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Getting the class from an object
Getting Class info of an Object in Flex
Frequently we may come across one requirement when we will be having one object and we want to know which class this object belongs to. In java, its as simple as object. getClass();
Flex also provides us with a class, mx.utils.ObjectUtil, which we can use for this purpose.
will return information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object.
• name: String containing the name of the class;
• Properties: Sorted list of the property names of the specified object.
These are the properties we can use for that.
It’s often useful to know which class had generated some fault event and we can use the above code
How to instantiate Class from Class Name
One frequently asked question is how to instantiate a Class if you don't know the Class until runtime. The "new" operator simply operates on a Class. There's no reason that class has to be hard coded. It could be a variable of Class type. The trick then becomes setting the variable. Often this is done by using getDefintionByName () as below:
However this requires you to have the fully qualified name. Sometimes this isn't practical. You could thus do something simpler which requires a little more hard coding:
Lastly, any classes that are dynamically instantiated have to have been compiled into the SWF (or retrieved from a module/RSL/etc). Simply importing a Class does not accomplish this. (Importing is simply a way so you don't have to write the package name in front of the class every time.) There are three main ways (that I know of) to link a Class into a project.
The first is the method is to use the Class somewhere in the code. Examples of this include (as above) defining a variable of the class type or assigning the Class to a variable of type Class. Another example is rschmidt's comment below that you can instantiate an array that holds the classes.
The second method is to use the extraClass property of the Frame or Mixin tag. Warning, these methods may cause linkage problems.
Lastly, you can use the compiler options (how boring).
Personally, I think I prefer rschmidt's method. It's the most economical with code (and probably other resources as well).
Getting Class info of an Object in Flex
Frequently we may come across one requirement when we will be having one object and we want to know which class this object belongs to. In java, its as simple as object. getClass();
Flex also provides us with a class, mx.utils.ObjectUtil, which we can use for this purpose.
will return information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object.
• name: String containing the name of the class;
• Properties: Sorted list of the property names of the specified object.
These are the properties we can use for that.
It’s often useful to know which class had generated some fault event and we can use the above code
How to instantiate Class from Class Name
One frequently asked question is how to instantiate a Class if you don't know the Class until runtime. The "new" operator simply operates on a Class. There's no reason that class has to be hard coded. It could be a variable of Class type. The trick then becomes setting the variable. Often this is done by using getDefintionByName () as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" applicationComplete="init()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass; // all classes you may want to instantiate should be imported. import myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass2; // all classes you may want to instantiate should be imported. public var dummy:MyClass; // forces "MyClass" to be linked in by the complier"; public var dummy:MyClass2; // forces "MyClass2" to be linked in by the complier"; public function init():void { var className:String; if (true) { // really this should be a useful conditional className = "myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass"; //use fully qualified name } else { className = "myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass2"; //use fully qualified name } var definition:Class = getDefinitionByName(className) as Class; // get class var myInstance:Object = new definition(); // create new instance of the class of type MyClass } ]]> </mx:Script> </mx:Application>
However this requires you to have the fully qualified name. Sometimes this isn't practical. You could thus do something simpler which requires a little more hard coding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" applicationComplete="init()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass; import myPackage.mySubPackage.MyClass2; public function init():void { var definition:Class; if (true) { // really this should be a useful conditional definition = myClass; } else { definition = myClass2 } var myInstance:Object = new definition(); // create new instance of the class of type MyClass } ]]> </mx:Script> </mx:Application>
Lastly, any classes that are dynamically instantiated have to have been compiled into the SWF (or retrieved from a module/RSL/etc). Simply importing a Class does not accomplish this. (Importing is simply a way so you don't have to write the package name in front of the class every time.) There are three main ways (that I know of) to link a Class into a project.
The first is the method is to use the Class somewhere in the code. Examples of this include (as above) defining a variable of the class type or assigning the Class to a variable of type Class. Another example is rschmidt's comment below that you can instantiate an array that holds the classes.
The second method is to use the extraClass property of the Frame or Mixin tag. Warning, these methods may cause linkage problems.
Lastly, you can use the compiler options (how boring).
Personally, I think I prefer rschmidt's method. It's the most economical with code (and probably other resources as well).
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FlexContext, FlexClient,FlexSession
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确保在调用对象的方法或访问其属性之前,该对象已经被正确实例化。 2. Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: className 这表示编译器无法找到指定的类名或该类在编译时未定义。检查...
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但通过`SpringRemotingDestinationBootstrapService`,我们可以自动导出带有@Service注解且名称以“FlexService”结尾的Spring Bean,将其转换为BlazeDS的RemoteObject。 3. **配置属性**: `...
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这个方法在组件的背景被绘制时调用,可以通过`Graphics`对象来绘制线条、形状等。例如: ```actionscript override protected function drawBackground(graphics:Graphics):void { graphics.beginFill(0xCCCCCC);...
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1. 实例化RemoteObject:`service = new RemoteObject("helloService");` 这里"helloService"是服务的标识,对应Java端的服务接口或类。 2. 设置请求超时时间:`service.requestTimeout = 600;` 这意味着如果在10...
- **实例化**:创建`FileReference`对象。 - **browse() 方法**:弹出文件选择对话框。 - **upload() 方法**:上传文件到服务器。 #### 2.2 FileReferenceList - **实例化**:创建`FileReferenceList`对象。 - **...