It was decided that CEIT was in need of a local MQTT server to avoid having to play in the mess that is IBM's realtime server. So I installed one on the same virtual machine that ejabberd was installed on. Here's how I did it:
What you'll need:
- Port 1883 to be open to incoming MQTT messages
Step 1: Add the CentOS mosquitto repository to YUM's list of repositories
1. $ cd /etc/yum/yum.repos.d 2. $ wget 3. $ sudo yum update
Step 2: Install mosquitto
1. $ sudo yum install mosquitto
Step 3: Run mosquitto
As of writing, no init.d script exists for the CentOS distribution of mosquitto. However, it is a simple enough matter to set it running as a daemon, you'll just need to restart it yourself whenever your machine gets restarted.
1. $ sudo su 2. $ /usr/sbin/mosquitto -d -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf > /var/log/mosquitto.log 2>&1
Mosquitto should now be running! You can test it by pointing mosquitto_pub and _sub at it.
Likely problems:
There appear to be some issues with the mosquitto libraries in the repository, in that they don't work out of the box. I had better success compiling the libraries from source and installing them that way. The method for doing that is fairly similar to doing under OSX, so see my previous post on that subject.
Starting with installing CentOS, this book will walk you through the networking aspects of CentOS. You will then learn how to manage users and their permissions, software installs, disks, filesystems...
cat install.log | grep Installing | sed 's/Installing//g' > /home/packages.list ``` #### 五、完整性检查与打包 1. **完整性检查**: - 完成所有文件和 RPM 包的复制后,需确保 `/home/OS/CentOS` 目录下的...
1、已安装的linux (以centos7为例) 2、离线安装包: ①、docker-engine-1.7.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm(可从以下链接下载,centos7对应下载链接: ...
【CentOS 6.4安装(超级详细图解教程)】 CentOS,全称为Community ENTerprise Operating System,是一款基于Linux的开源操作系统,以其稳定性和安全性受到广大用户的喜爱,尤其在服务器领域应用广泛。本教程将针对...
Chapter 2: Installing CentOS. Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Desktop. Chapter 4: Using Linux Commands. Part II Using CentOS. Chapter 5: Accessing and Running Applications. Chapter 6: ...
Installing : docker-engine-1.12.6-1.el7.centos.x86_64 8/8 Verifying : libsemanage-python-2.5-11.el7.x86_64 1/8 Verifying : setools-libs-3.3.8-2.el7.x86_64 2/8 Verifying : policycoreutils-python-...
选择“Install CentOS”或“Try CentOS without installing”,如果你想要在不安装的情况下先体验系统。 五、语言和地区选择 在欢迎界面,选择合适的语言和地区,这将影响到系统的语言环境和键盘布局。 六、磁盘...
你可以通过访问官网(来了解如何安装pip。 接下来,我们开始安装GateOne及其依赖项。首先,安装EPEL仓库,因为GateOne的一些依赖包可能不在默认的CentOS仓库中。你可以...
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根据提供的文件信息,本书《Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Exam Ref 70-410》是一本针对Microsoft认证考试70-410的专业辅导教材。本书由Craig Zacker编写,并由Microsoft Press出版。以下是本书中...
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