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  • 来自: 上海

ExtJS使用Sencha Cmd合并javascript文件为一个文件

1. Motivation
To reduce page load time by reducing the requests of fetching JavaScript files.

2. Creating a production build manually
Download and Install Sencha Cmd and Extjs sdk
1) Download SenchaCmd- and ext-4.2.1-gpl.zip
2) Install SenchaCmd-
3) Add Sencha cmd bin directory to you path, for me, C:\tools\SenchaCmd\bin\Sencha\Cmd\ is added to my path
4) Extract ext-4.2.1-gpl.zip, assume the extracted folder name is C:\tools\ext-

Create a new Sencha Cmd Project for getting the configuration files required to build iem-web
1) Open a command prompt
2) Change directory to C:\tools\ext-
3) Enter the following command
sencha generate app IEM ProjectBuild/IEM
4) You will see a generated project named IEM under C:\tools\ext-\ProjectBuild\IEM
5) Why we need this step? We want to get the configuration files required by sencha cmd for iem-web, we can easily do modification on these files instead of creating them manually.

Copy Your Project files into the Sencha Cmd Project
1) Remove app folder under ProjectBuild/IEM
2) Copy iem-web/app folder to ProjectBuild/IEM
3) Copy iem-web/IemApp.js, iemForCompile.jsp, api-debug.js, Util.js to ProjectBuild/IEM

Create a Production Build
1) Modify ProjectBuild/IEM/.sencha/app/sencha.cfg file.
a) set app.classpath=${app.dir}/app,${app.dir}/iemApp.js
b) set app.page.name=iemForCompile.jsp
2) add “skip.sass=true” to ProjectBuild/IEM/.sencha/app/production.properties
3) Open a command prompt and change directory to ProjectBuild/IEM
4) Enter the following command:
sencha app build
5) You will see the generated files under C:\tools\ext-\build\IEM\production
all-classes.js and iemForCompile.jsp
6) Rename iemForCompile.jsp to iem.jsp
7) Copy the all-classes.js and iem.jsp to your tomcat
8) Open iem.jsp and do the following change
a) Change
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/ext-theme-classic/ext-theme-classic-all.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext/resources/ext-theme-classic/ext-theme-classic-all.css">

b) Remove <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/IEM-all.css"/>
9) Your final iem.jsp will look like this
Jsp related codes are omitted …

		<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext/resources/ext-theme-classic/ext-theme-classic-all.css">
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/app_style.css">
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/iemStyles.css">
			<div align="center" id="divLoadPage" class="loadingText">Loading page, please wait ... </div>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="all-classes.js"></script>

10) test your application at http://localhost:8080/iem-web/iem.jsp

3. Integrating the build with maven
Copy extjs related files and sencha cmd related files required by building process to iem-web\jsBuild folder.
Please note this step is to prepare the execution environment for iem-web, the JavaScript files of iem-web are not in this folder, and they will be copied in maven.
Run sencha generate app IEM ProjectBuild/IEM command under iem-web\jsBuild\ext- to generate an empty IEM project and the configuration files we need.
Still we don’t have the iem-web JavaScript files.
Modify configuration files as described on section “Creating a production build manually” to configure iem-web project properly.

The folder structure looks like as following screenshot:

Modify pom.xml to do the integration
1) Copy iem-web JavaScript files to jsBuild/ext- for build


2) We need to do some modification, because we need to run the “sencha app build” command under jsBuild/ext- folder, so we need to modify some related path in iem.jsp

            <id>modify iem.jsp for build</id>
                <target name="modify iem.jsp for build">
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/resources/" value="../../resources/"/>
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/ext-all-debug.js" value="../../ext-dev.js"/>
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/ext-all.js" value="../../ext-dev.js"/>
            <id>copy sencha cmd output files and bankup the original jsp file</id>
                <target name="copy sencha cmd output files and bankup the original jsp file">
                	<!-- first bankup the original iem.jsp -->
                    <copy file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" tofile="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp"/>
                    <copy file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" tofile="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/all-classes.js"/>
            <id>modify generated js file</id>
                <target name="modify generated js file">
                    <replace file="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp" token="../../resources" value="ext/resources"/>
                    <replace file="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp">
		  <replacetoken><![CDATA[<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/IEM-all.css"/>]]></replacetoken>

3) Start the build by executing external command in maven or use maven execution plug-in to do this
a) By executing external command

	<id>Creating a Production Build with Sencha Command</id>
              <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"/>
	<equals arg1="${OS}" arg2="Windows_NT" />
		<echo message="invoking jsBuild.bat"/>
		<echo message="OS =${OS}" />
		<echo message="os.name = ${os.name}" />
		<echo message="os.arch = ${os.arch}" />
		<echo message="os.version = ${os.version}" />
		<exec dir="${basedir}" executable="${basedir}\jsBuild\jsBuild.bat"></exec>                                    
		<echo message="invoking jsBuild.sh"/>
		<echo message="OS =${OS}" />
		<echo message="os.name = ${os.name}" />
		<echo message="os.arch = ${os.arch}" />
		<echo message="os.version = ${os.version}" />
		<exec dir="${basedir}" executable="${basedir}\jsBuild\jsBuild.sh"></exec>                                    

