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Running CCSM4


Reprinted from http://wiki.scinethpc.ca/wiki/index.php/Running_CCSM4


It is important to point out that all updates to the model system will only occur with CESM1.0 updates, not with CCSM4.0. It is also important to note that CCSM4 is a subset of CESM1. Although CESM1 supersedes CCSM4, users can run all CCSM4 experiments from the CESM1 code base.


Note: To run interactively on GPC interactive queue or TCS on small subset of interactive processors, see the instructions below.

The scientifically validated CESM1 runs are found in the list below (including a complete list of the model resolutions):


/project/ccsm/cesm1_current/scripts/create_newcase --list


For both a quick start as well as a detailed summary of creating and running 
a CESM model case, see the CESM1.0 User's Guide at
  CESM1.0 has the flexibility to configure cases with many different 
  combinations of component models, grids, and model settings, but this 
  version of CESM has only been validated scientifically for the following 
  fully active configurations:

     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850_CN
     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850_RAMPCO2_CN
     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850-2000_CN

     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850_CAM5

     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850_CN
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850_RAMPCO2_CN
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850-2000_CN

     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850_BGC-BPRP
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850_BGC-BDRD
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850-2000_BGC-BPRP
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD

     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850_CN_CHEM 
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  B_1850-2000_CN_CHEM

     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850_WACCM_CN
     1.9x2.5_gx1v6   B_1850-2000_WACCM_CN
     T31_gx3v7       B_1850_CN

  If the user is interested in running a "stand-alone" component configuration, 
  the following model configurations have been validated scientifically and 
  have associated diagnostic output as part of the release:

     1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5    F_2000_WACCM
     1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5    F_AMIP_CAM5
     1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5    F_AMIP_CN
     0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25  F_AMIP_CN

     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  I_2000
     0.9x1.25_gx1v6  I_2000_CN

     T62_gx1v6       C_NORMAL_YEAR

  For more information regarding alternative component configurations, 
  please refer to the individual component web pages at

