Windows Live Writer is really quite a nice tool for posting to blogs. But despite of my effort to get it to work with jroller, I've always failed. I have seen someone succeeded posting to jroller, but I always get the following error. Could anyone give me any hint what I'm doing wrong?
Here‘s what I did to set up jroller in WLW:
- Start Live Writer and Add a new Weblog Account. Fill in the URL of your weblog, your user name and password at jroller.
- Choose Metaweblog API as the type of weblog. And Type "" as the Remote posting URL.
- Write a new post, and select Publish. The following error dialog shows up.
在SAP系统中,"Posting Key and Field Status Variant"是财务会计中两个关键的概念,用于控制凭证录入过程中的数据校验和字段可见性。这两者都涉及到财务文档的精确性和一致性,确保会计信息的准确无误。 首先,...
在IT行业中,"MM自动过账 (Materials Management Automatic Posting)" 是一种常见的业务流程自动化技术,主要应用于SAP系统的物料管理模块。此技术旨在提高企业财务管理的效率,减少人为错误,确保会计信息的准确性...
The practicalities of these frameworks is often acquired by practitioners by reading source code, manuals, and posting questions on community forums, which tends to be a slow and a painful process....
The practicalities of these frameworks is often acquired by practitioners by reading source code, manuals, and posting questions on community forums, which tends to be a slow and a painful process....
If you have problem with driver enumeration in Windows 8.1 install update KB2917929 If you have older Google USB Driver installed, please uninstall it from Control Panel before installing new If you...
内容概要:本文档详细描述了自 ECC 6.0 版本第三扩展包(ECC 6.03)开始,当物料账处于活动状态时,对于按移动平均价管理物料采用新的过帐逻辑的相关调整措施,以及与旧版本逻辑的区别。介绍了新逻辑自动激活的情况...
We design efficient algorithms for the batch posting of Layer 2 chain calldata on the Layer 1 chain, using tools from operations research. We relate the costs of posting and delaying, by converting ...
from developers because it prevented them from posting questions on public forums and getting help quickly. Nor could books be written about it or training courses developed. The adoption of Objective...
The practicalities of these frameworks is often acquired by practitioners by reading source code, manuals, and posting questions on community forums, which tends to be a slow and a painful process....
录像23_Internal order Posting
4 Posting+Tips,60分钟
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Chapter 7: Dealing with URLs – Posting Links Chapter 8: Dealing with Spam – Akismet to the Rescue Chapter 9: Let’s Read Feeds – A News Reader Chapter 10: Sign Up Chapter 11: Log in Chapter 12: ...
Bug with processing key fields on record posting is fixed Bug with empty string parameters is fixed for ASE data provider Bug with DateTime parameter is fixed for ASE data provider Bug with "SQL ...