) throw new NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue"); int index = qp[i]; exch(index, N--); swim(index); sink(index); keys[i] = null; qp[i] = -1; } /************************************************************** * General helper functions **************************************************************/ private boolean less(int i, int j) { return keys[pq[i]].compareTo(keys[pq[j]]) < 0; } private void exch(int i, int j) { int swap = pq[i]; pq[i] = pq[j]; pq[j] = swap; qp[pq[i]] = i; qp[pq[j]] = j; } /************************************************************** * Heap helper functions **************************************************************/ private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && less(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } } private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= N) { int j = 2*k; if (j < N && less(j, j+1)) j++; if (!less(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } } /*********************************************************************** * Iterators **********************************************************************/ /** * Return an iterator that iterates over all of the elements on the * priority queue in descending order. * <p> * The iterator doesn't implement <tt>remove()</tt> since it's optional. */ public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new HeapIterator(); } private class HeapIterator implements Iterator<Integer> { // create a new pq private IndexMaxPQ<Key> copy; // add all elements to copy of heap // takes linear time since already in heap order so no keys move public HeapIterator() { copy = new IndexMaxPQ<Key>(pq.length - 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) copy.insert(pq[i], keys[pq[i]]); } public boolean hasNext() { return !copy.isEmpty(); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Integer next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return copy.delMax(); } } }
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### 利用堆实现的优先队列 #### 引言 在计算机科学领域,优先队列是一种非常重要的数据结构,它被广泛应用于多种算法中,如任务调度、事件驱动模拟等场景。相比于传统队列,优先队列允许插入元素时指定一个优先级...
1. 初始化优先队列: 使用`malloc`动态分配内存,创建一个大小为`LIST_INIT_SIZE`的数组,用于存储优先队列中的元素。初始长度设为0,列表容量设为`LIST_INIT_SIZE`。 2. 插入操作: 当向优先队列插入新元素时,...
- **索引优先队列**:每个元素都有一个索引,可以快速定位元素位置。 通过以上分析可以看出,优先队列作为一种高效的数据结构,在多种计算机科学领域都有着广泛的应用。正确理解和实现优先队列能够极大地提高程序...
1. **初始化(构造函数)**:创建一个空的优先队列,通常会根据需要选择最大堆或最小堆的实现。 2. **查找(peek)**:查看当前优先级最高的元素(最大堆的根或最小堆的根),但不移除它。时间复杂度为O(1)。 3. **...
本程序通过堆来实现优先队列,堆是一种二叉树形结构,满足堆属性:父节点的值总是大于或等于(最小堆)或小于或等于(最大堆)其子节点的值。这种特性使得堆在查找最大或最小元素时非常高效,时间复杂度为O(1)。 在...
优先队列是一种特殊的数据结构,它允许用户插入元素并总是能快速访问到具有最高优先级的元素。在C#中,实现优先队列的方式多种多样,包括使用有序数组、无序数组、集合以及二叉堆。下面将详细介绍这四种方法。 1. *...
在这个场景中,我们关注的是一个基于最大堆实现的最大优先队列。最大堆是一种完全二叉树,其中每个父节点的值都大于或等于其子节点的值,这样确保了根节点始终是堆中最大的元素,即具有最高优先级的元素。 首先,让...
### 堆排序及优先队列的实现与应用 #### 一、堆排序的基本概念 堆排序是一种基于比较的排序算法,它利用堆这种数据结构的特性进行排序。堆可以分为大顶堆(Max Heap)和小顶堆(Min Heap)。在大顶堆中,任意节点...
3. 搜索算法:优先队列在Dijkstra算法、A*搜索等路径寻找算法中扮演重要角色。 4. 事件处理:可以用于优先处理高优先级的事件。 六、源码学习 对于开发者来说,深入研究flatqueue的源码,理解其内部机制,不仅能...
本压缩包包含的资源专注于三个重要的数据结构:字典、图和优先队列,这些都是计算机科学的基础且在实际编程中广泛应用。 首先,我们来详细探讨字典。字典是一种关联型数据结构,它以键值对的形式存储数据,允许我们...
《队列:张宴技术解析》 队列是一种基础且重要的数据结构,它遵循“先进先出”(First In First Out, FIFO)的原则。在计算机科学中,队列被广泛应用于各种场景,如任务调度、缓冲区管理、多线程通信等。本文将围绕...
优先队列是一种特殊的队列,它的特点是队列中的元素具有优先级,出队顺序由优先级决定,优先级高的元素先出队。常见的优先队列实现有堆(堆排序中的二叉堆)和 Fibonacci heap 等。在本案例中,使用完全二叉树实现...
优先队列(Priority Queue)是一种特殊的队列,它允许在队列中插入元素时指定元素的优先级,并且在元素出队时,总是优先选择优先级最高的元素。优先队列通常使用堆(Heap)这种数据结构来实现,而堆是一种特殊的完全...
循环队列在出队后可能需要更新队头索引以避免数组下标越界。 - **查看队头元素(peek)**:查看但不移除队头元素。所有类型的队列都可以实现这个操作。 - **检查队列是否为空(isEmpty)**:检查队列中是否有元素。 ...
- 初始化队列:分配内存(对于链队列),设定队头和队尾指针。 - 入队:在队尾添加元素,更新队尾。 - 出队:移除队头元素,更新队头。 - 判断队列是否为空:检查队头是否等于队尾。 - 判断队列是否已满:对于循环...
- 判断队列是否已满(Full):判断rear是否达到数组的最大索引值或链表的最大长度。 除了上述基本操作之外,实际使用中可能还需要其他辅助功能,比如打印队列中的所有元素(print函数),这在调试程序或查看队列...