 CESM1 RESOLUTIONS:  name (shortname) 
   pt1_pt1 (pt1)  
   0.23x0.31_0.23x0.31 (f02_f02)  
   0.23x0.31_gx1v6 (f02_g16)  
   0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 (f02_t12)  
   0.47x0.63_0.47x0.63 (f05_f05)  
   0.47x0.63_gx1v6 (f05_g16)  
   0.47x0.63_tx0.1v2 (f05_t12)  
   0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25 (f09_f09)  
   0.9x1.25_gx1v6 (f09_g16)  
   1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5 (f19_f19)  
   1.9x2.5_gx1v6 (f19_g16)  
   4x5_4x5 (f45_f45)  
   4x5_gx3v7 (f45_g37)  
   T62_gx3v7 (T62_g37)  
   T62_tx0.1v2 (T62_t12)  
   T62_gx1v6 (T62_g16)  
   T31_T31 (T31_T31)  
   T31_gx3v7 (T31_g37)  
   T42_T42 (T42_T42)  
   10x15_10x15 (f10_f10)  
   ne30np4_1.9x2.5_gx1v6 (ne30_f19_g16)  
   ne240np4_0.23x0.31_gx1v6 (ne240_f02_g16)  
   T85_T85 (T85_T85)  
 COMPSETS:  name (shortname): description 
        Description: All data model  
   A_GLC (AG) 
        Description: All data model plus glc (glacier model)  
   B_2000 (B) 
        Description: All active components, present day  
   B_2000_CN (BCN) 
        Description: all active components, present day, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in clm  
   B_1850_CAM5 (B1850C5) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial, cam5 physics  
   B_1850 (B1850) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial  
   B_1850_CN (B1850CN) 
        Description: all active components, pre-industrial, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM  
   B_2000_CN_CHEM (B2000CNCHM) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM and super_fast_llnl chem in atm  
   B_1850_CN_CHEM (B1850CNCHM) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM and super_fast_llnl chem in atm  
   B_1850_RAMPCO2_CN (B1850RMCN) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industirial with co2 ramp, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM  
   B_1850-2000 (B20TR) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient  
   B_1850-2000_CN (B20TRCN) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM  
   B_1850-2000_CN_CHEM (B20TRCNCHM) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM and super_fast_llnl chem in atm  
   B_1850-2000_CAM5 (B20TRC5) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, cam5 physics  
   B_2000_GLC (BG) 
        Description: all active components, with active glc  
        Description: All active components, with trop_mozart  
   B_1850_WACCM (B1850W) 
        Description: all active components, pre-industrial, with waccm  
   B_1850_WACCM_CN (B1850WCN) 
        Description: all active components, pre-industrial, with waccm and CN  
   B_1850-2000_WACCM_CN (B20TRWCN) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, WACCM with CN (Carbon Nitrogen) in CLM  
   B_1955-2005_WACCM_CN (B55TRWCN) 
        Description: All active components, 1955 to 2000 transient, WACCM with  daily solar data and SPEs, CLM with CN  
   B_1850_BGC-BPRP (B1850BPRP) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial, CN in CLM, ECO in POP, BGC CO2=prog, rad CO2=prog  
   B_1850_BGC-BDRD (B1850BDRD) 
        Description: All active components, pre-industrial, CN in CLM, ECO in POP, BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag  
   B_1850-2000_BGC-BPRP (B20TRBPRP) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, CN in CLM, ECO in POP, BGC CO2=prog, rad CO2=prog  
   B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD (B20TRBDRD) 
        Description: All active components, 1850 to 2000 transient, CN in CLM, ECO in POP, BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag  
        Description: Active ocean model with ecosys and with COREv2 normal year forcing  
        Description: Active ocean model with COREv2 normal year forcing  
        Description: Active ice model with COREv2 normal year forcing  
   E_2000 (E) 
        Description: Fully active cam and ice with som ocean, present day  
   E_2000_GLC (EG) 
        Description: Fully active cam and ice with som ocean and glc, present day  
   E_1850_CN (E1850CN) 
        Description: Pre-industrial fully active ice and som ocean, with CN  
   E_1850_CAM5 (E1850C5) 
        Description: Pre-industrial fully active ice and som ocean, cam5 physics   
        Description: AMIP run for CMIP5 protocol - valid only for 1 degree cam/clm/pres-cice  
        Description: AMIP run for CMIP5 protocol with cam5  
   F_1850 (F1850) 
        Description: Pre-industrial cam/clm with prescribed ice/ocn  
   F_1850_CAM5 (F1850C5) 
        Description: Pre-industrial cam/clm with prescribed ice/ocn, cam5 physics  
   F_2000 (F) 
        Description: Stand-alone cam default, prescribed ocn/ice  
   F_2000_CAM5 (FC5) 
        Description: Stand-alone cam default, prescribed ocn/ice, cam5 physics  
   F_2000_CN (FCN) 
        Description: Stand-alone cam default, prescribed ocn/ice with CN  
   F_1850-2000_CN (F20TRCN) 
        Description: 20th Century transient stand-alone cam default, prescribed ocn/ice, with CN  
   F_2000_GLC (FG) 
        Description: Stand-alone cam default, prescribed ocn/ice, glc (glacier model)  
   F_1850_CN_CHEM (F1850CNCHM) 
        Description: stand-alone cam/clm, pre-industrial, with CN in CLM, super_fast_llnl chem in cam  
   F_1850_WACCM (F1850W) 
        Description: Pre-industrial cam/clm with prescribed ice/ocn  
