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From Rails to Erlyweb - Part II Manage Project - Reloaded


The migrating from Rails to Erlyweb of our project is going to be finished. I got more experience on how to deal with Erlyweb. First, the project management can be more straightforward. Here is it:

2. Manage project - Reloaded

Erlyweb provides erlyweb:compile(App, ..) to compile the source files under app directory. To start an app, you usually should erlydb:start(mysql, ....) and compile app files first. To make life easy, you can put some scripting like code under myproject\script directory. Here's my project source tree:

  + apps
  |   + myapp
  |       + ebin   
  |       + include
  |       + nbproject
  |       + src
  |           + components
  |           + lib
  |           + services
  |       + test
  |       + www
  + config
  |   * yaws.conf
  |   * erlyweb.conf
  + script
      + ebin
      + src
           * erlyweb_app.erl

Where, config/yaws.conf contains the yaws' configuration. Here's mine:

ebin_dir = D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin

<server localhost>
  port = 8000
  listen =
  docroot = D:/myapp/trunk/apps/myapp/www
  appmods = </myapp, erlyweb>
        start_mod = erlyweb_app
    appname = myapp
                environment = development

You may have noticed, all beams under D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin will be auto-loaded when yaws starts up. And you can prepare another yaws.conf for test or production environment by change the environment var in opaque

Now the config/erlyweb.conf:

{pa, ["script/ebin", 

{i, ["vendor", 

{production,  [{dbdriver, mysql},
               {database, "mydb_production"},
               {hostname, "localhost"}, 
               {username, "mememe"},
               {password, "pwpwpw"}]}.

{development, [{dbdriver, mysql},
               {database, "mydb_development"},
               {hostname, "localhost"}, 
               {username, "mememe"},
               {password, "pwpwpw"}]}.

{test,        [{dbdriver, mysql},
               {database, "mydb_test"},
               {hostname, "localhost"}, 
               {username, "mememe"},
               {password, "pwpwpw"}]}.

erlyweb_app.erl is the boot scripting code, which will be used to start db connection and compile the code. Currently I run these scripts manually. I'll talk later.

Notice: erlyweb 0.6.2 needed, which contains Haoboy's logfun patch.

%% @doc Main entrance to the entire erlyweb application.




db_log(Module, Line, Level, FormatFun) ->
    mysql:log(Module, Line, Level, FormatFun).
db_dummy_log(_Mod, _Line, _Level, _FormatFun) ->

%% @doc call back function when yaws start an app  
%% @see man yaws.conf
%%      start_mod = Module
%%          Defines  a  user  provided  callback  module.  At startup of the
%%          server, Module:start/1 will  be  called.   The  #sconf{}  record
%%          (defined  in  yaws.hrl) will be used as the input argument. This
%%          makes it possible for  a  user  application  to  syncronize  the
%%          startup  with  the  yaws  server as well as getting hold of user
%%          specific  configuration  data,  see  the  explanation  for   the
%%          <opaque> context.
start(SConf) ->
    Opaque = SConf#sconf.opaque,
    AppName = proplists:get_value("appname", Opaque),
    Environment = list_to_atom(proplists:get_value("environment", Opaque)),
    {_I, Pa, Pz, Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password} = get_conf(Environment),
    {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
    error_logger:info_msg("CWD: ~s~n", [Cwd]),
    add_code_path(Pa, Pz),
    LogFun = 
        case Environment of
            undefined -> 
    fun erlyweb_app:db_log/4;
      production ->
    fun erlyweb_app:db_dummy_log/4;
            development ->
    fun erlyweb_app:db_log/4;
      test ->
    fun erlyweb_app:db_log/4
    error_logger:info_msg("Starting app <~s> as <~s> using database <~s>~n", 
        [AppName, Environment, Database]),    
    start_db(Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password, LogFun).

add_code_path(Pa, Pz) ->
    AddedPa = [{Dir, code:add_patha(Dir)} || Dir <- Pa],
    AddedPz = [{Dir, code:add_pathz(Dir)} || Dir <- Pz],
    error_logger:info_msg("Add code patha: ~p~n", [AddedPa]), 
    error_logger:info_msg("Add code pathz: ~p~n", [AddedPz]).  

