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As our readers might already have guessed, I deal with memory leaks on a daily basis. A particular type of the OutOfMemoryError messages has recently started catching my attention – the issues triggered by misused ThreadLocals have become more and more frequent. Looking at the causes for such leakages, I am starting to believe that more than half of those are caused by developers who either have no clue what they are doing or who are trying to apply a solution to the problems which it is not meant to solve.
Instead of grinding my teeth, I decided to open up the topic by publishing two articles, first of which you are currently reading. In the post I explain the motivation behind ThreadLocal usage. In the second post currently in progress I will open up the ThreadLocal bonnet and look at the implementation.
Let us start with an imaginary scenario in which ThreadLocal usage is indeed reasonable. For this, say hello to our hypothetical developer, named Tim. Tim is developing a webapp, in which there is a lot of localized content. For example a user from California would expect to be greeted with date formatted using a familiar MM/dd/yy pattern, one from Estonia on the other hand would like to see a date formatted according to dd.MM.yyyy. So Tim starts writing code like this:
After a while, Tim finds this to be boring and against good practices – the application code is polluted with such initializations. So he makes a seemingly reasonable move by extracting the DateFormat to an instance variable. After making the move, his code now looks like the following:
Happy with the refactoring results, Tim tosses an imaginary high five to himself, pushes the change to the repository and walks home. Few days later the users start complaining – some of them seem to get completely garbled strings instead of the former nicely formatted dates.
Investigating the issue Tim discovers that the DateFormat implementation is not thread safe. Meaning that in the scenario above, if two threads simultaneously use the formatCurrentDate() and formatFirstOfJanyary1970() methods, there is a chance that the state gets mangled and displayed result could be messed up. So Tim fixes the issue by limiting the access to the methods to make sure one thread at a time is entering at the formatting functionality. Now his code looks like the following:
After giving himself another virtual high five, Tim commits the change and goes to a long-overdue vacation. Only to start receiving phone calls next day complaining that the throughput of the application has dramatically fallen. Digging into the issue he finds out that synchronizing the access has created an unexpected bottleneck in the application. Instead of entering the formatting sections as they pleased, threads now have to wait behind one another.
Reading further about the issue Tim discovers a different type of variables called ThreadLocal. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via ThreadLocal’s get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. Happy with the newly discovered concept, Tim once again rewrites the code:
Going through a process like this, Tim has through painful lessons learned a powerful concept. Applied like in the last example, the result serves as a good example about the benefits.
But the newly-found concept is a dangerous one. If Tim had used one of the application classes instead of the JDK bundled DateFormat classes loaded by the bootstrap classloader, we are already in the danger zone. Just forgetting to remove it after the task at hand is completed, a copy of that Object will remain with the Thread, which tends to belong to a thread pool. Since lifespan of the pooled Thread surpasses that of the application, it will prevent the object and thus a ClassLoader being responsible for loading the application from being garbage collected. And we have created a leak, which has a chance to surface in a good old java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space form
Another way to start abusing the concept is via using the ThreadLocal as a hack for getting a global context within your application. Going down this rabbit hole is a sure way to mangle your application code with all kind of unimaginary dependencies coupling your whole code base into an unmaintainable mess.
As our readers might already have guessed, I deal with memory leaks on a daily basis. A particular type of the OutOfMemoryError messages has recently started catching my attention – the issues triggered by misused ThreadLocals have become more and more frequent. Looking at the causes for such leakages, I am starting to believe that more than half of those are caused by developers who either have no clue what they are doing or who are trying to apply a solution to the problems which it is not meant to solve.
Instead of grinding my teeth, I decided to open up the topic by publishing two articles, first of which you are currently reading. In the post I explain the motivation behind ThreadLocal usage. In the second post currently in progress I will open up the ThreadLocal bonnet and look at the implementation.
Let us start with an imaginary scenario in which ThreadLocal usage is indeed reasonable. For this, say hello to our hypothetical developer, named Tim. Tim is developing a webapp, in which there is a lot of localized content. For example a user from California would expect to be greeted with date formatted using a familiar MM/dd/yy pattern, one from Estonia on the other hand would like to see a date formatted according to dd.MM.yyyy. So Tim starts writing code like this:
public String formatCurrentDate() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); return df.format(new Date()); } public String formatFirstOfJanyary1970() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); return df.format(new Date(0)); }
After a while, Tim finds this to be boring and against good practices – the application code is polluted with such initializations. So he makes a seemingly reasonable move by extracting the DateFormat to an instance variable. After making the move, his code now looks like the following:
private DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); public String formatCurrentDate() { return df.format(new Date()); } public String formatFirstOfJanyary1970() { return df.format(new Date(0)); }
Happy with the refactoring results, Tim tosses an imaginary high five to himself, pushes the change to the repository and walks home. Few days later the users start complaining – some of them seem to get completely garbled strings instead of the former nicely formatted dates.