   F_2000_WACCM (FW) 
        Description: present-day cam/clm with prescribed ice/ocn  
   G_1850_ECOSYS (G1850ECO) 
        Description: 1850 control for pop-ecosystem/cice/datm7/dlnd-rx1  
        Description: Coupled ocean ice with COREv2 normal year forcing  
        Description: Coupled ocean ice slnd  
   I_2000 (I) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 2003 and Satellite phenology (SP), CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 2000  
   I_1850 (I1850) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 1972 and Satellite phenology (SP), CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 1850  
   I_2000_GLC (IG) 
        Description: Active glacier model and active land model with QIAN atm input data for 2003 and Satellite phenology (SP), CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 2000  
   I_1948-2004 (I4804) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 2004 and Satellite phenology (SP), CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 2000  
   I_1850-2000 (I8520) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 2004 and transient Satellite phenology (SP), and Aerosol deposition from 1850 to 2000 and 2000 CO2 level  
   I_2000_CN (ICN) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 2003 and CN (Carbon Nitrogen) biogeochemistry, CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 2000  
   I_1850_CN (I1850CN) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 1972 and CN (Carbon Nitrogen) biogeochemistry, CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 1850  
   I_1948-2004_CN (I4804CN) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 2004 and CN (Carbon Nitrogen) biogeochemistry, CO2 level and Aerosol deposition for 2000  
   I_1850-2000_CN (I8520CN) 
        Description: Active land model with QIAN atm input data for 1948 to 1972 and transient CN, Aerosol dep from 1850 to 2000 and 2000 CO2 level  
        Description: All stub models plus xatm  
        Description: All dead model  
        Description: All dead model and cism  
 MACHINES:  name (description)
   tcs (U of T IBM p6, os is AIX, 32 pes/node, batch system is Moab/LoadLeveler) 
   gpc (U of T iDataPlex intel cluster, os is linux, 8 pes/node, batch system is Moab/Torque) 
   bluefire (NCAR IBM p6, os is AIX, 32 pes/node, batch system is LSF) 
   brutus_po (Brutus Linux Cluster ETH (pgi/9.0-1 with open_mpi/1.4.1), 16 pes/node, batch system LSF, added by UB) 
   brutus_pm (Brutus Linux Cluster ETH (pgi/9.0-1 with mvapich2/1.4rc2), 16 pes/node, batch system LSF, added by UB) 
   brutus_io (Brutus Linux Cluster ETH (intel/10.1.018 with open_mpi/1.4.1), 16 pes/node, batch system LSF, added by UB) 
   brutus_im (Brutus Linux Cluster ETH (intel/10.1.018 with mvapich2/1.4rc2), 16 pes/node, batch system LSF, added by UB) 
   edinburgh_lahey (NCAR CGD Linux Cluster (lahey), 8 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   edinburgh_pgi (NCAR CGD Linux Cluster (pgi), 8 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   edinburgh_intel (NCAR CGD Linux Cluster (intel), 8 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   franklin (NERSC XT4, os is CNL, 4 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   hadley (UCB Linux Cluster, os is Linux (ia64), batch system is PBS) 
   hopper (NERSC XT5, os is CNL, 8 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   intrepid (ANL IBM BG/P, os is BGP, 4 pes/node, batch system is cobalt) 
   jaguar (ORNL XT4, os is CNL, 4 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   jaguarpf (ORNL XT5, os is CNL, 12 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   kraken (NICS/UT/teragrid XT5, os is CNL, 12 pes/node) 
   lynx_pgi (NCAR XT5, os is CNL, 12 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   midnight (ARSC Sun Cluster, os is Linux (pgi), batch system is PBS) 
   pleiades (NASA/AMES Linux Cluster, Linux (ia64), Altix ICE, 3.0 GHz Harpertown processors, 8 pes/node and 8 GB of memory, batch system is PBS) 
   pleiades_wes (NASA/AMES Linux Cluster, Linux (ia64), Altix ICE, 2.93 GHz Westmere processors, 12 pes/node and 24 GB of memory, batch system is PBS) 
   prototype_atlas (LLNL Linux Cluster, Linux (pgi), 8 pes/node, batch system is Moab) 
   prototype_hera (LLNL Linux Cluster, Linux (pgi), 16 pes/node, batch system is Moab) 
   prototype_columbia (NASA Ames Linux Cluster, Linux (ia64), 2 pes/node, batch system is PBS) 
   prototype_frost (NCAR IBM BG/L, os is BGL, 8 pes/node, batch system is cobalt) 
   prototype_nyblue (SUNY IBM BG/L, os is BGL, 8 pes/node, batch system is cobalt) 
   prototype_ranger (TACC Linux Cluster, Linux (pgi), 1 pes/node, batch system is SGE) 
   prototype_ubgl (LLNL IBM BG/L, os is BGL, 2 pes/node, batch system is Moab) 
   generic_ibm (generic ibm power system, os is AIX, batch system is LoadLeveler, user-defined) 
   generic_xt (generic CRAY XT, os is CNL, batch system is PBS, user-defined) 
   generic_linux_pgi (generic linux (pgi), os is Linux, batch system is PBS, user-defined) 
   generic_linux_lahey (generic linux (lahey), os is Linux, batch system is PBS, user-defined) 
   generic_linux_intel (generic linux (intel), os is Linux, batch system is PBS, user-defined) 
   generic_linux_pathscale (generic linux (pathscale), os is Linux, batch system is PBS, user-defined) 

