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Tim Bray's Erlang Exercise on Large Dataset Processing - Round II


Updated Oct 09: Added more benchmark results under linux on other machines.
Updated Oct 07: More concise code.
Updated Oct 06: Fixed bugs: 1. Match "GET /ongoing/When/" instead of "/ongoing/When/"; 2. split_on_last_newline should not reverse Tail.

Backed from a short vacation, and sit down in front of my computer, I'm thinking about Tim Bray's exercise again.

As I realized, the most expensive procedure is splitting dataset to lines. To get the multiple-core benefit, we should parallelize this procedure instead of reading file to binary or macthing process only.

In my previous solution, there are at least two issues:

  • Since the file reading is fast in Erlang, then, parallelizing the file reading is not much helpful.
  • The buffered_read actually can be merged with the buffered file reading.

And, Per's solution parallelizes process_match procedure only, based on a really fast divide_to_lines, but with hacked binary matching syntax.

After a couple of hours working, I finially get the second version of tbray.erl (with some code from Per's solution).

  • Read file to small pieces of binary (about 4096 bytes each chunk), then convert to list.
  • Merge the previous tail for each chunk, search this chunk from tail, find the last new line mark, split this chunk to line-bounded data part, and tail part for next chunk.
  • The above steps are difficult to parallelize. If we try, there will be about 30 more LOC, and not so readable.
  • Spawn a new process at once to split line-bounded chunk to lines, process match and update dict.
  • Thus we can go on reading file with non-stop.
  • A collect_loop will receive dicts from each process, and merge them.

What I like of this version is, it scales on mutiple-core almost linearly! On my 2.0G 2-core MacBook, it took about 13.522 seconds with non-smp, 7.624 seconds with smp enabled (for a 200M data file, with about 50,000 processes spawned). The 2-core smp result achieves about 77% faster than non-smp result. I'm not sure how will it achieve on an 8-core computer, but we'll finally reach the limit due to the un-parallelized procedures.

The Erlang time results:

$ erlc tbray.erl
$ time erl -noshell -run tbray start o1000k.ap -s erlang halt > /dev/null

real    0m13.522s
user    0m12.265s
sys     0m1.199s

$ erlc -smp tbray.erl
$ time erl -smp +P 60000 -noshell -run tbray start o1000k.ap -s erlang halt > /dev/null

real    0m7.624s
user    0m13.302s
sys     0m1.602s

# For 5 million lines, 958.4M size:
$ time erl -smp +P 300000 -noshell -run tbray start o5000k.ap -s erlang halt > /dev/null

real    0m37.085s
user    1m5.605s
sys     0m7.554s

And the original Tim's Ruby version:

$ time ruby tbray.rb o1000k.ap > /dev/null

real    0m2.447s
user    0m2.123s
sys     0m0.306s

# For 5 million lines, 958.4M size:
$ time ruby tbray.rb o5000k.ap > /dev/null

real    0m12.115s
user    0m10.494s
sys     0m1.473s

Erlang time result on 2-core 1.86GHz CPU RedHat linux box, with kernel:
Linux version 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 (brewbuilder@hs20-bc2-4.build.redhat.com) (gcc v ersion 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)) #1 SMP Mon Oct 16 14:37:32 EDT 2006
is 7.7 seconds.

Erlang time result on 2.80GHz 4-cpu xeon debian box, with kernel:
Linux version (root@test) (gcc version 4.0.3 20060128 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0 .2-8)) #1 SMP Sat Feb 25 21:24:23 CST 2006

The smp result on this 4-cpu computer is questionable. It speededup only 50% than non-smp, even worse than my 2.0GHz 2-core MacBook. I also tested the Big Bang on this machine, it speedup less than 50% too.

