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Design decisions:

Most platforms require that widgets be created within the context of a specific parent, so SWT requires that a parent widget be supplied as one of its constructor arguments. Another requirement of many platforms is that certain style settings must be supplied at creation time (for example, buttons can be checkboxes, radio buttons, or simple buttons and text fields can be single- or multi-line).

Style bits are represented by int constants defined in the SWT class. Styles are then OR'ed together and passed as another constructor argument to create the initial style of a widget.

SWT works directly with the native underlying graphic resources, each SWT resource consumes a GUI resource, and timely release of that resource is essential not only for your SWT application's well-being, but also for the well-being of all other GUI programs currently running. Java's garbage collection carries no timeliness guarantees, and would make a poor manager of graphic resources for SWT. So, instead, you as programmer must assume the responsibility.

Fortunately, a widget that is a child of another widget is automatically destroyed when its parent is destroyed. This means that if you properly dispose of a shell, you do not need to dispose of each of its children because they will be disposed of automatically.


Top-level classes:

Each SWT application needs a display and one or more shells (representing each window frame).

Display: The Display object represents the connection between the application-level SWT classes and the underlying windowing system implementation.

One of the most important tasks of this class is its event-handling mechanism. The Display class maintains a collection of registered event listeners, reads events from the lower-level operating-system event queue, and delivers these events to the appropriate implementations of registered listener logic.

Shell: Every window has a shell representing the window frame with which the user interacts. The Shell object represents a window—either a top-level window or a dialog window. It contains the various controls that make up the application: buttons, text boxes, tables


Control: The Control class is the abstract superclass of all the dialog and window component classes such as Button, Label, ProgressBar, Sash, Scrollable, and Slider

Composite: Taking a bottom-up view of the world, every control has a parent that is an instance of the class Composite or one of its subclasses. The class Shell, which represents the top-level windows of your application, is a subclass of Composite.

Stated another way, this time from the top down, a display contains a list of top-level shells, where each shell is the root of a tree composed of composites and controls. Composites can contain other composites, allowing the tree to have arbitrary depth. If the child of a shell is another shell, the child is commonly called a dialog shell. A dialog shell always stays in front of the parent shell.



    **SWT基础概念总结** SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit)是Java平台上的一个开源GUI库,由Eclipse基金会维护。它是为了解决Java的Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)和Swing库在性能和本地化方面的问题而创建的。SWT允许...


    ### Eclipse之SWT编程:深度解析与应用 #### 一、SWT的诞生与优势 SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit)是IBM为解决Java GUI开发中的一些固有问题而设计的一套跨平台图形用户界面开发框架。在Java GUI的历史进程中,Sun...


    IBM作为Eclipse的主要贡献者之一,对SWT的发展有着重要影响。本教程将深入探讨SWT库的使用方法和特性,帮助开发者更好地理解和应用这一强大的GUI工具。 ### SWT基础 1. **组件库**:SWT提供了丰富的组件,如按钮、...


    【SWT基础知识】 1. SWT概述:SWT是由Eclipse基金会维护的一个开源项目,它允许开发者创建与操作系统紧密集成的Java GUI应用程序。SWT通过直接调用操作系统API来实现,从而提供了更好的性能和原生外观。 2. SWT...

    SWT_全接触 SWT_全接触 SWT_全接触

    根据给定的信息,本文将详细介绍SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit)的相关知识点,包括其背景、特点、与AWT/Swing的对比...通过对SWT的基本概念、特点以及入门示例的了解,相信读者已经对如何开始使用SWT有了初步的认识。


    SWT,全称为Standard Widget Toolkit,是Eclipse组织开发的一个用于创建...理解这些基本概念和组件,对于开发跨平台的Java GUI应用至关重要。通过熟练掌握SWT,开发者可以创建出高效且与操作系统风格一致的用户界面。


    在本教程中,我们将深入学习SWT开发的基本概念和实践技巧。 1. SWT简介: SWT是由Eclipse基金会维护的,它弥补了Java AWT和Swing在与本地系统交互方面的不足。SWT提供了各种组件,如按钮、文本框、列表、树视图等,...




    #### 三、FormLayout的基本概念 - **边界附着**(`FormAttachment`):用于表示组件与其他组件或容器边界的相对位置。例如,可以将一个组件的左边界附着到容器的左边界,或者将一个组件的顶部附着到另一个组件的...



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    1. SWT的基本概念 SWT是Java AWT和Swing之外的一个选择,它使用本地系统资源来创建GUI组件,提供更高的性能和更好的交互性。SWT通过JNI(Java Native Interface)与操作系统进行通信,因此在不同平台上运行时能保持...


    它由Eclipse基金会维护,是Eclipse IDE的基础组件之一,提供了丰富的用户界面控件和功能。SWT的设计目标是提供与原生操作系统更加紧密的集成,因此在性能和用户体验上有着显著的优势。 ### SWT的核心概念 1. **...


    1. SWT基础: SWT是基于原生系统API的,这意味着它能够提供与操作系统一致的外观和感觉。SWT通过JNI(Java Native Interface)与操作系统进行交互,提供高性能和高效的GUI开发。SWT的核心类包括Shell(顶级窗口)、...


    ### Java程序设计之SWT教程知识点详解 #### 1. SWT 概述 SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) 是由 IBM 开发的一种用于 ...通过理解和掌握 SWT 的基本概念和编程技巧,开发者可以快速开发出既美观又高效的用户界面。


    SWT Designer是一款强大的图形用户界面(GUI)设计工具,主要用于帮助开发者使用SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit)和JFace技术创建Java应用程序...同时,了解SWT和JFace的基本概念和使用方法也是Java GUI开发的重要基础。

    swt/jface in action中文版

    SWT 负责底层的 UI 元素渲染,而 JFace 则建立在 SWT 之上,提供了更高层次的抽象,简化了 UI 的开发过程。 - **形成原因**:Eclipse 社区需要一套强大的 UI 框架来构建其 IDE 及其他相关工具,因此开发了 SWT 和 ...


    SWT是Eclipse IDE的基础组件之一,因此在Java开发领域,特别是Eclipse插件开发中,有着广泛的应用。 `Swt[1].JFace.in.Action+china.pdf` 这本书籍的中文版可能涵盖了JFace的使用,JFace是建立在SWT之上的一层抽象...

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    在使用SWT Designer时,开发者需要了解SWT和JFace的基本概念,熟悉控件的属性和方法,以及布局管理器的工作原理。同时,掌握Eclipse IDE的基本操作也是必要的,因为SWT Designer是作为Eclipse插件运行的。 在学习和...


    - **JFace**:是Eclipse项目的一部分,建立在SWT之上,提供更高级别的API,简化了UI开发。例如,JFace的数据绑定框架可以帮助开发者轻松地将UI控件与模型数据关联起来。 7. **实战示例** - 创建基本窗口:学习...


    1. **SWT基础**:介绍SWT的基本概念,如事件模型、控件体系结构以及如何在Java程序中导入和使用SWT库。讲解 SWT与AWT和Swing的区别,以及选择SWT的理由。 2. **控件使用**:详细讲解SWT中的各种控件,如按钮(Button...

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