The content of jsBuild.bat:
@echo off
set "CURRENT_DIR=%cd%"
cd jsBuild\ext-\ProjectBuild\IEM
java -Xms256m -Xmx800m -jar ../../../senchaCmd/sencha.jar app build

The content of jsBuild.sh
BASEDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

echo change to project directory
cd jsBuild\ext-\ProjectBuild\IEM
echo current directory is ${PWD}

echo *********************************start building js********************************
java -Xms1024m -Xmx1280m -jar ../../../senchaCmd/sencha.jar app build
echo *********************************end building js**********************************

cd ${CURDIR}

b) Use maven execution plug-in

	<id>Creating a Production Build with Sencha Command</id>
		<target name="Start building process">
			<echo message="os.name = ${os.name}"/>
			<echo message="os.arch = ${os.arch}"/>
			<echo message="os.version = ${os.version}"/>
			<echo message="java.class.path = ${java.class.path}"/>
			<java dir="${basedir}/jsBuild//ext-"
				jar="${basedir}/jsBuild/senchaCmd/sencha.jar" fork="true"
				failonerror="false" maxmemory="800m">
				<sysproperty key="DEBUG" value="true"/>
				<jvmarg line="-Xms256m -Xmx800m"/>
				<arg value="app"/>
				<arg value="build"/>
					<pathelement location="${basedir}/jsBuild/senchaCmd/sencha.jar"/>
					<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>

The purpose of running bat or sh files is to run “sencha app build” under the specified folder jsBuild\ext-\ProjectBuild\IEM, this is required by sencha cmd, otherwise they are a lot of configuration files need to adjusted and I am not sure whether we can adjust them correctly.

4) Also don’t forget to clean up the related files in a new round of building

<plugin>  <!-- Clean up the rsults of copy resources -->
			<!-- clean up the copied files for js build -->
			<!-- clean up the output files of js build -->

5) A sample pom.xml related SenchaCmd is as following:
SenchaCmd Intergration with Maven


<plugin>  <!-- Clean up the rsults of copy resources -->
			<!-- clean up the copied files for js build -->
			<!-- clean up the output files of js build -->

<!-- 			<plugin> -->
<!-- 			  <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> -->
<!-- 			  <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> -->
<!-- 			  <version>1.2</version> -->
<!-- 			  <executions>	 -->
<!-- 			    <execution> -->
<!-- 			      <id>Creating a Production Build with Sencha Command</id> -->
<!-- 			      <phase>generate-sources</phase> -->
<!-- 			      <goals> -->
<!-- 			        <goal>exec</goal> -->
<!-- 			      </goals> -->
<!-- 					<configuration> -->
<!-- 		                <executable>${jsBuildScript}</executable> -->
<!-- 		            </configuration> -->
<!-- 			    </execution> -->
<!-- 			  </executions> -->
<!-- 			</plugin> -->

            <id>modify iem.jsp for build</id>
                <target name="modify iem.jsp for build">
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/resources/" value="../../resources/"/>
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/ext-all-debug.js" value="../../ext-dev.js"/>
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/ext-all.js" value="../../ext-dev.js"/>
		<replace file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" token="ext/ext-all-dev.js" value="../../ext-dev.js"/>

				<id>Creating a Production Build with Sencha Command</id>
					<target name="Start building process">
						<echo message="os.name = ${os.name}"/>
						<echo message="os.arch = ${os.arch}"/>
						<echo message="os.version = ${os.version}"/>
						<echo message="java.class.path = ${java.class.path}"/>
						<java dir="${basedir}/jsBuild//ext-"
							jar="${basedir}/jsBuild/senchaCmd/sencha.jar" fork="true"
							failonerror="false" maxmemory="800m">
							<sysproperty key="DEBUG" value="true"/>
							<jvmarg line="-Xms256m -Xmx800m"/>
							<arg value="app"/>
							<arg value="build"/>
								<pathelement location="${basedir}/jsBuild/senchaCmd/sencha.jar"/>
								<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>

            <id>copy sencha cmd output files and bankup the original jsp file</id>
                <target name="copy sencha cmd output files and bankup the original jsp file">
                	<!-- first bankup the original iem.jsp -->
                    <copy file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" tofile="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp"/>
                    <copy file="${basedir}/jsBuild/ext-" tofile="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/all-classes.js"/>
                <id>modify generated js file</id>
                    <target name="modify generated js file">
                        <replace file="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp" token="../../resources" value="ext/resources"/>
                        <replace file="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/iemc.jsp">
			  <replacetoken><![CDATA[<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/IEM-all.css"/>]]></replacetoken>

4. Frequent build failure error
1) Try not code in the following way
     store: Ext.create(‘StoreClass’);

Try to instantiate store in initComponent method
2) Missed some required class
3) Required class is in all-classes.js, but its definition after its usage
  • 大小: 72 KB
2 楼 xiehuaidong880827 2015-05-13  
你好,我用sencha cmd打包完本地工程后,把app.js拷贝进去不能使用?能不能帮我看一下?QQ765273095  非常感谢
1 楼 cw_xcy 2014-07-18  



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