
out there


i know out there out here for quite a long time, but never accquires its definite meaning. today i came upon it again, so i made a search.


What's the meaning of "out there/here" in spoken English?

I am an English learner and I see lots of movies in which people say "out there" or "out here", like "It's been a long day out here in the field, let's call it a day." I guess they just mean "there/here" and hence the "out" is a redundant word, is it right? OR, does the "out" mean "out of people's house"? I just can not find any explanation of it on the Internet. Please help me, thank you very much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

"Out here," indicates you are present (here) while you are outside of something -- like being outdoors. It can also mean, "away from a familiar place." For example, you might read the line, "Things are different out here." In this case, "out here" means, "in this place where I am that is away from what is familiar to me."

"Out there," indicates that there is distance between what is considered outside and where you are standing. For example, if you ask where the swimming pool is located, you might receive the reply, "It's out there," meaning the pool is located outside and away from where you are currently standing. It can also mean outrageous or ridiculous... "Her ideas are really out there." Finally, it may also refer to the universe... "The truth is out there ," meaning, "The truth is somewhere in the universe waiting to be discovered."

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