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private Class getParameterizedT ...
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Class Matcher
- java.lang.Object
- java.util.regex.Matcher
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- MatchResult
public final class Matcher extends Object implements MatchResult
An engine(引擎) that performs(执行) match operations on a character sequence by interpreting(解释) aPattern
.A matcher is created from a pattern by invoking the pattern's
method. Once created, a matcher can be used to perform three different kinds of match operations:-
method attempts(试图) to match the entire(全部) input sequence against(违反) the pattern. -
method attempts to match the input sequence, starting at the beginning, against the pattern. -
method scans(扫描) the input sequence looking for the next subsequence that matches the pattern.
Each of these methods returns a boolean indicating(表明) success or failure. More information about a successful match can be obtained(获得) by querying the state of the matcher.
A matcher finds matches in a subset of its input called the region. By default, the region contains all of the matcher's input. The region can be modified via the
method and queried via theregionStart
methods. The way that the region boundaries(边界) interact(互相作用) with some pattern constructs(构造) can be changed. SeeuseAnchoringBounds
for more details.This class also defines methods for replacing matched subsequences with new strings whose contents can, if desired(需求), be computed from the match result. The
methods can be used in tandem(串联) in order to collect(汇集) the result into an existing string buffer, or the more convenient(方便的)replaceAll
method can be used to create a string in which every matching subsequence in the input sequence is replaced.The explicit(明确的) state of a matcher includes the start and end indices(目录) of the most recent(最近的) successful match. It also includes the start and end indices of the input subsequence captured(捕获) by each capturing group in the pattern as well as(和…一样) a total count of such(这样的) subsequences. As a convenience(方便), methods are also provided for returning these captured(捕获) subsequences in string form(格式).
The explicit(明确的) state of a matcher is initially(最初的) undefined; attempting(试图) to query any part of it before a successful match will cause(导致) an
to be thrown. The explicit(明确的) state of a matcher is recomputed(验算) by every match operation.The implicit(隐式) state of a matcher includes the input character sequence as well as the append position, which is initially(最初的) zero and is updated by the
method.A matcher may be reset explicitly(明确的) by invoking its
method or, if a new input sequence is desired(需求), itsreset(CharSequence)
method. Resetting a matcher discards(废弃物) its explicit(明确的) state information and sets the append position to zero.Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.
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Java Pattern 翻译
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Java的`Pattern`和`Matcher`类提供了正则表达式的支持。 6. **异常处理**:在处理用户输入和文件读取时,可能会遇到各种异常,比如文件不存在、格式错误等。Java的异常处理机制(try-catch-finally)可以捕获并处理...
return Pattern.compile("[\u4e00-\u9fa5]").matcher(str).find(); } ``` 而判断英文字符,可以使用: ```java public boolean containsEnglishWithRegex(String str) { return str.matches(".*[a-zA-Z0-9\\s].*...
本文将详细介绍如何使用Java(具体实现方式为JSP)来调用Google Translate API进行文本翻译。作者在文章开头提到已经实现了ASP、PHP 和 C# 版本的Google Translate API 调用方法,并在此基础上提供了一个Java版本的...
以前写了一个java的正规表达式的java工具类,分享一下,有用到的欢迎下载使用。 如果你有常用的定义好的,且测试通过的正规表达式,欢迎跟贴,也让我享用一下 . 类中用到了 jakarta-oro-2.0.jar 包,请大家自己在 ...
return pattern.matcher(name).matches(); } } } ``` 在这个例子中,我们创建了一个`DirFilter`类,它实现了`FilenameFilter`接口。当传入一个正则表达式时,`accept()`方法会检查每个文件名是否匹配。通过`...
Pattern类提供了编译和执行正则表达式的方法,而Matcher类则用于在输入字符串中查找与模式匹配的子串。这个测试类可能包含了对不同表达式的测试用例,帮助开发者验证解析逻辑的正确性。 接着,"FunctionType.java...
开发诸如编译器,解释器和汇编器之类的翻译器。 开发通信协议行TCP / IP,UDP等 正则表达概念 RegularExpression是Java 1.4版本发行的版本,并存在于java.util.regex软件包中。 RegularExpression是一种根据特定...
2. **Java中的Pattern和Matcher类**:在Java中,我们通过`java.util.regex.Pattern`类来编译正则表达式,然后使用`Matcher`类来执行匹配操作。例如,`Pattern.compile("regex")`编译正则,`matcher(input)`创建匹配...
- 可以使用`Pattern`和`Matcher`类进行匹配,如`Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b")`可以匹配英文单词。 4. **处理一行内容**: - 如果示例仅能获取一行内容,可能是因为只考虑了TextView中的行内文本。可以使用`...
- **Java**:使用`java.util.regex`包中的`Pattern`和`Matcher`类。 ### 学习资源推荐 对于初学者而言,可以通过以下途径学习和实践正则表达式的使用: - 在线教程:网站如RegExr、RegexOne提供了丰富的学习资源和...