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Freemarker Built-ins for sequences


Built-ins for sequences


The first subvariable of the sequence. Template processing will die with error if the sequence is empty.


The last subvariable of the sequence. Template processing will die with error if the sequence is empty.



This built-in is available since FreeMarker 2.3.1. It doesn't exist in 2.3.


The seq_ prefix is required in the built-in name to differentiate it from the contains built-in that searches a substring in a string (since a variable can be both string and sequence on the same time).

Tells if the sequence contains the specified value. It has 1 parameter, the value to find. Example:

<#assign x = ["red", 16, "blue", "cyan"]>
"blue": ${x?seq_contains("blue")?string("yes", "no")}
"yellow": ${x?seq_contains("yellow")?string("yes", "no")}
16: ${x?seq_contains(16)?string("yes", "no")}
"16": ${x?seq_contains("16")?string("yes", "no")} 

The output will be:

"blue": yes
"yellow": no
16: yes
"16": no 

To find the value the built-in uses FreeMarker's comparison rules (as if you was using == operator), except that comparing two values of different types or of types for which FreeMarker doesn't support comparison will not cause error, just will be evaluated as the two values are not equal. Thus, you can use it only to find scalar values (i.e. string, number, boolean or date/time values). For other types the result will be always false.

For fault tolerance, this built-in also works with collections.



This built-in is available since FreeMarker 2.3.1. It doesn't exist in 2.3.


The seq_ prefix is required in the built-in name to differentiate it from the index_of built-in that searches a substring in a string (since a variable can be both string and sequence on the same time).

Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in the sequence, or -1 if the sequence doesn't contain the specified value. The value to find is specified as the first parameter. For example this template:

<#assign colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]>

will output this:


To find the value the built-in uses FreeMarker's comparison rules (as if you was using == operator), except that comparing two values of different types or of types for which FreeMarker doesn't support comparison will not cause error, just will be evaluated as the two values are not equal. Thus, you can use it only to find scalar values (i.e. string, number, boolean or date/time values). For other types the result will be always -1.

The index where the searching is started can be optionally given as the 2nd parameter. This may be useful if the same item can occur for multiple times in the same sequence. There is no restriction on the numerical value of the second parameter: if it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero, and if it is greater than the length of the sequence, it has the same effect as if it were equal to the length of the sequence. Decimal values will be truncated to integers. For example:

<#assign names = ["Joe", "Fred", "Joe", "Susan"]>
No 2nd param: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe")}
-2: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", -2)}
-1: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", -1)}
 0: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 0)}
 1: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 1)}
 2: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 2)}
 3: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 3)}
 4: ${names?seq_index_of("Joe", 4)} 

will output this:

No 2nd param: 0
-2: 0
-1: 0
 0: 0
 1: 2
 2: 2
 3: -1
 4: -1 



This built-in is available since FreeMarker 2.3.1. It doesn't exist in 2.3.


The seq_ prefix is required in the built-in name to differentiate it from the last_index_of built-in that searches a substring in a string (since a variable can be both string and sequence on the same time).

Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in the sequence, or -1 if the sequence doesn't contain the specified value. That is, it is the same as seq_index_of, just it searches backward starting from the last item of the sequence. It also supports the optional 2nd parameter that specifies the index where the searching is started. For example:

<#assign names = ["Joe", "Fred", "Joe", "Susan"]>
No 2nd param: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe")}
-2: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", -2)}
-1: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", -1)}
 0: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 0)}
 1: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 1)}
 2: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 2)}
 3: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 3)}
 4: ${names?seq_last_index_of("Joe", 4)} 

will output this:

No 2nd param: 2
-2: -1
-1: -1
 0: 0
 1: 0
 2: 2
 3: 2
 4: 2 


The sequence with reversed order.


The number of subvariables in sequence (as a numerical value). The highest possible index in sequence s is s?size - 1 (since the index of the first subvariable is 0) assuming that the sequence has at least one subvariable.


Returns the sequence sorted in ascending order. (For descending order use this and then the reverse built in.) This will work only if all subvariables are strings, or if all subvariables are numbers, or if all subvariables are date values (date, time, or date+time), or if all subvariables are booleans (since 2.3.17). If the subvariables are strings, it uses locale (language) specific lexical sorting (which is usually not case sensitive). For example:

<#assign ls = ["whale", "Barbara", "zeppelin", "aardvark", "beetroot"]?sort>
<#list ls as i>${i} </#list> 

will print (with US locale at least):

aardvark Barbara beetroot whale zeppelin 


Returns the sequence of hashes sorted by the given hash subvariable in ascending order. (For descending order use this and then the reverse built in.) The rules are the same as with the sort built-in, except that the subvariables of the sequence must be hashes, and you have to give the name of a hash subvariable that will decide the order. For example:

<#assign ls = [
  {"name":"whale", "weight":2000},
  {"name":"Barbara", "weight":53},
  {"name":"zeppelin", "weight":-200},
  {"name":"aardvark", "weight":30},
  {"name":"beetroot", "weight":0.3}
Order by name:
<#list ls?sort_by("name") as i>
- ${i.name}: ${i.weight}

Order by weight:
<#list ls?sort_by("weight") as i>
- ${i.name}: ${i.weight}

will print (with US locale at least):