Initializing the Model Setup:

The initial setup of the model on TCS is simplified with the short script below


export CCSMROOT=/project/ccsm/ccsm4_0_current
export SCRATCH=/scratch/$USER
export MACH=tcs
export COMPSET=B_1850_CN
export RES=f19_g16
export CASEROOT=~/runs/ccsm4_comp-${COMPSET}_res-${RES}

cd $CCSMROOT/scripts
./create_newcase -verbose -case $CASEROOT -mach $MACH -compset $COMPSET -res $RES -scratchroot $SCRATCH 

NOTE: $CCSMROOT should point to the model code version in /project/ccsm with the "_current" after it. The same for CESM1

NOTE: $CASEROOT which will specify your model run naming conventions will not archive properly (to short term archiving directory i.e. /scratch) if your CASEROOT name is too long. It is best to keep it short.


This script creates an 1850 control with all components of the model fully active and carbon nitrogen cycling in the land component, The resolution is 1.9x2.5 in the atmosphere and x1 in the ocean. The file is created in the ~/run directory:

For valid component sets see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/ccsm4.0/ccsm_doc/a2967.html For information on resolution sets see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/ccsm4.0/ccsm_doc/x42.html#ccsm_grids

Load Balancing:

For the NCAR bluefire load balancing table for a select set of simulations see: CESM1: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/timing/ CCSM4: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/ccsm4.0/timing/

cd ~/runs/ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16

edit env_mach_pes.xml

<entry id="NTASKS_ATM"   value="448"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_ATM"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_ATM"   value="0"  />   

<entry id="NTASKS_LND"   value="320"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_LND"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_LND"   value="160"  />   

<entry id="NTASKS_ICE"   value="64"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_ICE"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_ICE"   value="0"  />   

<entry id="NTASKS_OCN"   value="256"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_OCN"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_OCN"   value="224"  />   

<entry id="NTASKS_CPL"   value="224"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_CPL"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_CPL"   value="0"  />   

<entry id="NTASKS_GLC"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="NTHRDS_GLC"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="ROOTPE_GLC"   value="0"  />   

<entry id="PSTRID_ATM"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="PSTRID_LND"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="PSTRID_ICE"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="PSTRID_OCN"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="PSTRID_CPL"   value="1"  />   
<entry id="PSTRID_GLC"   value="1"  />   

Once this file is modified you can configure the case

./configure -case

You will notice that configure will change the file the you just edited and you can see the total processors used by the simulation (704 or 11 nodes in this case):

<entry id="TOTALPES"   value="704"  />   
<entry id="PES_LEVEL"   value="1r"  />   
<entry id="MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"   value="64"  />   
<entry id="PES_PER_NODE"   value="64"  />   
<entry id="CCSM_PCOST"   value="-3"  />   
<entry id="CCSM_TCOST"   value="0"  />   
<entry id="CCSM_ESTCOST"   value="-3"  />   

