I happen to find AMPL, "a computer language for describing production, distribution, blending, scheduling and many other kinds of problems known generally as large-scale optimization or mathematical programming." (from
www.ampl.com) Here's an exmaple on the transportation allocation proving its elegance.:
set ORIG; # origins
set DEST; # destinations
param supply {ORIG} >= 0; # amounts available at origins
param demand {DEST} >= 0; # amounts required at destinations
check: sum {i in ORIG} supply[i] = sum {j in DEST} demand[j];
param cost {ORIG,DEST} >= 0; # shipment costs per unit
var Trans {ORIG,DEST} >= 0; # units to be shipped
minimize total_cost:
sum {i in ORIG, j in DEST} cost[i,j] * Trans[i,j];
subject to Supply {i in ORIG}:
sum {j in DEST} Trans[i,j] = supply[i];
subject to Demand {j in DEST}:
sum {i in ORIG} Trans[i,j] = demand[j];
data; ############ DATA STARTS HERE ############
param: ORIG: supply := # defines set "ORIG" and param "supply"
GARY 1400
CLEV 2600
PITT 2900 ;
param: DEST: demand := # defines "DEST" and "demand"
FRA 900
DET 1200
LAN 600
WIN 400
STL 1700
FRE 1100
LAF 1000 ;
param cost:
GARY 39 14 11 14 16 82 8
CLEV 27 9 12 9 26 95 17
PITT 24 14 17 13 28 99 20 ;
As you see, there's a clear seperation between the model and the data. Without using this natural mathmatical language, it takes 2-3 times of lines of code to program in other language APIs.
《UML精粹:标准对象建模语言简明指南》是一本深受欢迎的UML学习资料,由Martin Fowler等作者撰写。UML(统一建模语言)是软件工程领域中用于系统建模的一种标准化语言,它提供了一种图形化的方式来描述、可视化和...
-Perry Cole, MCIWorldComThe Unified Modeling Language (UML) has rapidly become the standard notation for modeling software-intensive systems. This book provides the definitive description of UML from ...
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, and Grady Booch Published 2005 by Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-321-24562-8 File UMLRefCD.pdf contains an ...
Unified Modeling Language (UML)又称统一建模语言或标准建模语言. This is a PPT about UML introduction.
Addison.Wesley.The.Unified.Modeling.Language.User.Guide.2nd.Edition 这是一本对于UML系统介绍的书,名称叫导引,因为对于初学者不会太晦涩,语言很生动易懂。但这不代表本书点到即止。对于UML的介绍其实非常...
UML,即统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language),是一种标准化的图形化语言,用于对软件系统进行可视化、详述、构造以及文档化。该书不仅详细介绍了UML的基础概念和高级应用,还提供了实用的指导原则,帮助读者...
该压缩包包含两份文件:一本是《The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 2nd Edition》的CHM格式电子书,这是一种常见的Windows帮助文档格式,便于读者查阅和检索;另一份是BBL.nfo文件,通常在分享的压缩包中,...
统一建模语言(UML)用户指南第二版是一本专门为UML学习者提供的指南,它详尽地介绍了UML的核心概念及其应用。由UML的三位创始人Grady Booch、James Rumbaugh和Ivar Jacobson共同编写。本书作为行业标准的参考指南,...
统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,简称UML)是一种标准化的图形化语言,用于软件系统的设计、建模、文档化以及分析。它提供了一套统一的符号和规则,帮助软件工程师在设计阶段更清晰、更准确地表达和交流...
OMG统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)是由对象管理组织(Object Management Group,OMG)所提出的一种标准的建模语言。UML主要被用于软件开发领域,它是软件工程中一种可视化的建模语言,用于对软件...
### OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) #### 概述 OMG Systems Modeling Language(简称SysML)是一种基于模型的系统工程语言,它由对象管理组织(Object Management Group, OMG)开发并标准化。SysML的设计...
Addison Wesley - The Unified Modeling Language User Guide.chm
The authors have done an ... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has rapidly become the standard notation for modeling software-intensive systems. This book provides the definitive description of UML
ISO/IEC19501:2005(E) 是一个正式的标准文档,定义了统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)的规范版本1.4.2。UML是一种广泛使用的图形化建模语言,旨在为软件密集型系统的开发提供一套标准化的方法论。该...
UML (Unified Modeling Language) 统一建模语言 UML (Unified Modeling Language) 是一种标准化的建模语言,用于描述软件系统的结构、行为和架构。UML 提供了一种通用的语言,用于描述系统的需求、设计和实现。UML ...
This specification defines the Unified Modeling Language (UML), revision 2. The objective of UML is to provide system architects, software engineers, and software developers with tools for analysis, ...
统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,简称UML)是一种用于软件工程的标准图形化语言,它支持面向对象技术的分析、设计与实现过程。UML 2.0规范是该语言的一个重大版本更新,发布于2005年8月,由多个国际知名...
《UML参考手册》在第1版的基础上进行了重大更新和扩展。UML的创建者James Rumbaugh、Ivar Jacobson和Grady Booch,清晰完整地讲述了UML的所有概念,包括对序列图、活动模型、状态机、组件、类和组件的内部结构以及...