get_conf(Environment) when is_list(Environment) ->
get_conf(Environment) when is_atom(Environment) ->
    {ok, Confs} = file:consult("config/erlyweb.conf"),
    I = 
        case proplists:get_value(i, Confs) of
            undefined -> [];
            IX -> IX
    Pa = 
        case proplists:get_value(pa, Confs) of
            undefined -> [];
            PaX -> PaX
    Pz = 
        case proplists:get_value(pz, Confs) of
            undefined -> [];
            PzX -> PzX
    EnvConfs = proplists:get_value(Environment, Confs),
    Dbdriver = proplists:get_value(dbdriver, EnvConfs),
    Database = proplists:get_value(database, EnvConfs),
    Hostname = proplists:get_value(hostname, EnvConfs),
    Username = proplists:get_value(username, EnvConfs),
    Password = proplists:get_value(password, EnvConfs),
    {I, Pa, Pz, Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password}.

start_db(Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password, LogFun) ->
    erlydb:start(Dbdriver, [{database, Database},
          {hostname, Hostname},
          {username, Username},
          {password, Password},
          {logfun,   LogFun}]).

%% This is developer's entrance to the module.  
build(AppName) ->
    io:format("Building development version of ~s.~n", [AppName]),
    build(AppName, [debug_info], development).

build_test(AppName) ->
    io:format("Building test version of ~s.~n", [AppName]),
    build(AppName, [debug_info], test).

build_product(AppName) ->
    io:format("Building product version of ~s.~n", [AppName]),
    build(AppName, [no_debug_info], production).

build(AppName, Options, Environment) when is_atom(AppName) -> 
    build(atom_to_list(AppName), Options, Environment);
build(AppName, Options, Environment) when is_list(AppName) ->
    {I, Pa, Pz, Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password} = get_conf(Environment),
    add_code_path(Pa, Pz),
    start_db(Dbdriver, Database, Hostname, Username, Password, fun erlyweb_app:db_log/4),
    compile(AppName, Options ++ [{auto_compile, false}], I, Dbdriver).
compile(AppName, Options, I, Dbdriver) ->
    erlyweb:compile("./apps/" ++ AppName, lists:foldl(
                        fun(Dir, Acc) ->
        [{i, filename:absname(Dir)} | Acc]
      end, [], I) ++
            [{erlydb_driver, Dbdriver}] ++ Options).

decompile(AppName, Beam) when is_list(AppName) ->
    decompile(list_to_atom(AppName), Beam);
decompile(AppName, Beam) when is_atom(AppName) ->
    {BinFilename, SrcFilename} = 
        case AppName of 
            erlyweb -> 
          {"./vendor/erlyweb/ebin/" ++ atom_to_list(Beam),
           "./erlyweb_" ++ atom_to_list(Beam)};
      _ ->
          {"./apps/" ++ atom_to_list(AppName) ++ "/ebin/" ++ atom_to_list(Beam),
           "./apps/" ++ atom_to_list(AppName) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Beam)}
    decompile_beam(BinFilename, SrcFilename).

decompile_beam(BinFilename, SrcFilename) ->
    io:format("Beam file: ~s~n", [BinFilename]),
    io:format("Source file: ~s~n", [SrcFilename++".erl"]),
    {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {_, AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BinFilename, [abstract_code]),
    %% do not with ".erl" ext?, otherwise will be compiled by erlyweb
    {ok, S} = file:open(SrcFilename ++ ".erl", write), 
    io:fwrite(S, "~s~n", [erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:form_list(AC))]).

To build it,

> erlc -I /opt/local/lib/yaws/include erlyweb_app.erl -o ebin

The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin

So, I start myapp by steps:

cd \myproject
yaws -sname myapp -i --conf config/yaws.conf --erlang "-smp auto"
1> erlyweb_app:build(myapp).

The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin

After I made changes to myapp, I run above erlyweb_app:build(myapp). again, then everything is up to date.

And if you'd like to build it from another erl shell, try this:

erl -sname erlybird
(erlybird@myhost)1> rpc:call(myapp@myhost, erlyweb_app, build, [myapp])

Yes, next version of ErlyBird will support building erlyweb apps remotely in ErlyBird's Erlang shell.



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