Note: Rather than modifying the load balancing manually, NCAR has written a script that resides in your $CASE running directory that allows you to modify the individual component CPU allocation without playing with the env_mach_pes.xml file:

To try a different configuration we might want 8 cpus running the OCN component continually and the remaining 24 cpus running atm on 24 then LND, ICE and CPL on 8 each. To set this up you enter;

configure -cleanmach
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ATM -val 24
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_LND -val 8 
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ICE -val 8
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id ROOTPE_ICE -val 8
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_CPL -val 8
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id ROOTPE_CPL -val 16
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_OCN -val 8
xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id ROOTPE_OCN -val 24
configure -case

Then build and resubmit

The task geometry used by loadleveler on TCS is located in the file: ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16.tcs.run

Ensure that the proper modules are loaded:

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:

 1) ncl/5.1.1               3) netcdf/4.0.1_nc3        5) xlf/13.1
 2) nco/3.9.6               4) parallel-netcdf/1.1.1   6) vacpp/11.1

Now compile the model with:


One of the pre-processing steps in this build sequence is to fetch inputdat sets (initial and boundary conditions) from the NCAR SVN server. You may want to do this yourself before you build on the datamover1 node if there is a large amount of initial condition data to transfer from the NCAR repository. datamover1 has a high bandwidth connection to the outside. Note: We have most of the input data on /project/ccsm already so this step will not be required for the more common configurations.

> ssh datamover1
Last login: Wed Jul  7 16:38:14 2010 from tcs-f11n06-gpfs
user@gpc-logindm01:~>cd ~/runs/ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16
user@gpc-logindm01:~/runs/ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16>./check_input_data -inputdata /project/ccsm/inputdata -export
Input Data List Files Found:
export https://svn-ccsm-inputdata.cgd.ucar.edu/trunk/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/aero_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc /project/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/aero_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc ..... success

Setting the Simulation Length:

The amount of time that you would like to run the model can be set by editing env_run.xml at anytime in the setup sequence

<entry id="RESUBMIT"   value="10"  />   

<entry id="STOP_OPTION"   value="nmonths"  />   

<entry id="STOP_N"   value="12"  />   

These settings will tell the model to checkpoint after each model year (12 months) and run for a total of 10 years (10 checkpoints)

Running CCSM4 on the Distributed System (TCS):

The model is now ready to be submitted to the TCS batch queue

llsubmit ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16.tcs.run

Once the model has run through a checkpoint timing information on the simulation will be found in:


Standard output from the model can be followed during runtime by going to:


and running

tail -f <component_log_file>

The model will archive the NetCDF output in:


Cloning Simulations

A useful command that allow for the setup of multiple runs quickly is the clone command. It allows for the cloning of a case quickly (so there is no need to run the setup script above every time)

cd ~/runs
/project/ccsm/ccsm4_0_current/scripts/create_clone -clone ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f09_g16 -case ccsm4_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f09_g16_clone -v

To change the load balancing (env_mach_pes.xml) in a current simulation setup or other parameters you can do a clean build to make sure the model is rebuilt properly:

./configure -cleanmach
./configure -case

Running CCSM4 on GPC

The setup script is almost identical:


export CCSMROOT=/project/ccsm/ccsm4_0_current
export SCRATCH=/scratch/guido
export MACH=gpc
export COMPSET=B_1850_CN
export RES=f09_g16
export CASEROOT=~/runs/ccsm4gpc_comp-${COMPSET}_res-${RES}

cd $CCSMROOT/scripts
./create_newcase -verbose -case $CASEROOT -mach $MACH -compset $COMPSET -res $RES 

To load balance and run the model follow the steps above: The env_mach_pes.xml configuration files needs to be modified as follows:

<entry id="MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"   value="8"  />   
<entry id="PES_PER_NODE"   value="8"  />   