$ erlc tbray.erl 
$ time erl -noshell -run tbray start o1000k.ap -s erlang halt > /dev/null 

real 0m22.279s 
user 0m21.597s 
sys  0m0.676s 

$ erlc -smp tbray.erl 
$ time erl -smp +S 4 +P 60000 -noshell -run tbray start o1000k.ap -s erlang halt > /dev/null 

real 0m14.765s 
user 0m28.722s 
sys  0m0.840s 


  • All tests run several times to have the better result expressed, so, the status of disk/io cache should be near.
  • You may need to compile tbray.erl to two different BEAMs, one for smp version, and one for no-smp version.
  • If you'd like to process bigger file, you can use +P processNum to get more simultaneously alive Erlang processes. For BUFFER_SIZE=4096, you can set +P arg as FileSize / 4096, or above. From Erlang's Efficiency Guide:
    The maximum number of simultaneously alive Erlang processes is by default 32768. This limit can be raised up to at most 268435456 processes at startup (see documentation of the system flag +P in the erl(1) documentation). The maximum limit of 268435456 processes will at least on a 32-bit architecture be impossible to reach due to memory

To evaluate with smp enable: (Erlang/OTP R11B-5 for Windows may not support smp yet)

erl -smp +P 60000
> tbray:start("o1000k.ap").

The code: (pretty formatted by ErlyBird 0.15.1)




%% The best Bin Buffer Size is 4096
-define(BUFFER_SIZE, 4096). 

start(FileName) ->
    Start = now(),

    Main = self(),
    Collector = spawn(fun () -> collect_loop(Main) end),

    {ok, File} = file:open(FileName, [raw, binary]),
    read_file(File, Collector),
    %% don't terminate, wait here, until all tasks done.
        stop -> io:format("Time: ~10.2f ms~n", [timer:now_diff(now(), Start) / 1000])

read_file(File, Collector) -> read_file_1(File, [], 0, Collector).
read_file_1(File, PrevTail, I, Collector) ->
    case file:read(File, ?BUFFER_SIZE) of
        eof ->
            Collector ! {chunk_num, I},
        {ok, Bin} -> 
            {Data, NextTail} = split_on_last_newline(PrevTail ++ binary_to_list(Bin)),
            spawn(fun () -> Collector ! {dict, scan_lines(Data)} end),
            read_file_1(File, NextTail, I + 1, Collector)

split_on_last_newline(List) -> split_on_last_newline_1(lists:reverse(List), []).
split_on_last_newline_1(List, Tail) ->
    case List of
        []         -> {lists:reverse(List), []};
        [$\n|Rest] -> {lists:reverse(Rest), Tail};
        [C|Rest]   -> split_on_last_newline_1(Rest, [C | Tail])

collect_loop(Main) -> collect_loop_1(Main, dict:new(), undefined, 0).
collect_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ChunkNum) ->
    Main ! stop;
collect_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum) ->
        {chunk_num, ChunkNumX} -> 
            collect_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNumX, ProcessedNum);
        {dict, DictX} -> 
            Dict1 = dict:merge(fun (_, V1, V2) -> V1 + V2 end, Dict, DictX),
            collect_loop_1(Main, Dict1, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum + 1)
print_result(Dict) ->
    SortedList = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, dict:to_list(Dict))),
    [io:format("~p\t: ~s~n", [V, K]) || {K, V} <- lists:sublist(SortedList, 10)].

scan_lines(List) -> scan_lines_1(List, [], dict:new()).
scan_lines_1(List, Line, Dict) -> 
    case List of
        [] -> match_and_update_dict(lists:reverse(Line), Dict);
        [$\n|Rest] ->
            scan_lines_1(Rest, [], match_and_update_dict(lists:reverse(Line), Dict));
        [C|Rest] ->
            scan_lines_1(Rest, [C | Line], Dict)

match_and_update_dict(Line, Dict) ->
    case process_match(Line) of
        false -> Dict;
        {true, Word} -> 
            dict:update_counter(Word, 1, Dict)
process_match(Line) ->
    case Line of
        [] -> false;
        "GET /ongoing/When/"++[_,_,_,$x,$/,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/|Rest] -> 
            case match_until_space(Rest, []) of
                [] -> false;
                Word -> {true, [Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/] ++ Word}
        [_|Rest] -> 
match_until_space(List, Word) ->
    case List of
        [] -> [];
        [$.|_] -> [];
        [$ |_] -> lists:reverse(Word);
        [C|Rest] -> match_until_space(Rest, [C | Word])

Lessons learnt:

  • Split large binary to proper size chunks, then convert to list for further processing
  • Parallelize the most expensive part (of course)
  • We need a new or more complete Efficent Erlang



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