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A Critique of the Sharpe Ratio

Author: David Harding, Winton Capital Management

The Sharpe ratio is a statistic which aims to sum up the desirability of a risky investment strategy or instrument by dividing the average period return in excess of the risk-free rate by the standard deviation of the return generating process. Devised in 1966 as a measure of performance for mutual funds, it undoubtedly has some value as a measure of strategy "quality" but it also has several crucial limitations. Furthermore, its widespread and often indiscriminate adoption as a quality measure is leading to distortion of proper investment priorities, as investment firms manipulate strategies and data to maximise it.


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    A Critique of the CAP Theorem

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    A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels

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    A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels.pdf

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    A Critique of C++.rar

    《C++批判》这篇文章主要探讨了C++编程语言的一些关键特性、优缺点以及在实际应用中的挑战。C++,由Bjarne Stroustrup于1983年创建,是一种中级语言,它结合了面向对象编程(OOP)、泛型编程和过程化编程的特性。...

    Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' - An Introduction

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