Order by name:
- aardvark: 30
- Barbara: 53
- beetroot: 0.3
- whale: 2000
- zeppelin: -200

Order by weight:
- zeppelin: -200
- beetroot: 0.3
- aardvark: 30
- Barbara: 53
- whale: 2000 

If the subvariable that you want to use for the sorting is on a deeper level (that is, if it is a subvariable of a subvariable and so on), then you can use a sequence as parameter, that specifies the names of the subvariables that lead down to the desired subvariable. For example:

<#assign members = [
    {"name": {"first": "Joe", "last": "Smith"}, "age": 40},
    {"name": {"first": "Fred", "last": "Crooger"}, "age": 35},
    {"name": {"first": "Amanda", "last": "Fox"}, "age": 25}]>
Sorted by name.last: 
<#list members?sort_by(['name', 'last']) as m>
- ${m.name.last}, ${m.name.first}: ${m.age} years old

will print (with US locale at least):

Sorted by name.last: 
- Crooger, Fred: 35 years old
- Fox, Amanda: 25 years old
- Smith, Joe: 40 years old 



This built-in exists since FreeMarker 2.3.3.

This built-in splits a sequence into multiple sequences of the size given with the 1st parameter to the built-in (like mySeq?chunk(3)). The result is the sequence of these sequences. The last sequence is possibly shorter than the given size, unless the 2nd parameter is given (like mySeq?chunk(3, '-')), that is the item used to make up the size of the last sequence to the given size. Example:

<#assign seq = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']>

<#list seq?chunk(4) as row>
  <#list row as cell>${cell} </#list>

<#list seq?chunk(4, '-') as row>
  <#list row as cell>${cell} </#list>

The output will be:

  a b c d 
  e f g h 
  i j 

  a b c d 
  e f g h 
  i j - - 

This built in is mostly for outputting sequnces in tabular/columnar format. When used with HTML tables, the 2nd parameter is often "\xA0" (that is the code of the no-break space character, also known as ``nbsp''), so the border of the empty TD-s will not be missing.

The 1st parameter must be a number that is at least 1. If the number is not integer, it will be silently rounded down to integer (i.e. both 3.1 and 3.9 will be rounded to 3). The 2nd parameter can be of any type and value.




    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.31.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.31-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.31-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.31.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.30.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.30-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.30-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.30.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.30.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.30-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.30-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.30.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...



    JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8

    JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-2.3.8JavaEE源代码 freemarker-...


    camel-freemarker-1.6.4.jar, camel-freemarker-2.8.1.jar, com.springsource.freemarker-2.3.15.jar, com.springsource.freemarker-sources-2.3.15.jar, freemarker-1.4.1.jar, freemarker-2-3-18.jar, freemarker-...


    这个"freemarker-2.3.28.jar"是Freemarker库的一个具体版本,版本号为2.3.28,它是Java的一个可执行的JAR(Java Archive)文件,用于在Eclipse集成开发环境中作为插件使用。 在Freemarker的2.3.28版本中,我们可以...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.23.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.23-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.23-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.23.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    `freemarker-ide-0.9.14` 是一个针对Freemarker模板语言的集成开发环境插件,旨在提升在MyEclipse中的开发效率和体验。 这个插件版本为0.9.14,可能包含了对Freemarker语法的高亮显示、代码自动完成、错误检查、...


    在这个"freemarker-2.3.22"的压缩包中,包含了Freemarker 2.3.22版本的相关资源,有助于我们深入了解和使用这个库。 首先,`README.txt`通常包含项目的基本信息、安装指南和快速入门等内容。在这个版本中,它可能...


    `freemarker-2.3.23.jar`是Freemarker库的一个版本,发布于2.3.23,这个版本可能包含了对早期版本的一些改进、新功能或bug修复。 Freemarker的核心概念是模板语言,它是一种声明式的编程方式,允许开发者编写不包含...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.20.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.20-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.20-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.20.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    本压缩包"freemarker-ide-0.9.14.rar"提供的是一个针对IDE的Freemarker插件,特别适用于MyEclipse 6.5版本。 该插件名为"Hudson Freemarker IDE",版本为0.9.14,它增强了MyEclipse对Freemarker模板语言的支持。在...


    这个"apache-freemarker-2.3.26-incubating-bin.tar.gz"文件是Apache FreeMarker的一个特定版本,即2.3.26,处于孵化器阶段(incubating)。它包含了FreeMarker库的二进制文件和相关的文档,为开发者提供了完整的...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.20.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.20-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.20-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.20.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.23.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.23-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.23-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.23.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    在本Demo中,我们将深入探讨如何将FreeMarker模板引擎整合进SSM框架,以及PageHelper分页插件的使用。 首先,让我们来了解一下SSM框架的核心组件: 1. **Spring**:这是一个全面的Java应用框架,提供依赖注入(DI...


    赠送jar包:freemarker-2.3.31.jar; 赠送原API文档:freemarker-2.3.31-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:freemarker-2.3.31-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:freemarker-2.3.31.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...


    这个“freemarker-2.3.23-中文手册.zip”包含了Freemarker 2.3.23版本的详尽中文文档,对于学习和掌握Freemarker的使用非常有帮助。 在Freemarker 2.3.23版中,我们首先会接触到它的核心概念,包括模板(Template)...

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