I'm pleased to announce ErlyBird 0.12.0, an Erlang IDE based on NetBeans.
This is a bug-fix, performance improvement release. This release will only provide all-in-one IDE package,
which is in size of 15.9M.
Java JRE 5.0+ is requested.
To download, please go to:
To install:
- Unzip erlybird-bin-0.12.0-ide.zip to somewhere. For Windows user, execute 'bin/erlybird.exe'. For *nix user, 'bin/erlybird'.
- Check/set your OTP path. From [Tools]->[Options], click on 'Miscellanous', then expand 'Erlang Installation', fill in the full path of your 'erl.exe' or 'erl' file. For instance: "C:/erl/bin/erl.exe"
- The default -Xmx option for jvm is set to 256M, if you want to increase it, please open the config file that is located at etc/erlybird.conf, set -J-Xmx of 'default_options'.
When you run ErlyBird first time, the OTP libs will be indexed. The indexing time varies from 30 to 60 minutes deponding on your computer.
If you have previous version of ErlyBird installed, please delete the old cache files which are located at:
- *nix: "${HOME}/.erlybird/dev"
- mac os x: "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/erlybird/dev"
- windows: "C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\.erlybird\dev" or some where
The status of ErlyBird is still Alpha, feedback and bug reports are welcome.
- Performance improvement, especially source code rendering performance.
- Highlighting for unbound/unused variables.
- Completion for macros and records.
- Go to source files of -include and -include_lib.
- Erlang shell window in Mac OS X should work now.
- Various bug fixes.
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