Here is the original script (in Chinese).
This nice talk let me review the assumption (failure of EMH) that I use for the anlysis model that I'm currently working with. Now I realize that EMH is half true or half false, which doesn't matter since there's no perfect model that can prove it. Within a short scope of time, the market can be predictable, since perceptions are the main driver behind prices under such circumstance. Furthermore, powered by game theory or financial psychology, these perceptions can be studied. For the long run, however, prices are largely determined by the underlying assets' value and all kinds of random economical or political events. Unless you have the inside information or are insightful enough to forseen the profitability, EMH works there.
Jobson, J. , & Korkie, B. (1981). Performance hypothesis testing with the Sharpe and Treynor measures. Journal of Finance, 36 (4), 889–908 .
Ledoit, O., Wolf, M. (2008). Robust performance hypothesis testing with the Sharpe ratio. Journal of Empirical Finance 15, pp.850–859.
时间序列分析——The main focus of this book is on a systematic development of the theory of sequential hypothesis testing (Part I) and changepoint detection (Part II). In Part III, we briefly describe...
the famous Efficient Market Hypothesis is stated in terms of computational complexity, a new perspective). Chapters 2 and 3 give the necessary tools of Statistics for analyzing financial time series,...
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood The Love Hypothesis是Ali Hazelwood创作的romance小说,于2021年出版。该小说获得了广泛的好评,许多作者和评论家都对其大加赞誉。 按照小说的描述,这部小说是一本温暖、...
本文讨论了数学中最著名的问题之一——黎曼猜想。黎曼猜想是由德国数学家伯恩哈德·黎曼于1859年提出的,关于黎曼ζ函数零点的分布。黎曼ζ函数定义为: $$ζ(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^s} = \prod_{p} ...
《PyPI官网下载:深入理解hypothesis-5.37.2.tar.gz》 PyPI(Python Package Index)是Python开发者广泛使用的软件仓库,它提供了丰富的Python库供用户下载和使用。在本篇中,我们将聚焦于一个特定的包——...
Python库Hypothesis是自动化测试领域的一个强大工具,版本3.44.3-py3-none-any.whl表明这是专为Python 3编译的,适用于任何架构。这个whl文件是一个预编译的Python包,它使得安装过程更加简便快捷,用户无需自行构建...
Python库`hypothesis_jsonschema`是用于生成和验证JSON数据结构的测试工具,它结合了`Hypothesis`库的强大的假设生成功能与JSON Schema的验证能力。`Hypothesis`是一个广受欢迎的Python库,它能自动生成测试用例,...
《PyPI官网下载:深入理解hypothesis-3.81.0.tar.gz》 PyPI(Python Package Index)是Python编程语言的官方软件仓库,它为开发者提供了一个平台,可以发布、查找和安装Python库。在PyPI官网上,我们可以找到各种...
标题中的“Python库 | hypothesis-5.20.2-py3-none-any.whl”指的是一个特定版本的Python第三方库Hypothesis,版本号为5.20.2,适用于Python 3环境。Hypothesis是一个强大的自动化测试工具,它通过生成和验证测试...
Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis 集合理论与连续体假说
Moreover, the observed "fair game" properties of the coefficients and residuals of the risk-return regressions are consistent with an "efficient capital market1'-that is, a market where prices of ...
多假设跟踪(Multiple Hypothesis Tracking, MHT)是一种广泛应用于现代多目标跟踪系统中的数据关联问题解决方法。该方法通过处理多个可能的数据关联假设来提高系统的准确性和鲁棒性。本文将详细介绍MHT的基本原理、...
hypothesis-python, 基于高级属性的python ( QuickCheck像) 测试 假设假设是 python的高级测试库。 它允许你编写由示例源化的测试,然后生成简单且可以理解的示例,使你的测试失败。 这样可以在代码中找到更多的Bug...
本书《The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum...》由麻省理工学院的计算机科学家Riz Virk撰写,它探讨了关于现实世界的本质及其可能是一种计算机模拟的理论,这个观点也被...