My first solution for Tim's exercise tried to read file in parallel, but I just realized by reading file module's source code, that file:open(FileName, Options) will return a process instead of IO device. Well, this means a lot:
- It's a process, so, when you request more data on it, you actually send message to it. Since you only send 2 integer: the offset and length, sending message should be very fast. But then, this process (File) will wait for receiving data from disk/io. For one process, the receiving is sequential rather than parallelized.
- If we look the processes in Erlang as ActiveObjects, which send/receive messages/data in async, since the receiving is sequential in one process, requesting/waiting around one process(or, object) is almost safe for parallelized programming, you usaully do not need to worry about lock/unlock etc. (except the outside world).
- We can open a lot of File processes to read data in parallel, the bound is the disk/IO and the os' resources limit.
I wrote some code to test file reading in parallel, discardng the disk cache, on my 2-core MacBook, reading file with two processes can speedup near 200% to one process.
The code:
start(FileName, ProcNum) ->
[start(FileName, ProcNum, Fun) || Fun <- [fun read_file/3, fun pread_file/3]].
start(FileName, ProcNum, Fun) ->
Start = now(),
Main = self(),
Collector = spawn(fun () -> collect_loop(Main) end),
Fun(FileName, ProcNum, Collector),
stop -> io:format("time: ~10.2f ms~n", [timer:now_diff(now(), Start) / 1000])
collect_loop(Main) -> collect_loop_1(Main, undefined, 0).
collect_loop_1(Main, ChunkNum, ChunkNum) ->
Main ! stop;
collect_loop_1(Main, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum) ->
{chunk_num, ChunkNumX} ->
collect_loop_1(Main, ChunkNumX, ProcessedNum);
{seq, _Seq} ->
collect_loop_1(Main, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum + 1)
get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum) ->
{ok, #file_info{size=Size}} = file:read_file_info(FileName),
Size div ProcNum.
read_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector) ->
ChunkSize = get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum),
{ok, File} = file:open(FileName, [raw, binary]),
read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, 0, Collector).
read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, I, Collector) ->
case file:read(File, ChunkSize) of
eof ->
Collector ! {chunk_num, I};
{ok, _Bin} ->
Collector ! {seq, I},
read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, I + 1, Collector)
pread_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector) ->
ChunkSize = get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum),
pread_file_1(FileName, ChunkSize, ProcNum, Collector).
pread_file_1(FileName, ChunkSize, ProcNum, Collector) ->
[spawn(fun () ->
Length = if I == ProcNum - 1 -> ChunkSize * 2;
true -> ChunkSize end,
{ok, File} = file:open(FileName, [read, binary]),
{ok, _Bin} = file:pread(File, ChunkSize * I, Length),
Collector ! {seq, I},
end) || I <- lists:seq(0, ProcNum - 1)],
Collector ! {chunk_num, ProcNum}.
The pread_file/3 is parallelized, it always opens new File process for each reading process instead of sharing one opened File process during all reading processes. The read_file/3 is non-parallelized.
To evaulate: (run at least two-time for each test to average disk/IO caches.)
$ erlc -smp file_pread.erl
$ erl -smp
1> file_pread:start("o100k.ap", 2).
time: 691.72 ms
time: 44.37 ms
2> file_pread:start("o100k.ap", 2).
time: 74.50 ms
time: 43.59 ms
3> file_pread:start("o1000k.ap", 2).
time: 1717.68 ms
time: 408.48 ms
4> file_pread:start("o1000k.ap", 2).
time: 766.00 ms
time: 393.71 ms
Let's compare the results for each file (we pick the second testing result of each), the speedup:
- o100k.ap, 20M, 74.50 / 43.59 - 1= 70%
- o1000k.ap, 200M, 766.00 / 393.71 - 1 = 95%
On another 4-CPU debian machine, with 4 processes, the best result I got:
4> file_pread:start("o1000k.ap", 4).
time: 768.59 ms
time: 258.57 ms
[ok, ok]
The parallelized reading speedup 768.59 / 258.57 -1 = 197%
I've updated my first solution according to this testing, opening new File process for each reading process instead of sharing the same File process. Of cource, there are still issues that I pointed in Tim Bray's Erlang Exercise on Large Dataset Processing - Round II
Although the above result can also be achieved in other Languages, but I find that coding parallelization in Erlang is a pleasure.
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