Updated(Sep 23): Known issues:
- Formmater: String literal that is broken to multiple lines will be reformatted, this should be fixed. (Done in trunk)
- 'Run project' does not work yet.
- When more than one projects are opened concurrently, 'Go to declaration' for remote function may not work. You can close other projects when encountered.
I'm pleased to announce ErlyBird 0.15.0, an Erlang IDE based on NetBeans.
This is a major features release. This release will only provide all-in-one IDE package,
which is in size of 17.6M.
- Pretty formatter (Ctrl+Shift+F).
- Variables and functions occurrences mark.
- Better brace matching highlighting, such as for 'try-catch-end', 'if-end' etc.
- "-import" syntax now works in all cases, that means RabbitMQ's code will be parsed correctly.
- Various bugs fixes.
As NetBeans 6.0 beta1 was just released, I hope ErlyBird has got more stable also.
Java JRE 5.0+ is required.
To download, please go to:
To install:
- Unzip erlybird-bin-0.15.0-ide.zip to somewhere.
- Make sure 'erl.exe' or 'erl' is under your environment path
- For Windows user, execute 'bin/erlybird.exe'. For *nix user, 'bin/erlybird'.
- Check/set your OTP path. From [Tools]->[Options], click on 'Erlang', then 'Erlang Installation' tab, fill in the full path of your 'erl.exe' or 'erl' file. For instance: "C:/erl/bin/erl.exe"
- The default -Xmx option for jvm is set to 256M, ErlyBird now works good with less memory, such as -Xmx128M. If you want to increase/decrease it, please open the config file that is located at etc/erlybird.conf, set -J-Xmx of 'default_options'.
When run ErlyBird first time, the OTP libs will be indexed. The indexing time varies from 10 to 30 minutes deponding on your computer.
If you have previous version of ErlyBird 0.12.0+ installed, you can keep your old cache files, otherwise, please delete the old cache files which are located at:
- *nix: "${HOME}/.erlybird/dev"
- mac os x: "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/erlybird/dev"
- windows: "C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\.erlybird\dev" or some where
The status of ErlyBird is still Alpha, feedbacks and bug reports are welcome.
error: /tmp/esl-erlang_26.0.2-1~alinux~3_x86_64.rpm : not an rpm package (or packape manifest): arning: /tmp/rabbitmg-erver 3.12.4-1 all.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID 6026dfca: NOKEY ...
erlang_23.0.2-1版本 centos7 64bit esl-erlang_23.0.2-1_centos_7_amd64.rpm
esl-erlang_17.3-1~centos~6_amd64.rpm esl-erlang_17.3-1~centos~6_amd64.rpm
标题“esl-erlang_19.3_osx_10.10_amd64.dmg”指的是一个特定版本的Erlang编程环境的安装镜像文件,由Erlang Solutions Limited(ESL)发布,适用于Apple macOS 10.10 Yosemite操作系统,并且是为64位AMD处理器设计...
esl-erlang-20.1-1.x86_64只适用于Centos7; 安装命令:rpm -ivh --force esl-erlang-20.1-1.x86_64.rpm
esl-erlang_25.0.3-1_centos_7_amd64.rpm erlang_25.0.3-1 rpm用于rabitmq基础环境安装
Erlang插件 将和其他基于IntelliJ的产品( , , 等)转变为便捷的 IDE。 发行前版本 下载,在IDE的“设置”的“插件”页面上单击“从磁盘安装插件...”,然后将其指向下载的存档。 Mac OS X用户注意事项:您需要...
linux环境 erlang rpm包 esl-erlang_23.0.3-1~centos~7_amd64.rpm
**RabbitMQ 3.8.2 和 Erlang OTP Win64 22.2 安装指南** RabbitMQ 是一个广泛使用的开源消息代理和队列服务器,它基于 AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)协议,适用于多种编程语言。在Windows系统上部署...
esl-erlang_23.0和rabbitmq-3.8.4windows版本 直接下载安装就行,可以直接下载就可安装,非常的方便 ,欢迎大家下载 注意事项: 1. Erlang版本和RabbitMQ版本要配套 (Erlang23.0, RabbitMQ3.8.4) 2. amd芯片请乖乖...
这个erlang23.0版本,根据rabbitMQ官网的介绍,可以和下面这几个版本的rabbitMQ配合使用: 3.8.9 3.8.8 3.8.7 3.8.6 3.8.5 3.8.4 其他版本的rabbit,请移步其他资源下载
在"Aerospike-client-erlang-2.1.2"这个压缩包中,包含的是Aerospike Erlang客户端的2.1.2版本。这个版本可能包含了对Aerospike C客户端的封装,C客户端是Aerospike官方提供的核心接口,它直接与数据库服务器进行低...