Investigating the issue Tim discovers that the DateFormat implementation is not thread safe. Meaning that in the scenario above, if two threads simultaneously use the formatCurrentDate() and formatFirstOfJanyary1970() methods, there is a chance that the state gets mangled and displayed result could be messed up. So Tim fixes the issue by limiting the access to the methods to make sure one thread at a time is entering at the formatting functionality. Now his code looks like the following:
private DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); public synchronized String formatCurrentDate() { return df.format(new Date()); } public synchronized String formatFirstOfJanyary1970() { return df.format(new Date(0)); }
After giving himself another virtual high five, Tim commits the change and goes to a long-overdue vacation. Only to start receiving phone calls next day complaining that the throughput of the application has dramatically fallen. Digging into the issue he finds out that synchronizing the access has created an unexpected bottleneck in the application. Instead of entering the formatting sections as they pleased, threads now have to wait behind one another.
Reading further about the issue Tim discovers a different type of variables called ThreadLocal. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via ThreadLocal’s get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. Happy with the newly discovered concept, Tim once again rewrites the code:
public static ThreadLocal df = new ThreadLocal() { protected DateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); } }; public String formatCurrentDate() { return df.get().format(new Date()); } public String formatFirstOfJanyary1970() { return df.get().format(new Date(0)); }
Going through a process like this, Tim has through painful lessons learned a powerful concept. Applied like in the last example, the result serves as a good example about the benefits.
But the newly-found concept is a dangerous one. If Tim had used one of the application classes instead of the JDK bundled DateFormat classes loaded by the bootstrap classloader, we are already in the danger zone. Just forgetting to remove it after the task at hand is completed, a copy of that Object will remain with the Thread, which tends to belong to a thread pool. Since lifespan of the pooled Thread surpasses that of the application, it will prevent the object and thus a ClassLoader being responsible for loading the application from being garbage collected. And we have created a leak, which has a chance to surface in a good old java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space form
Another way to start abusing the concept is via using the ThreadLocal as a hack for getting a global context within your application. Going down this rabbit hole is a sure way to mangle your application code with all kind of unimaginary dependencies coupling your whole code base into an unmaintainable mess.
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理解ThreadLocal 理解ThreadLocal 理解ThreadLocal 理解ThreadLocal
threadLocal.set("这是线程A的值"); ``` 3. **获取线程局部变量的值:** 当你需要访问这个值时,使用`get()`方法。这将返回与当前线程关联的值。 ```java String value = threadLocal.get(); // 返回"这是线程A的...
ThreadLocal 整理 ThreadLocal 是 Java 中的一个重要组件,它能够在每个线程中保持独立的副本。这个功能是通过 Thread 类中的 threadLocals 属性来实现的,这个属性实际上是一个 Entry 数组,其中的每个 Entry 都...
由于提供的文件内容包含了大量的OCR扫描错误和重复内容,我将尽力根据现有的信息,提供一个关于ThreadLocal的知识点总结。如果出现无法理解的片段,我会尝试根据上下文进行合理推断并忽略错误的部分。 在Java中,...
在 `LeakingServlet` 的 `doGet` 方法中,如果 `ThreadLocal` 没有设置值,那么会创建一个新的 `MyCounter` 并设置到 `ThreadLocal` 中。关键在于,一旦 `MyCounter` 被设置到 `ThreadLocal`,那么它将与当前线程...
Java事务和ThreadLocal是两种在Java编程中至关重要的概念,它们分别用于处理多线程环境下的数据一致性问题和提供线程局部变量。 首先,我们来深入理解Java事务。在数据库操作中,事务是一系列操作的集合,这些操作...
### 正确理解ThreadLocal:深入解析其工作原理与应用场景 #### 一、ThreadLocal的基本概念 `ThreadLocal`是Java平台提供的一种线程局部变量的解决方案,它为每一个使用该变量的线程都提供了独立的变量副本,使得每...
【Android ThreadLocal 实现原理】 ThreadLocal 是 Android 开发中常用的一个工具类,它允许我们在多线程环境中为每个线程维护独立的变量副本。理解它的实现原理对于优化并发编程和减少线程间的干扰至关重要。 1. ...
### Java中ThreadLocal详解 #### 一、ThreadLocal概述 在Java多线程编程中,`ThreadLocal`是一个非常重要的工具类,它提供了一种在每个线程内部存储线程私有实例的方法。通常情况下,当多个线程共享某个变量时,...
本资料主要聚焦于两种设计模式以及Java中的ThreadLocal特性。 首先,我们来探讨单例模式。单例模式是一种确保一个类只有一个实例,并提供全局访问点的设计模式。在Java中,通常通过私有构造函数、静态工厂方法或...
在多核计算机上优化程序时,一个不错的起点是考虑程序是否可以被分割成可以在多个核心上并行执行的部分。如果解决方案可以被视作是针对大数据集中的每个元素执行的计算密集型操作,那么它就是利用.NET Framework 4中...
**线程局部变量(ThreadLocal)** 在Java编程中,`ThreadLocal`是一个非常重要的工具类,它用于在多线程环境中提供线程安全的局部变量。`ThreadLocal`并不是一个线程,而是一个线程局部变量的容器,每个线程都有自己...