Use qsub to submit the model to the GPC cluster:

qsub ccsm4gpc_comp-B_1850_CN_res-f19_g16.tcs.run


Running CCSM4 interactively on TCS

In the run script you need to specify the following set and unset of environment variables. You also need a hostfile that will describe the node procs that you will be using

unsetenv MP_EUILIB

setenv MP_PROCS 16 

setenv MP_NODES 1

/usr/bin/poe /project/ccsm/bin/ccsm_launch ./ccsm.exe -hfile /project/<user>/runs/<casename>/hostfile

and the hostfile looks like (for 16 threads of tcs02)

--> more hostfile





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    Ubuntu Linux 3D 教程,真的可以用,不管你信不信,反正我是信了。


    在ccsm的“常规”选项中,设置“Display settings”的“纹理过滤器”为最佳,取消“检测刷新率”并设定“刷新率”为200。然后在“Desktop size”选项卡中调整桌面大小,以适应你的需求。 除了旋转立方体,还有其他...


    4. **窗口组合**:例如,当打开多个窗口时,可以通过预览窗口快速切换。在“window management”中的“grid”或“scale”插件可以调整这些设置。 以上只是部分特效的简单介绍,实际上ccsm提供了许多其他特效和...


    4. **使用CCSM开启特效**: - 在开启"窗口装饰"选项以避免可能出现的标题栏问题。 - 解决可能出现的插件冲突提示,如禁用某些插件或忽略按键冲突。 5. **特效配置详解**: - **旋转立方体**:在CCSM的"常规"选项...


    - **Dedicated to the Land Model Working Group**:文档表达了对土地模型工作组的敬意,工作组在2008年获得了CCSM杰出成就奖,意在表彰他们对地表模型科学的贡献。 - **Table of Contents**:手册包含目录,方便...


    在Ubuntu中,3D效果主要通过CompizConfig Settings Manager(CCSM)和Compiz Fusion来实现。首先,你需要安装这两个工具。打开终端(快捷键Ctrl+Alt+T),然后输入以下命令: ``` sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get...

    数据集 + 关于Heinrich Event 1的气候模拟研究

    Handiani, DN及其团队(2013年)利用两种不同的全球气候模型——维多利亚大学地球系统-气候模型(UVic ESCM)和社区气候系统模型版本3(CCSM3),对Heinrich Event 1(简称HE1,大约发生在17,500年前)期间热带地区...


    该模型以前称为社区气候系统模型(CCSM)。 该模型可以只运行海洋成分,也可以运行海洋-海冰成分,并通过NCEP / NCAR再分析数据或完全耦合的模型输出来强迫大气中的值。 当使用NCEP / NCAR再分析数据进行强迫时,该...


    CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager) 是一款强大的桌面配置工具,可以用来启用Ubuntu桌面的各种特效和3D加速效果。通过以下命令安装: ```bash sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager ``` #### 七...


    4. 启用“环形切换条”,按住“Super”键,通过“Tab”键实现环形切换。 5. 开启“轮转切换条”,同样利用“Super”键和“Tab”键进行窗口切换。 通过以上步骤,你将能充分利用Ubuntu 10.04的3D桌面特效,提升你的...


    4. **显卡驱动正确安装**: - 对于Intel集成显卡,通常无需额外操作,因为Ubuntu安装过程中已经包含了相应的开源驱动。 - 对于NVIDIA或AMD显卡,需要通过“系统”&gt;“系统管理”&gt;“硬件驱动”来检查并安装合适的闭...


    - **重要性**:安装CCSM后,可以在系统-首选项中找到compizconfig设置管理器,这是实现高级3D特效的关键。 #### 五、设定开机自动启用3D桌面 - **步骤**: - 点击“系统”-&gt;“首选项”-&gt;“启动应用程序”。 - 在...


    要在Ubuntu中启用Compiz,首先需要确保系统已经安装了CompizConfig Settings Manager(CCSM)。这可以通过Ubuntu Software Center或命令行(使用`sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager`)来完成。...

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